Optimasi biaya operasi alat gali muat pada tambang terbuka Grasberg, PT Freepot Indonesai
Nomor Panggil : 542/TT/2018
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2018
Pembimbing 1 : Hermanto Saliman
Pembimbing 2 : Reza Aryanto
Subyek : Loading - Tools - Costs;Unloading - Tools - Costs
Kata Kunci : cycle time, productivity, equipment requirement, operating cost
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2018_TA_TB_073001400123_Halaman-judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2018_TA_TB_073001400123_Bab-1.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2018_TA_TB_073001400123_Bab-2.pdf | 4 |
4. | 2018_TA_TB_073001400123_Bab-3.pdf | 3 |
5. | 2018_TA_TB_073001400123_Bab-4.pdf | 17 |
6. | 2018_TA_TB_073001400123_Bab-5.pdf | 2 |
7. | 2018_TA_TB_073001400123_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 1 | |
8. | 2018_TA_TB_073001400123_Lampiran.pdf |
D Dalam suatu kegiatan penambangan, peralatan mekanis mutlak dibutuhkanguna menunjang kegiatan penambangan itu sendiri. Penelitian ini dilakukanoptimasi terhadap alat gali muat dengan mempertimbangkan biaya operasi(operating cost) dari alat gali muat yang merupakan biaya terbesar dalam kegiatanpenambangan. Dengan dilakukan optimasi terhadap alat gali muat yang digunakan,diharapkan dapat menunjang kegiatan penambangan yang lebih optimal dan dapatmengurangi biaya operasi alat mekanis tambang. Metode penelitian yangdigunakan adalah metode penelitian pendekatan tindakan yang bertujuan untukmenentukan metode yang paling efisien. Produktivitas Electric Shovel P&H 2800adalah 3339 ton/jam, produktivitas Hydraulic Shovel O&K RH 200 adalah 3103ton/jam dan produktivitas Haul Truck Cat 793 adalah 125,3 ton/jam. Targetproduksi dari tambang terbuka Grasberg adalah 160.000 ton per hari. Dalammencapai target produksi dibutuhkan 2 Electric Shovel P&H 2800, 2 HydraulicShovel O&K RH 200 dan 116 Haul Truck Cat 793 dengan produksi 221.363 tonper hari dan biaya operasional 27.889 USD per jam. Dilakukan optimasi denganmemperhatikan ketersediaan alat aktual, produktivitas alat dan biaya operasi,dimana alat gali muat yang digunakan hanya satu jenis yaitu Electric Shovel P&H2800. Dibutuhkan 3 Electric Shovel P&H 2800 dan 91 Haul Truck Cat 793 untukmencapai target produksi. Produksi yang didapat ialah 176.268 ton per hari denganbiaya operasi 21.788 USD per jam. Biaya operasi kombinasi alat aktual adalah3,063 USD/ton, biaya operasi kombinasi alat rencana adalah 3,024 USD/ton danbiaya operasi kombinasi alat rekomendasi adalah 2,967 USD/ton. Terdapat efisiensibiaya operasional antara kombinasi alat aktual dengan kombinasi alat rekomendasiserta kombinasi alat rencana dengan kombinasi alat rekomendasi. Efisiensi biayaoperasi kombinasi alat aktual dengan kombinasi alat rekomendasi adalah 0,096USD/ton dimana akan terdapat penghematan biaya operasi sebesar 6.203.454 USDtiap tahun, sedangkan efisiensi biaya operasi kombinasi alat rencana dengankombinasi alat rekomendasi adalah 0,057 USD/ton dimana akan ada penghematanbiaya operasi sebesar 3.680.322 USD tiap tahun.
I In a mining activity, mechanical equipment is absolutely needed to supportmining activities. This research is carried out an optimization of loading equipment,by considering the operating cost of the loading equipment, which is the biggestcost in mining activities By optimizing the loading equipment used, it is expected tosupport mining activities to be more optimal and can reduce the operating costs ofmining equipment. The research method used is an action approach researchmethod that aims to determine the most efficient method. The P&H 2800 ElectricShovel productivity is 3339 tons/hour, the productivity of the O&K RH 200Hydraulic Shovel is 3103 tons/hour and the productivity of the Cat 793 Haul Truckis 125.3 tons/hour The production target of the Grasberg open pit is 160,000tons/day. In achieving the target, it needs 2 P&H 2800 Electric Shovels, 2 O&KRH 200 Hydraulic Shovels and 116 Cat 793 Haul Truck with a production of221,363 tons/day and operating costs of 27,889 USD/hour. Optimization is done byobserving the availability of equipment, productivity and operating costs, by usingonly one type of loading equipment, the P&H 2800 Electric Shovel. It takes 3 P&H2800 Electric Shovel and 91 Cat 793 Haul Truck to achieve production targets. Theproduction obtained is 176,268 tons per day with an operating cost of 21,788USD/hour. The combination of the actual equipment operating cost is 3.063USD/ton, the operating cost of the planned equipment combination is 3.024USD/ton and the operating cost of the recommendation equipment combination is2.967 USD/ton. There is an operating cost efficiency between the combination ofthe actual equipment with the combination of the recommendation equipment andthe combination of the planned equipment with the combination of therecommendation equipment. The efficiency of the operatimg cost for thecombination of the actual equipment with the combination of the recommendationequipment is 0.096 USD/ton where there will be an operating cost savings of6,203,454 USD/year, while the efficiency of the operating cost for the combinationof the planned equipment with the combination of the recommendation tools is0.057 USD/ton where there will be an operating cost savings of 3,680,322USD/year