Karakteristik sel polip pulpa sebagai sel punca mesenkimal sesuai ISCT : Kajian terhadap protein permukaan pada sel polip pulpa
L Latar Belakang: Sel punca pulpa gigi (SPPG) telah banyak digunakan dalamrekayasa jaringan di bidang kedokteran gigi. SPPG diisolasi dan dikultur dari gigisehat yang mana tidak selalu tersedia. Oleh sebab itu, perlu diupayakan sumber selpunca lain. Polip pulpa merupakan suatu bentuk hiperplasia dari jaringan pulpayang mengalami inflamasi. Pada polip pulpa telah dilaporkan adanya sel puncamesenkimal (SPM), akan tetapi belum terbukti secara pasti. Pada penelitian inikeberadaan SPM ditelusuri dan diperiksa sesuai acuan International Society forCellular Therapy (ISCT). Tujuan: Untuk mengisolasi dan mengetahui apakah selpolip pulpa mempunyai karakteristik sebagai sel punca mesenkimal sesuai acuanISCT (Kajian terhadap Protein Permukaan pada Sel Polip Pulpa). Metode: Selpolip pulpa diambil dari gigi molar permanen. Seluruh subjek penelitian dijelaskanterlebih dahulu mengenai prosedur dan risiko penelitian, lalu dilakukanpenandatanganan informed consent. Dilakukan rekrutmen subjek penelitian denganmempertimbangkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Kemudian dilakukanpengambilan dan isolasi, serta pembiakan sel polip pulpa. Setelah itu dilakukananalisis flow cytometry terhadap cluster of differentiation (CD) yang ada pada selpunca polip pulpa dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis data. Hasil: Ukurandan granularitas sel punca mesenkimal sel polip pulpa bervariasi dari 30-190 dan7x102-3x104. Persentase jumlah protein permukaan CD90 menunjukan hasil tingkatekspresi sebesar 99,8%. Persentase jumlah protein permukaan CD105 menunjukanhasil tingkat ekspresi sebesar 98,5%. Persentase jumlah protein permukaan CD73menunjukan hasil tingkat ekspresi sebesar 99,8%. Persentase jumlah proteinpermukaan marker negatif yang meliputi CD34, CD11b, CD45, CD19, serta HLADR,menunjukan hasil tingkat ekspresi sebesar 1,1%. Kesimpulan: Oleh karenaCD73, CD90, CD105 menunjukkan tingkat ekspresi ³95% dan CD34, CD11b,CD45, CD19, HLA-DR menunjukkan tingkat ekspresi £2%, maka dapatdisimpulkan sel punca dari jaringan polip pulpa memiliki karakteristik sebagai SPMsesuai acuan ISCT.
B Background: Dental pulp stem cell (DPSC) has been widely utilized in tissueengineering in dentistry. DPSC is isolated and cultured from healthy teeth.However, the teeth are not always available. This prompts the idea to findalternative stem cell source. Pulp polyp, a form of hyperplasia of an inflamed pulptissue, is presumed to have mesenchymal stem cell (MSC). Since the existence ofMSC has not been conclusively proven, current study was conducted to investigatethe MSC in pulp polyp based on standardized protocol of International Society forCellular Therapy (ISCT). Objective: To isolate and investigate whether pulp polypcell has the characteristics of MSC based on protocol of ISCT (assessment on thesurface marker of proteins in the pulp polyp cells). Methods: Pulp polyp cells wereextracted from permanent molars. All research subjects were explained beforehandabout the procedure and the risks of the study, then an informed consent was signed.Research subjects were recruited by considering inclusion and exclusion criteria.Then extraction and isolation were performed, followed by culturing of pulp polypcells. After that, flow cytometric analysis was carried out on the cluster ofdifferentiation (CD) in the pulp polyp stem cells and then continued with dataanalysis. Results: The size and the granularity of pulp polyp mesenchymal stemcells varied from 30-190 and 7x102-3x104. The percentage of flow cytometricresults on CD90, CD105 and CD73 surface proteins were 99.8%, 98.5%, 99.8%,respectively. The percentage of negative lineage surface proteins (CD34, CD11b,CD45, CD19, HLA-DR) was 1.1%. Conclusion: Since CD73, CD90 and CD105showed an expression level ³95% and CD34, CD11b, CD45, CD19 and HLA-DRshowed an expression level £2%, it can be concluded that the stem cells isolatedfrom pulp polyps is MSC based on the criteria of ISCT.