Pengaruh brand experience terhadap brand loyalty melalui brand equity, brand trust dan brand engangement pada konsumen aplikasi reservasi hotel
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh brandexperience terhadap brand loyalty melalui brand equity, brand trust, dan brandengagement pada konsumen aplikasi reservasi hotel. Data yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah data primer yang didapatkan secara langsung melaluipenyebaran kuesioner penelitian. Metode pengambilan sampel pada penelitian inimenggunakan metode non-probability sampling dengan teknik purposivesampling, dimana jumlah sampel yang diambil pada penelitian ini adalah 200responden yang pernah memesan hotel menggunakan Aplikasi Reservasi Hoteldalam kurun waktu 6 bulan terakhir. Pengujian instrumen penelitianmenggunakan pengujian validitas dan reliabilitas, serta pengujian kesesuaianmodel goodnes of fit. Metode pengujian dan analisis data yang digunakan adalahStructural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan menggunakan software SPSSAMOS 26. Hubungan secara langsung menunjukan brand experience berpengaruhpositif terhadap brand equity, brand trust, dan brand engagement. Selain itubrand equity, brand trust, dan brand engagement masing-masing berpengaruhpositif secara langsung terhadap brand loyalty. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkanbahwa brand equity, brand trust, dan brand engagement masing-masing variabelterbukti dapat memediasi pengaruh brand experience terhadap brand loyalty.Hasil penelitian ini memberikan informasi bahwa semakin baik brand experienceyang dirasakan konsumen aplikasi reservasi hotel maka akan meningkatkan brandequity, brand trust, dan brand engagement sehingga pada akhirnya juga akanmeningkatkan brand loyalty aplikasi reservasi hotel tersebut
T This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of brand experience on brandloyalty through brand equity, brand trust, and brand engagement for customer inhotel reservation application. The data used in this study are primary dataobtained directly through the distribution of research questionnaires. Thesampling method used in this study was a non-probability sampling method with apurposive sampling technique. Samples taken from 200 respondents who hadordered hotels using the Hotel Reservation Application within the last 6 months.Validity and reliability testing, as well as testing the suitability of the goodness offit model were used as research instruments. As for research and data analysismethod, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used with assistance fromSPSS AMOS 26 software. A direct relationship shows that brand experience hasa positive effect on brand equity, brand trust, and brand engagement. In addition;brand equity, brand trust, and brand engagement each have a direct positiveeffect on brand loyalty. In other hand, the results of this study show that brandequity, brand trust, and brand engagement for each variable are proven to beable to mediate the effect of brand experience on brand loyalty. This study provideinformation that the better the brand experience felt by customers of the hotelreservation application, it will increase brand equity, brand trust, and brandengagement, at the end it will increase the brand loyalty of the hotel reservationapplication.