Pengaruh obat kumur dan kitosan terhadap kekasaran permukaan resin komposit nanofiller dan nanohybrid pasca perendaman kopi

Oleh : Steven Putra Augustyn

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FKG - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2024

Pembimbing 1 : Tien Suwartini

Kata Kunci : Surface roughness of composite resin, mouthwash, chitosan, java arabica coffee, nanofille composite

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Status : Lengkap

L Latar Belakang: Bahan restorasi resin komposit semakin banyak digunakan dalam kedokteran gigi modern karena memenuhi kualitas yang diinginkan, seperti tampilan estetik dan sifat fisik dan mekanik yang baik. Paparan lingkungan mulut seperti minuman kopi dan obat kumur dapat berpengaruh pada sifat fisik komposit. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh obat kumur beralkohol, obat kumur non alkohol dan kitosan terhadap kekasaran permukaan resin komposit nanofiller dan nanohybrid pasca perendaman kopi. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan pada 40 sampel resin komposit nanofiller dan 40 sampel resin komposit nanohybrid yang direndam berturut-turut di dalam saliva selama 24 jam, dalam larutan kopi selama 12 hari, dan dalam larutan obat kumur selama 28 hari. Hasil: Terjadi peningkatan nilai kekasaran permukaan bahan restorasi resin komposit nanohybrid dan resin komposit nanofiller setelah direndam dalam larutan kopi arabika java tetapi tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan (p>0,05). Nilai kekasaran permukaan sampel resin komposit nanohybrid dan nanofiller pasca perendaman kopi meningkat secara signifikan. Nilai kekasaran resin komposit setelah perendaman dengan obat kumur menurun. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh perendaman obat kumur alkohol, obat kumur non-alkohol dan larutan kitosan terhadap kekasaran permukaan tumpatan resin komposit nanofiller dan nanohybrid pasca perendaman kopi. Kelompok obat kumur yang paling berpotensi untuk menurunkan tingkat kekasaran resin komposit yaitu kelompok obat kumur non alkohol dan akuades.Kata Kunci: Kekasaran permukaan resin komposit, obat kumur, kitosan, kopi arabika java, resin komposit nanofiller, resin komposit nanohybrid.

B Background: Composite resin restorative materials are increasingly used in modern dentistry because they fulfill the desired qualities, such as aesthetic appearance and good physical and mechanical properties. Exposure to the oral environment such as coffee drinks and mouthwash can affect the physical properties of the composite. Objective: The aim of this research is to determine the differences in the effects of alcoholic mouthwash, non-alcoholic mouthwash and chitosan on the surface roughness of nanofiller and nanohybrid composite resins after coffee immersion. Method: This research method uses laboratory experimental design with a pre-post test with control group design. The research was carried out on 40 samples of nanofiller composite resin and 40 samples of nanohybrid composite resin which were soaked successively in saliva for 24 hours, in coffee for 12 days, and in mouthwash for 28 days. Results: There was an increase in the surface roughness value of the nanohybrid composite resin restoration material and nanofiller composite resin after being soaked in Javanese Arabica coffee solution but there was no significant difference (p>0.05). The surface roughness value of the nanohybrid composite resin and nanofiller samples after coffee immersion increased significantly. The roughness value of the composite resin after soaking with mouthwash decreased. Conclusion: There was no difference in the effect of soaking in alcohol mouthwash, non-alcoholic mouthwash and chitosan solution on the surface roughness of the nanofiller and nanohybrid composite resins after being soaked in coffee. The group of mouthwashes that have the greatest potential for reducing the roughness level of composite resin are the non-alcoholic mouthwash group and distilled water.Keywords: Surface roughness of composite resin, mouthwash, chitosan, Javanese Arabica coffee, nanofiller composite resin, nanohybrid composite resin.

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