Sketsa fashion pria urban kontemporer yang diilhami Sketsa M.W Bryant dalam buku fashion drawing
K Kaum pria kini semakin memberikan perhatian pada penampilan diri dan fashion. Untuk mengikuti pergeseran dalam gaya hidup semacam itu, industri pakaian pria yang dulunya tidak pun ikut bertumbuh dengan pesat. Label-label fashion papan atas maupun menengah yang sebelumnya tidak menawarkan koleksi pakaian pria kini mulai melirik sektor ini. Koleksi pakaian pria juga mulai diperagakan di pekan mode intenasional, seperti di London maupun Singapura. Laju pertumbuhan industri pakaian pria macam ini membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga terampil yang bukan saja mampu menghasilkan gagasan rancangan yang layak diwujudkan dan bernilai jual tinggi, tapi juga mampu menuangkan gagasan rancangan dalam bentuk presentasi visual yang efektif berupa sketsa fashion. Karena selama ini dunia fashion lebih condong pada fashion wanita, kemampuan membuat sketsa fashion pria yang dimilikipara profesional maupun para calon desainer fashion kurang terasah. Dengan pertimbangan bahwa sketsa fashion pria dan buku pedoman khusus menggambar sketsa fashion pria yang bisa dijadikan rujukan terbilang langka, peneliti merasa tertarik untuk memberikan solusi berupa rekomendasi pembuatan panduan untuk menggambar sketsa fashion pria. Dalam upaya menyusun rekomendasi tersebut, peneliti meriset sketsa fashion pria karya Michele Wesen Bryant dalam bukunya Fashion Drawing: Illustration Techniques for Designers, dan hasil riset merupakan landasan untuk membuat panduan. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada segi teknik gambar, muatan makna semiotika, dan kandungan nilai sosio kultural yang ada pada karya Bryant. Panduan yang dihasilkan diharapkan bisa bermanfaat bagi industri fashionmaupun dunia pendidikan fashion.
M Men are now increasingly paying attention to self-appearance and fashion. To keep up with the shift in such a lifestyle, the men's clothing industry that once did not participate also grew rapidly. Top and middle fashion labels that did not offer men's clothing collections are now starting to look at this sector. Men's clothing collections also began to be exhibited at international fashion week, such as in London and Singapore. The pace of growth of this type of men's clothing industry requires skilled workers who are not only able to produce design ideas that are feasible to be realized and of high selling value, but also able to express design ideas in the form of effective visual presentations in the form of fashion sketches. Because so far the world of fashion is more inclined towards women's fashion, the ability to sketch men's fashion owned by professionals and prospective fashion designers is less honed. Taking into account that men's fashion sketches and manuals specifically drawing male fashion sketches that can be used as references are rare, researchers feel interested in providing solutions in the form of recommendations for making guides for drawing men's fashion sketches. In an effort to compile these recommendations, researchers researched the male fashion sketch by Michele Wesen Bryant in his book Fashion Drawing: Illustration Techniques for Designers, and the results of research were the basis for making a guide. This research was focused on the aspects of drawing techniques, the content of semiotic meanings, and the socio-cultural values ​​contained in Bryant's work. The resulting guide is expected to be useful for the fashion industry and the world of fashion education.