Evaluasi performa produksi sumur pada struktur nad dengan menggunakan metode chan's diagnostic plot dan decline curve analysis


Oleh : Nadira Putri Irianto

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 889/TP/2018

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2018

Pembimbing 1 : M. Taufiq Fathadin

Pembimbing 2 : Ridha Husla

Subyek : Oil technic - Research;Oil wells - Production standard

Kata Kunci : water coning, Chan’s diagnostic plot, decline curve analysis

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2018_TA_TM_071001400119_HALAMAN-JUDUL.pdf 16
2. 2018_TA_TM_071001400119_BAB-1.pdf 2
3. 2018_TA_TM_071001400119_BAB-2.pdf
4. 2018_TA_TM_071001400119_BAB-3.pdf 3
5. 2018_TA_TM_071001400119_BAB-4.pdf 27
6. 2018_TA_TM_071001400119_BAB-5.pdf
7. 2018_TA_TM_071001400119_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf 1
8. 2018_TA_TM_071001400119_LAMPIRAN.pdf 11

T Tugas Akhir yang berjudul “Evaluasi Performa Produksi Sumur pada Struktur NAD dengan Menggunakan Metode Chan’s Diagnostic Plot dan Decline Curve Analysis” ini dibahas mengenai evaluasi performa produksi berdasarkan performa produksi sumur ND-05, ND-112, dan ND-115 untuk dilihat mekanisme perilaku air yang terjadi pada tiap-tiap sumur dan ramalan penurunan produksi minyak keseluruhan pada struktur NAD. Metode Chan’s Diagnostic Plot adalah sebuah metode atau teknik baru untuk menentukan mekanisme produksi air dan gas yang berlebihan seperti yang terdapat dalam sumur produksi minyak bumi yang telah dikembangkan dan diverifikasi. Metode Chan digunakan untuk mengetahui problema perilaku air di dalam sumur ND-05, ND-112, dan ND-115. Metode Decline Curve Analysis dianalisis dari data produksi minyak pada sumur di struktur NAD lapangan X. Pada awal identifikasi masalah sumur melalui well history diagram dan well mechanical status, penurunan produksi minyak pada struktur NAD terdapat masalah selain permasalahan air yaitu sering kali terjadinya scale, lalu sering kali terjadi lepasnya sucker rod, dan plunger scratch. Pada analisis dengan menggunakan metode Chan’s Diagnostic Plot menunjukkan bahwa sumur ND-05 mengalami Near Wellbore Channeling atau Channeling di dekat lubang bor, Sumur ND-112 mengalami Multilayer Channeling, Sumur ND-115 mengalami Normal Displacement with high WOR atau perpindahan normal dengan WOR yang tinggi.

T The Final Project, entitled "Evaluation of Well Production Performance in NAD Structure Using Chan's Diagnostic Plot and Decline Curve Analysis Methods" is discussed about production performance evaluation based on ND-05, ND-112, and ND-115 well production performance to see the water behavior mechanism which occurs in each well and forecasts for a decrease in overall oil production in the structure of NAD. Chan's Diagnostic Plot method is a new method or technique for determining the mechanism of excessive production of water and gas such as those contained in petroleum production wells that have been developed and verified. Chan method is used to find out the problem of water behavior in ND-05, ND-112, and ND-115 wells. The Decline Curve Analysis method was analyzed from the oil production data on wells in the structure of NAD field X. At the beginning of the well problem identification through well history diagrams and well mechanical status, a decrease in oil production in the NAD structure had a problem other than water problems, which is often the scale, then often times the release of the sucker rod, and the scratch plunger. In the analysis using the Chan's Diagnostic Plot method shows that ND-05 well experienced Near Wellbore Channeling or Channeling near the drill hole, the ND-112 well experienced Multilayer Channeling, ND-115 well experienced Normal Displacement with high WOR.

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