Pengaruh pengetahuan, sikap dan pengalaman kerja terhadap penghargaan melalui kinerja karyawan di Perusahaan MNC Pictures
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Pengetahuan Kerja, Sikap Kerja dan Pengalaman Kerja Terhadap Penghargaan Melalui Kinerja Karyawan. Data primer yang digunakan diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner terhadap responden dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling dari karyawan Media Nusantara Citra (MNC) Pictures sebanyak 125 responden. Alat analisa pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Analisis Jalur (PATH Analysis). Analisis hipotesis terhadap pengaruh tidak langsung variabel independen ke variabel dependen melalui variabel intervening, menggunakan Uji Sobel. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh Pengetahuan kerja, Sikap kerja dan Pengalaman kerja terhadap Kinerja karyawan. Terdapat pengaruh Pengalaman kerja terhadap Penghargaan. Tidak terdapat pengaruh Pengetahuan kerja dan Sikap kerja terhadap Penghargaan. Terdapat pengaruh Pengetahuan kerja, Sikap kerja dan Pengalaman kerja terhadap Penghargaan melalui Kinerja karyawan. Dari hasil penelitian disarankan kepada pihak PT.MNC Pictures mempertahankan pemberian penghargaan kepada karyawan sebagai bentuk balas jasa dan terima kasih atas dedikasi kinerja karyawan dalam mejalankan tugasnya selama berada di perusahaan. Meningkatkan suasana kerja yang nyaman, hubungan kerja yang harmonis terhadap sesama karyawan dan terhadap pimpinan. Senantiasa memberikan kesempatan pada karyawan untuk mencoba peluang baru mengembangkan karir demi optimalnya kinerja karyawan.
T This study aims to analyze the influence of Work Knowledge, Work Attitudes and Work Experience on Rewards through Employee Performance. The primary data used was obtained through the dissemination of questionnaires to respondents using purposive sampling methods from Media Nusantara Citra (MNC) Pictures employees as many as 125 respondents. Analysis of research data using the Path Analysis method (PATH Analysis). Hypothesis Test against the indirect influence of independent variables to dependent variables through intervening variables, using the Sobel Test. The results of the study found that there was an influence of work knowledge, work attitude and work experience on employee performance. There is an effect of Work experience on the Award. There is no influence of Work knowledge and Work attitude towards Reward. There is an influence of Work knowledge, Work attitude and Work experience on Rewards through employee Performance. From the results of the study, it is suggested to PT. MNC Pictures maintains the awarding of awards to employees as a form of repayment and gratitude for the dedication of employee performance in carrying out their duties while in the company. Improving a comfortable working atmosphere, harmonious working relationships with fellow employees and towards leaders working atmosphere, harmonious working relationships with fellow employees and towards leaders. Always provide opportunities for employees to try new opportunities to develop careers for optimal employee performance