Evaluasi fiscal term PSC pada wilayah kerja X.
" Fiscal Term Evaluation of PSC in the Work Area X" aims to analyze whether the development of gas field development is feasible with low pricing conditions. Stipulation development contracts undertaken by Split for 85 Results: 15% for oil and 65: 35% for gas. From the results of the economic calculations are done using a Production Sharing Contract (PSC), found that the development of working area X is initially using a revenue share of 85:15% for Condensate and 65:35% for Gas. On the condition of the oil clan of $ 76.00 / BBL and an IRR of 50.76% POT for 4.7 years. In because oil prices dropped significantly making worthiness IRR and POT make this project become less economical, with provisions MARR determined by the contractor, has obtained the amount of profit sharing and the price of oil and gas in accordance with the feasibilit y of developing the field. Gas prices are adjusting IRR with MARR set by the contractor was at $ 6.966 / MMBTU with revenue share split 85%: 15% for condensate and 60%: 40% for gas. MARR as an indicator to determine kelayakaan a field development so can result in changes to the split condensate amounted to 77.6: 22.4% at a price of $ 43.02 / BBL and for gas amounted to 62.8: 37.2% at a price of $ 7.23 / MMBTU.