Tanggung jawab direksi terhadap kerugian atas pelanggaran klausula negative covenants perjanjian kredit (studi putusan nomor 19/pdt.g/2023/pn sda)
Penerbit : FH - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2025
Pembimbing 1 : Heru Pringgondani Sanusi
Kata Kunci : Corporate Law, Board of Directors\\\' Responsibility, Negative Covenants, Credit Agreement, Unlawful
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 8 | |
2. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Surat-Pernyataan-Revisi-Terakhir.pdf | 1 | |
3. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Surat-Hasil-Similaritas.pdf | 1 | |
4. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Halaman-Pernyataan-Persetujuan-Publikasi-Tugas-Akhir-untuk-Kepentingan-Akademis.pdf | 1 | |
5. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 1 | |
6. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Pernyataan-Orisinalitas.pdf | 1 | |
7. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Formulir-Persetujuan-Publikasi-Karya-Ilmiah.pdf | 1 | |
8. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Bab-1.pdf | 20 | |
9. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Bab-2.pdf | 44 |
10. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Bab-3.pdf | 11 |
11. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Bab-4.pdf | 24 |
12. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Bab-5.pdf | 2 | |
13. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 6 | |
14. | 2025_SK_SHK_010002100106_Lampiran.pdf | 182 |
B Berdasarkan doktrin hukum korporasi, pihak ketiga dapat meminta keadilan atas kerugian perseroan yang ditimbulkan direksi melalui gugatan pengadilan dengan dalil doktrin Piercing the Corporate Veil pada Pasal 97 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas. Pada Putusan Nomor 19/Pdt.G/2023/PN Sda, majelis hakim menolak gugatan pihak ketiga terhadap direksi perseroan. Majelis hakim mengemukakan bahwa Pasal 97 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas mengatur tentang permintaan pertanggungjawaban direksi kerugian yang diderita perseroan, bukan pihak ketiga. Permasalahannya adalah apakah pertimbangan majelis hakim telah sesuai dengan doktrin Piercing the Corporate Veil dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas dan doktrin hukum korporasi. Serta, bagaimana tanggung jawab direksi PT Hair Star Indonesia terhadap kerugian PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk atas pelanggaran klausula negative covenants perjanjian kredit menurut peraturan perundang-undangan. Untuk menjawab permasalahan, dilakukan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian normatif terhadap asas hukum korporasi dan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pengolahan data kualitatif dan pengambilan kesimpulan deduktif. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa pertimbangan hakim mengenai pertanggungjawaban direksi PT Hair Star Indonesia tidak sesuai dengan Piercing the Corporate Veil. Kerugian immateriil PT OCBC NISP Tbk yang ditimbulkan oleh pelanggaran klausula negative covenants perjanjian kredit oleh PT Hair Star Indonesia dapat menyebabkan direksi PT Hair Star Indonesia bertanggung jawab penuh secara pribadi terhadap kerugian PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk sesuai Pasal 97 ayat (3) UUPT.
B Based on the doctrine of corporate law, third parties can seek justice for the company\'s losses incurred by the directors through a court lawsuit with the doctrine of Piercing the Corporate Veil in Article 97 paragraph (3) of Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. In Decision Number 19/Pdt.G/2023/PN Sda, the panel of judges rejected the third party\\\'s lawsuit against the directors of the company. The panel of judges argued that Article 97 paragraph (3) of Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies regulates the request for liability of directors for losses suffered by the company, not third parties. The problem is whether the consideration of the panel of judges is in accordance with the doctrine of Piercing the Corporate Veil in Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies and the doctrine of corporate law. As well as, how is the responsibility of the directors of PT Hair Star Indonesia for the loss of PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk for violating the negative covenants clause of the credit agreement according to statutory regulations. To answer the problem, descriptive research is conducted with normative research on the principles of corporate law and related laws and regulations. The research was conducted with qualitative data processing and deductive inference. The results illustrate that the judge\\\'s consideration of the liability of the directors of PT Hair Star Indonesia is not in accordance with Piercing the Corporate Veil. The immaterial losses of PT OCBC NISP Tbk caused by the violation of the negative covenants clause of the credit agreement by PT Hair Star Indonesia can cause the directors of PT Hair Star Indonesia to be fully personally liable for the losses of PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk in accordance with Article 97 paragraph (3) of the Company Law.