Pengembangan model pengukuran kinerja divisi production di PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia

Oleh : Minhad Mahmud

Info Katalog

Subyek : Personnel management;Performance - Measurement;Organizational effectiveness

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2015

Pembimbing 1 : Parwadi Moengin

Kata Kunci : performance measurement model, model validation

Status Posting : Published

Status : Tidak Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2015_TA_MTI_163130004_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2015_TA_MTI_163130004_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf
3. 2015_TA_MTI_163130004_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf
4. 2015_TA_MTI_163130004_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf
5. 2015_TA_MTI_163130004_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf
6. 2015_TA_MTI_163130004_Bab-4_Pengumpulan-Data.pdf
7. 2015_TA_MTI_163130004_Bab-5_Pengembangan-Sistem.pdf
8. 2015_TA_MTI_163130004_Bab-6_Veifikasi.pdf
9. 2015_TA_MTI_163130004_Bab-7_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf
10. 2015_TA_MTI_163130004_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf
11. 2015_TA_MTI_163130004_Lampiran.pdf

D Di tahun 2014 sekitar 30 persen atau sekitar 1 miliar yen akan menjadi penambahan investasi bagi Indonesia khususnya pengembangan produksi sepeda motor Kawasaki di Indonesia. Namun, rendahnya jumlah produksi unit motor ditandai dengan produksi motor Kawasaki lebih rendah 24% dari total kapasitas produksi di tahun 2013 yang dikarenakan pengukuran produktivitas kinerja yang kurang baik yang ditandai dengan hasil produksi yang tidak mencapai target sehingga berpotensi tidak tercapainya target peningkatan produksi di tahun 2014 yang di targetkan meningkat sebesar 30%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk sebuah model perancangan sistem pengukuran kineijapada Divisi Production di tahun 2015 sehingga mampu meningkatkan produksi unit motor sebesar 30% diperiode tahun 2016 dengan cara membuat sebuah model perancangan sistem pengukuran kinerja pada Divisi Production di tahun 2015. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan model kinerja dengan KPI dan bobot seperti Safety Total Recordable Incident Rate (38.90%), Quality Assurance (25.11%), Cost efficiency (17.20%), Conformance to Plan (11.58%), Overal Effectiveness Equipment (7.21%).

I In 2014, around 30 percent or around 1 billion yen will be an additional investment for Indonesia, especially the development of Kawasaki motorcycle production in Indonesia. However, the low number of motorcycle unit production is marked by Kawasaki motorcycle production being 24% lower than the total production capacity in 2013 due to poor performance productivity measurement marked by production results that do not reach the target so that there is the potential for failure to achieve the target of increasing production in 2014 which is targeted to increase by 30%. This study aims to design a performance measurement system model in the Production Division in 2015 so that it can increase motorcycle unit production by 30% in the 2016 period by creating a performance measurement system design model in the Production Division in 2015. The results of this study produce a performance model with KPIs and weights such as Safety Total Recordable Incident Rate (38.90%), Quality Assurance (25.11%), Cost efficiency (17.20%), Conformance to Plan (11.58%), Overall Effectiveness Equipment (7.21%).

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