Evaluasi dan optimasi hidrolika lumpur pemboran dan pengangkatan cutting pada sumur BGS lapangan PRY
Nomor Panggil : 1205/TP/2019
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2019
Pembimbing 1 : Abdul Hamid
Pembimbing 2 : Pauhesti Rusdi
Subyek : Drilling;Petroleum engineering
Kata Kunci : drilling fluid hydraulic, cutting transport ratio, BHHP, ECD, PBI
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500161_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 18 | |
2. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500161_Bab-1.pdf | 3 | |
3. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500161_Bab-2.pdf | 21 |
4. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500161_Bab-3.pdf | 3 |
5. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500161_Bab-4.pdf | 12 |
6. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500161_Bab-5.pdf | -1 |
7. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500161_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
8. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500161_Lampiran.pdf | 45 |
M Menganggap bahwa semakin besar daya yang disampaikan fluida terhadap batuan akan semakin besar pula efek pembersihannya, sehingga metoda ini berusaha untuk mengoptimumkan horse power (daya), yang dipakai di pahat dari horse power pompa yang tersedia di permukaan. Yang kedua adalah metoda Bit Hydraulic Impact (BHI) yang menganggap bahwa semakin besar impact (tumbukan sesaat) yang diterima batuan formasi dari lumpur yang dipancarkan dari bit semakin besar pula efek pembersihannya, sehingga metoda ini berusaha untuk mengoptimumkan impact pada pahat. Lalu yang terakhir adalah Jet Velocity (JV) yang memiliki prinsip bahwa semakin besar laju alir yang terjadi pada pahat akan semakin besar efektivitas pembersihan dasar lubang. Maka metoda ini berusaha untuk mengoptimumkan laju alir pompa supaya laju alir di pahat maksimum. Pada evaluasi dan optimasi hidrolika fluida pemboran sumur BGS lapangan PRY dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode BHHP. Evaluasi dan optimasi dilakukan dengan menganalisis jenis aliran yang terjadi baik di dalam pipa maupun di anulus, dengan membandingkan kecepatan kritis dan kecepatan rata-rata fluida pemboran maka dapat diketahui jenis alirannya. Lalu selanjutnya dengan menghitung kehilangan tekanan yang terjadi pada surface connection, drill pipe, dan anulus.
T There are often found various problems in the drilling operation, one of them is suboptimal cutting lifting. The suboptimal cutting lifting causes some problems such as the occurrence of gumbo from unlifting cutting, cuttings that accumulate on the bit caused by bit balling and stuck pipe if the bit cleaning is not proper. Therefore to minimize bit balling and stuck pipe, exact hydraulic drilling mud optimization is needed. Hydraulic evaluation requires hydraulic drilling data and physical properties such as flow rate (Q), mud density (Ï), plastic viscosity (PV), yield point (YP), and other drilling data. The purpose of the evaluation of hydraulic drilling mud is to know or calculate Reynolds number in the annulus and to know pressure loss in drilling system. Flow patterns designed to avoid turbulent flow. If turbulent flow occurs the friction effect will be bigger than laminar flow. Because of this, a study of hydraulic planning is needed before drilling and efficiency analysis also important to know if hydraulic that has been planned and the flowing water in the drill string was already optimal. The purpose of this final task is to know the effectiveness of drilling fluid hydraulic system at the well BGS field PRY and also to know the effectiveness of removal cutting from well (hole cleaning). In drilling fluid hydraulic there are three different methods and also has different principle, the first one is Bit Hydraulic Horse Power (BHHP) which assumes that the bigger horse power that delivered by the fluid to the rock, the bigger also the cleaning effect is, so this method seeks to optimize the horse power from the pump available on the surface. The second one is Bit Hydraulic impact (BHI) method which assumes that the bigger impact recieved by the formation from emited drilling mud in the bit, also the bigger the cleaning effect is, so this method seeks to optimize the impact in the bit. The last one is Jet Velocity (JV) which has principle that the bigger flow rate that occurs in the bit, the bigger effectivenes of cleaning the bottom of the hole. So this method seeks to optimize the pump flow rate so the flow rate in the bit is maximum. In evaluating and optimizing fluid hydraulics drilling BGS well and PRY field is carried out using the BHHP method. Evaluation and optimization can be done by analyzing the type of flow that occurs inside the pipe or in the annulus, by comparing critical velocity and average velocity of drilling fluid, we can know the type of the flow. Next by calculating the pressure loss occurs on the surface connection, drill pipe, and annulus. After that can be optimized with the BHHP method. In the actual calculation hydraulics of trajectory 17½ BGS wells with mud density 10.1 ppg, flow rate 1000 gpm, and TFA 1.42 in2, obtained Pbit 460.99 psi. On trajectory 12 ¼ with density 11.7 ppg, flow rate 800 gpm, and TFA 1.37 in2 obtained Pbit 365.29 psi, and on trajectory 8 ½ with density 10.5 ppg, flow rate 500 gpm, and TFA 0, 6627 in2, Pbit 550.49 psi is obtained. After being optimized on trajectory 17½, the flow rate of 1174.73 gpm and TFA 0.88 in2, trajectory 12 ¼ with a flow rate of 1003.08 and TFA 0.90 in2, and route 8½ with flow rates of 557.66 and TFA 0, 57 in2. For hole cleaning calculating BGS well trajectory 17½, the actual data is obtained where the cutting transport ratio is below 75% and the concentration of cutting is above 5% so the hole cleaning on route 17½ is not optimal. For trajectory 12 ¼ the actual data obtained is the cutting transport ratio which is still below 75% so that the lifting of cutting is not optimal. Furthermore, on route 8½ also experienced the same obstacle, namely the cutting transport ratio below 75% and PBI below 1. After optimization by changing the density of mud, PV, YP, and replacing Q with optimal Q obtained on trajectory 17 ½, 12 ¼, and 8 ½ cutting transport ratios above 75% and cutting concentrations below 5%, and PBI above or equal to 1 so that the cutting will be lifted perfectly.