Perancangan balanced scorecard sebagai manajemen strategi di PT. Telemedia Mitra Erajaya

Oleh : Yulius

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2005

Pembimbing 1 : Dedy Sugiarto

Subyek : Organizational effectiveness;Balanced scorecard (Management);Personnel management

Kata Kunci : designing, balanced, scorecard, strategic, management, tranning program, telemedia, business, compan

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Status : Tidak Lengkap

B Balanced Scorecard adalah sistem manajemen strategik dan pengukuran kinerja perusahaan yang menggunakan empat perspektif, yaitu perspektif keuangan, pelanggan, proses bisnis internal, pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. PT. Telemedia Mitra Erajaya merupakan perusahaan yang menjual produk alat ukur multimedia Sampai saat ini, PT. Telemedia Mitra Erajaya masih belum mempunyai suatu sistem manajemen strategik secara komprehensif yang dapat mengukur kinerjanya secara keseluruhan . Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem manajemen strategik dengan metode Balanced Scorecard . Data yang digunakan untuk merancang sistem manajemen strategik dengan metode Balanced Scorecard adalah visi, rnisi, strategi, dan data-data mengenai kondisi perusahaan yaitu penjualan bersih, laba bersih, jurnlah pelanggan, total aktiva, jumlah pesanan, jumlah keluhan, presentase pengiriman produk terlambat, revenue per employee, dan jurnlah pelatihan . Perancangan sistem manajemen strategik dengan Balanced Scorecard dimulai dari penerjemahan visi dan strategi perusahaan ke dalam empat perspektif. Selanjutnya ditentukan tujuan strategis, tolok ukur, target, dan inisiatif strategis. Setelah itu, dirancang suatu peta strategi, hubungan sebab akibat, dan faktor pendorong kinerja.Pembobotan untuk masing-masing tujuan strategis ditentukan dengan metodeAnalytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), kemudian bobot yang dikalikan dengan nilai kinerjaperiode sebelumnya. Nilai kinerja keseluruhan perusahaan diperoleh dengan menjumlahkan hasil kali nilai kinerja pada masing-masing perspektif dengan bobot tiap perspektif. Berdasarkan model Balanced Scorecard yang telah dirancang, nilai pengukuran kinerja perspektif keuangan sebesar 5 yang berarti sangat baik, perspektif pelanggan sebesar 4.57 yang juga berarti sangat baik karena mendekati nilai 5, perspektif proses bisnis internal 4.48 yang berarti baik, dan perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan mempunyai nilai 3.83 yang berarti baik karena mendekati 4. Nilai kinerja keseluruhan perusahaan selama tahun 2004 yaitu sebesar 4.58 yang berarti sangat baik karena mendekati skala 5. Saran yang dapat diberikan untuk penerapan Balanced Scorecard PT. Telemedia Mitra Erajaya adalah perusahaan perlu mempunyai sebuah rim sendiri untuk mengevaluasi terhadap hasil dari model Balanced Scorecard yang telah dirancang sehingga dapat memberikan umpan balik terhadap rancangan Balanced Scorecard itu sendiri dan perusahaan dapat mengkomunikasikan strateginya kepada seluruh pihak agar dapat memaharni strategi perusahaan.

B Balanced Scorecard is a strategic management system and the company\'s performance measurement which is using four perspectives, which are the financial perspective, customer perspective , internal business process, learning and growth. PT. Telemedia Mitra Erajaya is a company which is selling telemedia product of measuring instrument. Until now, PT. Telemedia Mitra Erajaya still has no comprehensive strategic management system which could measures the company \'s performance properly. Therefore, the objective of this research is to design a strategic management system which is using the Balanced Scorecard method. The data was used here is to design the strategic management system with the Balanced Scorecard, which are : vision, mission, strategy, and data about the company\'s condition, such as: net sales, net profit, total assets, total customer, total demand, total complaints, failed product total percentage, revenue per employee, and the training program. The strategic management system designing with the balanced scorecard is starting by delivering the vision and mission of the company into the four perspectives. Hence, the strategic objective was set, measurement, target, and strategic initiative. Afterward, the strategy map was set, the casual relationship, and the performance supporting factor.Each value for each strategic purpose was set by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), thus the value which was multiplied by the previous period performance value. The whole company\'s performance was obtained by calculating the result of performance value each perspective along with the value of each perspective . Based on the Balanced Scorecard model which has been designed, the financial perspective performance measurement value of 5 which means very good, the customer perspective of 4.57 which means very good because it almost reach the scale 5, the internal business process perpective of 4.48 which means good, and the learning and growth perspective of 3.83 which means good because it almost reach the scale 4. The whole company\'s performance value during the year of 2004 of 4.58 which means very good because it almost reach the scale 5. The suggestion that can be provided on the Balanced Scorecard application of Balanced Scorecard on PT. Telemedia Mitra Erajaya is the company have to establish their own evaluation team to make an evaluation towards the Balanced Scorecard model result which has been designed in order to provide the feedback towards the Balanced Scorecard itself, and the company can as well as communicating the strategy to all parties in order to comprehend the company\'s strategy.

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