Analisa dampak implementasi tata kelola kredit & corporate social responsibility (CSR) berkelanjutan di masa pandemi Covid - 19 pada Bank X dan Bank Y
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keterhubungan Bank X dan BankY terkait impelementasi tata kelola kredit dan Corporate Social Responsibilityberkelanjutan (CSR) di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di Bank X dan Bank Y.Implementasi tata kelola kredit di Bank X dan Bank Y digunakan sebagai tiga pilaryang saling berhubungan dengan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) terkaitpinjaman kredit dimasa COVID-19 dengan mengembangkan program TJSLPendanaan UMK. Hal ini sejalan dengan kontribusi Bank X dan Bank Y kepadaPembangunan Ekonomi yang berkelanjutan (SDGs) yakni pada tujuan nomer 8Pekerjaan yang Layak dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi. Penerapan ISO 26000 padaorganizational Governance, fair operating practices dan consumer issues padakedua bank terimplementasi dengan baik. Sample penelitian dengan melakukaninterview 14 responden dan menggunakan Analisis Konten. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa Bank X dan Bank Y sudah mengimplementasikan tiga pillarESG sebagai upaya bisnis berkelanjutan pada Sustainable Banking, SustainableOperation dan Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dimasapandemi COVID-19
T This thesis analyses the correlation between Bank X and Bank Y inimplementing fair operating practises in managing credits and sustainableCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the era of pandemic COVID-19 in BankX and Bank Y. Both two Banks have contributed in implementing SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDG) 8 which impact to achieve the profitability revenueannually and have been implemented to do and conduct good corporategovernance and implement the consumer issues thoroughly.A suggestion for the following research shoud be enabled to implement on otherresearch in banks within larger working areas. The sample results 14 respondentswith using content analysing. Two banks have been impelemented the policiesto resolve the credit card matters by facilitating the credit facility for existingdebtors which have been good integrity. During pandemic period, the CorporateSocial Responsibility (CSR) programs which relate to endowment, loans havebeen allocated and distributed to debtors. Both banks have implemented threepillars of ESG consists of Sustainable Banking, Operation and SustainableCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the era of COVID-19.