Pengaruh manajemen resiko rantai pasok, integrasi dan kinerja rantai pasok terhadap kinerja bisnis pada indsutri kesehatan di wilayah jabodetabek.
H Healthcare Supply Chain 4.0 membuat rantai pasok perusahaan menjadi lebih aman, dapat mengoptimalkan proses, dan meningkatkan kepatuhan dan keamanan yang lebih besar dalam proses bisnis rantai pasok misalnya sistem kesehatan terpusat atau dikenal pusat layanan konsolidasi. Healthcare Supply Chain 4.0 mendukung peningkatan kemampuan rantai pasok dalam menemukan komponen atau produk yang tidak berkualitas/palsu, mengurangi perdagangan obat ilegal, penurunan fraud di perusahaan, termasuk menjaga kepuasan pasien perusahaan semakin lebih baik setiap tahun, yang berdampak terhadap peningkatan Healthcare Supply Chain Performance bidang layanan kesehatan di rumah sakit dan farmasi swasta. Pemahaman peran internet of things dan blockchain mengoptimalkan proses dan mendukung efisiensi rantai pasok termasuk peningkatan Supply Chain Risk Management sehingga mendorong peningkatan kinerja bisnis rantai pasok. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian penelitian ini merupakan data primer yang bersumber dari kuesioner dalam google form yang disebarkan kepada responden. Sampel penelitian adalah karyawan perusahaan yang bekerja di sektor Kesehatan yakni rumah sakit/klinik umum negeri, klinik swasta, klinik internasional, distributor obat dan kesehatan, apotik yang berlokasi di JABOTABEK dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling sebanyak 225 sampel. Analisis data yang digunakan untuk uji hipotesis adalah metode analisis Structural Equation Modelling dengan program Analysis Moment of Structure. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan pengaruh Healthcare Supply Chain Risk Management terhadap Healthcare Supply Chain Performance dan Healthcare Supply Chain Integration terhadap Healthcare Supply Chain Performance gagal didukung, terdapat pengaruh Healthcare Supply Chain 4.0 terhadap Healthcare Supply Chain Performance, terdapat pengaruh Healthcare Supply Chain Performance terhadap Business Performance.
H Healthcare Supply Chain 4.0 makes the company\\\'s supply chain more secure, can optimize processes, and improve compliance and greater security in supply chain business processes such as centralized health systems or known as consolidated service centers. Healthcare Supply Chain 4.0 supports the improvement of the supply chain\\\'s ability to find components or products that are not qualified/counterfeit, reduce the trade in illegal drugs, reduce fraud in the company, including maintaining the company\\\'s patient satisfaction getting better every year, which has an impact on improving Healthcare Supply Chain Performance in the field of health services in hospitals and private pharmaceuticals. Understanding the role of the internet of things and blockchain optimizes processes and supports supply chain efficiency including improving Supply Chain Risk Management so as to encourage improved supply chain business performance. The data used in this research study is primary data sourced from questionnaires in google form distributed to respondents. The research sample is employees of companies working in the health sector, namely public hospitals/clinics, private clinics, international clinics, drug and health distributors, pharmacies located in JABOTABEK using purposive sampling method of as many as 225 samples. Data analysis used for hypothesis testing is the Structural Equation Modeling analysis method with the Analysis Moment of Structure program. The results in this study indicate the influence of Healthcare Supply Chain Risk Management on Healthcare Supply Chain Performance and Healthcare Supply Chain Integration on Healthcare Supply Chain Performance failed to be supported, there is an influence of Healthcare Supply Chain 4.0 on Healthcare Supply Chain Performance, there is an influence of Healthcare Supply Chain Performance on Business Performance.