Perancangan komunitas virtual sebagai implementasi customer relationship management (CRM) berdasarkan atribut kebutuhan pelanggan di airphibi tour & travel

Oleh : Danar Baghaskoro

Info Katalog

Subyek : Customer services - Quality control;Customer satisfaction - Marketing

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2013

Pembimbing 1 : Dadan Umar Daehani

Pembimbing 2 : Pudji Astuti

Kata Kunci : customer's satisfaction, gap, qfd, e-crm, virtual community.

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2013_TS_MTI_163110008_Halaman-Judul.pdf 27
2. 2013_TS_MTI_163110008_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf 3
3. 2013_TS_MTI_163110008_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf 7
4. 2013_TS_MTI_163110008_Bab-2_Landasan-Teori.pdf
5. 2013_TS_MTI_163110008_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf
6. 2013_TS_MTI_163110008_Bab-4_Pengumpulan-dan-Pengolahan-Data.pdf
7. 2013_TS_MTI_163110008_Bab-5_Analisis-Hasil-Pengolahan-Data.pdf
8. 2013_TS_MTI_163110008_Bab-6_Perancangan-Komunitas-Virtual.pdf
9. 2013_TS_MTI_163110008_Bab-7_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf
10. 2013_TS_MTI_163110008_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 4
11. 2013_TS_MTI_163110008_Lampiran.pdf

A Air Phibi Tour & Travel adalah sebuah biro travel yang mengutamakan kepuasan pelanggan dalam setiap layanannya. AirPhibi Tour & Travel ingin mengidentifikasi seberapa puas pelanggan akan pelayanan yang diberikan selama ini. Melalui voice of customer, perusahaan mengetahui hal-hal apa saja yang bisa dievaluasi dan ditingkatkan performansinya untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan pada masa yang akan datang. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan servqual-nya, diperoleh nilai kesenjangan (gap) sebesar -0,18 antara ekspektasi (3,91) dan persepsi pelanggan (3,73). Nilai gap ini menunjukkan bahwa mutu layanan yang diberikan AirPhibi Tour & Travel mendekati ekspektasi pelanggan. Perolehan nilai Customer Satisfaction Index (C SI) sebesar 75,21 mengindikasikan bahwa mutu layanan AirPhibi Tour & Travel mendapat predikat "memuaskan" berdasarkan penilaian pelanggannya. Pada penyusunan Importance-Peiformance Matrix (IPM), terdapat total 8 atribut yang diolah untuk selanjutnya dikembangkan dalam penyusunan matriks Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Atribut-atribut tersebut adalah fitur online sebagai direktori transaksi dan informasi, paket tur destinasi domestik dan internasional, layanan tiket kereta api dan kapal, pemberitahuan akan informasi baru atau event khusus, layanan titipan kilat, permintaan tur dengan program pribadi dari pelanggan, cabang travel di lokasi atau wilayah lain, dan sistem keanggotaan (membership). Kedelapan atribut kebutuhan pelanggan tersebut selanjutnya dikembangkan menjadi 19 karakteristik teknis QFD dan diprioritaskan evaluasi atau peningkatan performansinya berdasarkan peringkat nilai kepentingan relatifnya. Dengan berfokus pada implementasi 19 karakteristik teknis QFD tersebut, AirPhibi Tour & Travel menyesuaikan strategi bisnis apa yang paling logis dan relevan dengan tujuan strategis Customer Relationship Management (CRM) yang hendak dijalin antara perusahaan dengan pelanggan. Berdasarkan apa yang diinginkan pelanggan dan informasi prioritas pengembangan layanan dari nilai kepentingan relatif 19 karakteristik teknis QFD, AirPhibi Tour & Travel dapat membuat variasi penawaran, pelayanan, program, pesan, dan media yang dapat terwakili oleh peningkatan aspek layanan dan penyampaian informasi secara Melihat pada strategi perusahaan yang ingin melakukan ekspansi bisnis, wujud CRM yang relevan untuk direalisasikan dalam waktu dekat adalah melalui bentuk e-CRM. Perancangan komunitas virtual dalam bentuk forum komunikasi sebagai wujud e-CRM AirPhibi Tour & Travel dalam menjalin hubungan dengan pelanggan, menjaga loyalitas pelanggan, serta berpotensi untuk menarik pelanggan ba' melalui komunitas virtual tersebut.

A Air Phibi Tour & Travel is a travel agency that always put the customer's satisfaction on top within every service they give. By considering the voice of customers, the company has discovered some particular-internal details that could be evaluated and be improved to achieve the customer's satisfaction in the future. By using the servqual method on the customer's satisfaction problem, it's been identified that the gap score between the customer's expectation (3.91) and perception (3.73) is -0.18. The gap score itself signifies that the AirPhibi Tour & Travel service quality is nearly hit the customer's satisfaction ideal value, which is 0 or more. The calculation of Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) gives result score 75.21, this index respresents that the AirPhibi Tour & Travel's service quality is in the "Satisfying" range of customer's satisfaction categories. From the analysis of the Importance Performance Matrix (IPM) categorization, there are 8 points of customer's requirements that subsequently will be developed in order to construct a Quality Function Deployment (QFD) matrix. The eight points are online features development as the company's information and transaction directory, domestic and international tour destination offering, railway travel and cruise ticketing service, notification of new information or special event, delivery service, request for a self-programmed tour, adding more branches in other locations, and membership system. The next phase is to develop those 8 points of customer's requirements to QFD's technical requirements. From developing each issue, it is obtained 19 of technical requirements, and the 19 points themselves need to be ranked based on each importance relative value. The ranking itself is essential in order to alleviate the company in prioritizing the target of realization. All of the QFD technical requirements should be aligned along with the company's business strategy. The company wants to implement the strategic objective in the same way as the most logical and relevant business idea of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The CRM itself has to be well-linked relationship between the company and its customer. Based on the focused technical requirements, AirPhibi Tour & Travel is able to vary the offerings, the services, the promotional programs, the messages, and the media. All of them can be represented by developing and consolidating the online communication and information sharing aspects. As the company manages to execute an expansion strategy in the future competition, thus the most relevant CRM concept to carry out straightforwardly is e-CRM. This concept leads to an idea of designing a virtual community under the AirPhibi Tour & Travel's online development focus. The forum is designed as the instrument of company's e-CRM, with the purpose of having good relationship with the customers, retaining the customer's loyalty, plus potentially gaining new customers.

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