Evaluasi hidrolika sistem lumpur pemboran dan pengangkatan serpih pada sumur KJL-94 lapangan KJL
90%, Cutting Concentration (Ca) < 5 %, and PBI = 1,although the hydraulics work on average, the bit is still under optimumconditions, i.e. 65%. As for the mud system used in wells KJL – 94, the hole stretch26\" (0 – 300 ft) uses Spud Mud mud system, the hole stretch 16\" (300 – 2200 ft)uses a slurry system Spud Mud, 12-1/4 inch hole stretch (2200 ft – 5400 ft) usesKCl-Polimer/PHPA mud system, and stretch the hole 8-1/2\" (5400 ft – 6300 ft) usesKCl-Polimer/PHPA mud system." /> 90%, Cutting Concentration (Ca) < 5 %, and PBI = 1,although the hydraulics work on average, the bit is still under optimumconditions, i.e. 65%. As for the mud system used in wells KJL – 94, the hole stretch26\" (0 – 300 ft) uses Spud Mud mud system, the hole stretch 16\" (300 – 2200 ft)uses a slurry system Spud Mud, 12-1/4 inch hole stretch (2200 ft – 5400 ft) usesKCl-Polimer/PHPA mud system, and stretch the hole 8-1/2\" (5400 ft – 6300 ft) usesKCl-Polimer/PHPA mud system." /> 90%, Cutting Concentration (Ca) < 5 %, and PBI = 1,although the hydraulics work on average, the bit is still under optimumconditions, i.e. 65%. As for the mud system used in wells KJL – 94, the hole stretch26\" (0 – 300 ft) uses Spud Mud mud system, the hole stretch 16\" (300 – 2200 ft)uses a slurry system Spud Mud, 12-1/4 inch hole stretch (2200 ft – 5400 ft) usesKCl-Polimer/PHPA mud system, and stretch the hole 8-1/2\" (5400 ft – 6300 ft) usesKCl-Polimer/PHPA mud system." /> 90%, Cutting Concentration (Ca) < 5 %, and PBI = 1,although the hydraulics work on average, the bit is still under optimumconditions, i.e. 65%. As for the mud system used in wells KJL – 94, the hole stretch26\" (0 – 300 ft) uses Spud Mud mud system, the hole stretch 16\" (300 – 2200 ft)uses a slurry system Spud Mud, 12-1/4 inch hole stretch (2200 ft – 5400 ft) usesKCl-Polimer/PHPA mud system, and stretch the hole 8-1/2\" (5400 ft – 6300 ft) usesKCl-Polimer/PHPA mud system." />
Nomor Panggil : 602/TP/2017
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2017
Pembimbing 1 : Bayu Satyawira
Pembimbing 2 : Widrajat Aboekasan
Subyek : Drilling
Kata Kunci : drilling mud, hyraulics, KCL-polimer
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2016_TA_TM_07112124_Halaman-judul.pdf | 20 | |
2. | 2016_TA_TM_07112124_Bab-1.pdf | ||
3. | 2016_TA_TM_07112124_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2016_TA_TM_07112124_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2016_TA_TM_07112124_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2016_TA_TM_07112124_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2016_TA_TM_07112124_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2016_TA_TM_07112124_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | ||
9. | 2016_TA_TM_07112124_Daftar-simbol.pdf | ||
10. | 2016_TA_TM_07112124_Lampiran.pdf |
L Lumpur pemboran menjadi salah satu pertimbangan dalam mengoptimalkanoperasi pemboran. Oleh sebab itu, perlu untuk memelihara dan mengontrol sifat -sifat fisik lumpur pemboran agar sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Untuk mendesainsistem lumpur yang akan digunakan, harus diketahui jenis formasi yang akanditembus. Terlebih jika dilakukan di lepas pantai dimana karakter dan sifatlapisan yang berbeda-beda. Banyak permasalahan yang akan timbul selama operasipemboran bila lumpur yang digunakan tidak sesuai.Lumpur juga berpengaruh terhadap laju penembusan selama melakukankegiatan pemboran. Dalam operasi pemboran selalu diinginkan lajupenembusan yang tinggi. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti formasibatuan yang ditembus, hidrolika lumpur, hidrolika bit, serta sistem lumpur yangdigunakan. Sistem lumpur yang diharapkan adalah sistem lumpur dengan biayaekonomis dan memberikan hasil yang terbaik dengan cara kerja yang efektif danoptimal, serta mampu meminimalisir kegagalan. Dengan demikian, hal ini akanmemberikan efek keuntungan yang meningkat terhadap perusahaan.Kegiatan pemboran di Lapangan KJL ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan ataspenemuan gas kondensat dari Formasi Baturaja. Formasi yang ditembus secaraberurutan adalah Formasi Muara Enim, Air Benakat, Upper Gumai, Baturaja,Pendopo (Lower Gumai), dan Talang Akar.Berdasarkan evaluasi, masalah pemboran yang dialami pada sumur pemborandi Lapangan KJL, antara lain hole packing off, tight spots, dan bit balled-up. Padasumur KJL - 94, khususnya trayek lubang 8 ½ inch dan 12 ¼ inch didapati lajupenembusan menurun. Sejauh ini, hal tersebut disebabkan karena pengangkatancutting yang tidak sempurna atau dengan kata lain hole cleaning yang tidak baik.Setelah dianalisa dan dievaluasi, pengangkatan cutting pada pemborantrajectory 8 ½ inch dan 12 ¼ inch sumur KJL - 94 sudah berjalan secara optimumdengan nilai Cutting Transport Ratio (Ft) > 90%, Cutting Concentration (Ca) < 5%,dan PBI = 1, meskipun hidrolika yang bekerja pada bit rata-rata masih dibawah kondisi optimum, yaitu 65%. Sedangkan untuk sistem lumpur yangdigunakan pada sumur KJL - 94 adalah trayek lubang 26†(0 ft – 300 ft)menggunakan sistem lumpur Spud Mud, trayek lubang 16†(300 ft – 2200 ft)menggunakan sistem lumpur Spud Mud, trayek lubang 12 ¼ inch (2200 ft – 5400ft) menggunakan sistem lumpur KCl- Polimer/PHPA, dan trayek lubang 8 ½ inch(5400 ft – 6300 ft) menggunakan sistem lumpur KCl-Polimer/PHPA.
D Drilling mud is one of the considerations in optimizing drilling operations.Therefore, it is necessary to maintain and control the physical properties ofthe drilling mud so as desired. To design the mud system to be used, must be knowntype of formation to be penetrated. Especially if done offshore where the characterand nature of the different layers. Many of the problems that will arise when themud during drilling operations that use is not appropriate.Mud also affects the rate of penetration during drilling activities. In drillingoperations, it is always desired to have high penetration rates, that is influenced byseveral factors such as penetrated rock formations, mud hydraulics, hydraulicsbit, and mud systems that are used. Mud system is expected to be at an economicalcost and provide the best results by working effectively and optimally, and able tominimize failures. Thus, this will give the effect of increasing the company\'s profits.Drilling in the KJL Field aims to prove the discovery of gas condensate fromBaturaja Formation. In this operation, formations that have been penetrated areMuara Enim Formation, Air Benakat, Upper Gumai, Baturaja, Pendopo (LowerGumai), and Talang Akar respectively.Based on the evaluation, drilling problems experienced in drilling wells inField KJL, among other hole packing off, tight spots, and balled-up bits. In wellKJL - 94, in particular hole stretch 12-1/4\" and 8-1/2\", the rate of penetrationivhappens to decrease. So far, it is because of the selection of an imperfect cutting orit doesn’t dry well hole.Having analyzed and evaluated, the removal of the cutting of trajectorydrilling 12-1/4\" and 8-1/2\" wells KJL - 94 run at its optimum with a value ofCutting Transport Ratio (Ft) > 90%, Cutting Concentration (Ca) < 5 %, and PBI = 1,although the hydraulics work on average, the bit is still under optimumconditions, i.e. 65%. As for the mud system used in wells KJL – 94, the hole stretch26\" (0 – 300 ft) uses Spud Mud mud system, the hole stretch 16\" (300 – 2200 ft)uses a slurry system Spud Mud, 12-1/4 inch hole stretch (2200 ft – 5400 ft) usesKCl-Polimer/PHPA mud system, and stretch the hole 8-1/2\" (5400 ft – 6300 ft) usesKCl-Polimer/PHPA mud system.