Anteseden dan konsekuensi dari psychological safety.

Oleh : Irena Aviani

Info Katalog

Subyek : Mobile commerce

Penerbit : FEB - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2024

Pembimbing 1 : Yolanda Masnita Siagian

Kata Kunci : perceived value of cashless payment, perceived risk, perceived usefulness, use Intention, psychologi

Saat ini file hanya dapat diakses dari perpustakaan.

Status : Lengkap

T Transaksi dengan pembayaran non tunai telah mempengaruhi perdagangan pada pasar tradisional.Penerapan pembayaran non tunai diharapkan menarik perhatian pembeli untuk beralih dari pembayaran tunai,membantu pencatatan keuangan dengan lebih efektif. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuiPerceived Value of Cashless Payment, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Risk terhadap Use Intention denganPsychological Safety. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dengan cara menyebarkankuesioner secara online menggunakan bantuan google form. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 241 orang pembelidan pedagang di pasar tradisional yang tertarik menggunakan pembayaran non tunai. Analisis data untuk ujihipotesis menggunakan analisis Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan Perceived Value ofCashless Payment, Perceived Usefulness tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap Use Intention dan PsychologicalSafety. Perceived Risk berpengaruh positif terhadap Use Intention. Psychological Safety berpengaruh positifterhadap Use Intention. Perceived Value of Cashless Payment, Perceived Usefulness tidak berpengaruh positifterhadap Use Intention melalui Psychological Safety sebagai variabel intervening, dan Perceived Risk tidakberpengaruh positif terhadap Use Intention melalui Psychological Safety sebagai variabel intervening. Penelitianini memberikan kontribusi kepada pemasar, perusahaan, dan pemerintah utuk mempertimbangkan variabelberpengaruh didalam strategi perusahaan dalam pengembangan pembayaran non tunai sehingga pembeli danpenjual berniat melakukan pembayaran non tunai di pasar tradisional.

E Exchanges with non cash installments have affected exchange in conventional markets. The usage ofnon cash installments is anticipated to draw in buyers\' consideration to exchanging from cash installments,making a difference to record accounts more successfully. In this manner, this Inquire about points to decide theseen esteem of cashless installment, seen convenience, seen chance of utilize purposeful with mental security.This inquire about employments essential information gotten by dispersing surveys online utilizing googleshapes. The investigate test comprised of 241 buyers and dealers in conventional markets who were inquisitiveabout utilizing non cash installments. Information examination for theory testing employments fractionalslightest square (PLS) investigation. The comes about of this inquire about clarify that seen esteem of cashless installment, seen convenience does not have a positive impact on utilize intention and mental security. Seenhazard incorporates a positive impact on utilize deliberate. Mental security includes a positive impact on utilizepurposeful. Seen esteem of cashless installment, seen value don\'t have a positive impact on utilize deliberatethrough mental security as an mediating variable, and seen hazard does not have a positive impact on utilizedeliberate through mental security as an interceding variable. This inquire about contributes to marketers,companies and governments to consider persuasive factors in company techniques in creating non cashinstallments so that buyers and dealers expected to form non cash installments in conventional markets.

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