Perbedaan resin semen adhesive dan resin semen self-adhesive dual cure terhadap compressive strength

Oleh : Nathaneil Christian Tanaka

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 617.692 NAT p

Penerbit : FKG - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2025

Pembimbing 1 : James Handojo

Subyek : Prosthodontics

Kata Kunci : Adhesive, cement resin, compressive strength, dual-cure, self-adhesive, Universal Testing Machine

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
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1. 2025_SK_SIG_040002100089_Halaman-Judul.pdf 14
2. 2025_SK_SIG_040002100089_Surat-Pernyataan-Revisi-Terakhir.pdf 1
3. 2025_SK_SIG_040002100089_Surat-Hasil-Similaritas.pdf 1
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14. 2025_SK_SIG_040002100089_Bab-7.pdf
15. 2025_SK_SIG_040002100089_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf
16. 2025_SK_SIG_040002100089_Lampiran.pdf

R Resin semen merupakan bahan lutting terbaru yang umum digunakan pada restorasi indirect. Dalam pemilihan jenis resin semen yang digunakan harus disesuaikan dengan penggunaannya dan keberhasilan jangka panjangnya yang dapat dinilai dari stabilitas kekuatan mekanis dari resin semen yang digunakan. Compressive strength dapat mengetahui beban yang diberikan pada resin semen, karena sebagian besar tegangan pengunyahan bersifat tekanandan memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap keberhasilan semen resin luting dalam restorasi gigi. Resin semen dengan nilai compressive strength yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan retensi dan stabilitas restorasi, serta mengurangi risiko kegagalan seperti retak atau lepasnya restorasi. Tujuan : mengetahui perbedaan compressive strength resin semen adhesive dual cure dan self-adhesive resin semen dual cure. Metode: Bahan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah resin semen adhesive dual-cure dan resin semen self-adhesive dual-cure yang di polimerisasi dengan cara dual-cure yang berbentuk silinder dengan ukuran diameter 4 mm dan tinggi 8 mm dilakukan uji compressive strength menggunakan mesin UTM (Universal TestingMachine) dengan menurunkan beban berkecepatan 0.5 mm/menit. Hasil: Nilaicompressive strength resin semen adhesive dual-cure lebih tinggi dibandingkandari nilai compressive strength resin semen self-adhesive dual-cure

B Background: The newest lutting substance that is frequently utilized in indirect restoration is cement resin. When choosing a cement resin type, consideration must be given to both its intended application and long-term success, which can be assessed based on the cement resin\\\'s mechanical strength and stability. Given that the majority of chewing stress is pressured and greatly affects the efficacy of luting resin cement in dental restoration, compressive strength can be used to calculate the load given to the cement resin. High compressive strength cement resins can increase restoration stability and retention while lowering failure risks like destruction or separation. Objective: determine the distinction between self-adhesive resin cement dual cure and compressive strength resin adhesive dual cure. Methods: Dual-cure adhesive cement resin and dual-cure self-adhesive cement resin were utilized in this study. The materials were polymerized using a dual-cure method into a cylinder that measured 4 mm in diameter and 8 mm in height. A UTM (Universal Testing Machine) was used to test the compressive strength of the material by lowering the load at a rate of 0.5 mm per minute. Results: dual-cure adhesive cement resin had a greater compressive strength value than the dual-cure self-adhesive cement resin.

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