Analisis kualitas pelayanan jaringan wireless internet CDMA-1X-RTT PT. Bakrie Telcom Tbk dengan modem wimode

Oleh : Adrianus H. Siregar

Info Katalog

Subyek : Computer network;Wireless communication systems

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2011

Pembimbing 1 : Indra Surjanti

Kata Kunci : WiMode modem, bandwidth, internet access network

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2011_TS_MTE_161041004_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2011_TS_MTE_161041004_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf
3. 2011_TS_MTE_161041004_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf
4. 2011_TS_MTE_161041004_Bab-3_Kualitas-Pelayanan.pdf
5. 2011_TS_MTE_161041004_Bab-4_Pengukuran-Performa-Jaringan.pdf
6. 2011_TS_MTE_161041004_Bab-5_Pengukuran-Persepsi-Pelanggan.pdf
7. 2011_TS_MTE_161041004_Bab-6_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf
8. 2011_TS_MTE_161041004_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf
9. 2011_TS_MTE_161041004_Lampiran.pdf

P Pada awal tahun 2007, PT. Bakrie Telcom selaku penyedia jaringan layanan telepon fixed wireless access CDMA2000-1x, khusus di dilayah JABOTABEK (Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang dan Bekasi), telah dilengkapi dengan modem WiMode jenis SXC-108 dengan data rate hingga 153.6 kbps. Indikator kualitas pelayanan dari jaringan ini dapat diukur secara teknik dan non teknik. Pengukuran secara teknik adalah mengukur ha-hal yang berkaitan dengan performansi parameter sistem jaringan, dan non teknik yang tidak berkaitan dengan performansi parameter sistem jaringan.yang bersangkutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana performa utama jaringan akses moble internet dan persepsi pelanggan terhadap layanan operator. Objek penelitian adalah performa utama jaringan akses internet mencakup bandwidth, throughput, response time dan data loss, dan persepsi pelanggan terhadap cakupan area, drop call dan kenerja perusahaan. Lokasi pengamatan dan survei dilakukan di Wilayah Jakarta dan Penyanggah (Bekasi, Depok dan Tangerang).Hasil penelitian menunjukka hwa: 1 bandwidth rata-rata di oltior Wilayah Jakarta tergolong cukup mema ai (> 63 %) dan di Wilayah Penyanggah buruk (< 44, 4%); 2) throughput rata-rata di Jakarta* kurang memadai (54, 5 %) dan Jakarta** memadai (71, 3 %), dan di Penyanggah tergolong buruk (< 34. 8%); 3) response time rata-rata di semua wilayah tergolong kriteria buruk (> 2 detik); 4) Data Loss rata-rata di wilayah Jakarta kategori sangat balk (<1, 43%), dan di wilayah Penyanggah balk (< 4.29%); 5) Hubungan antar parameter mempunyai korelasi satu sama lain, dan antara throughput dengan bandwidth mempunyai hubungan linear. Persepsi responden terhadap a) cakupan area adalah relatif kurang balk; b) drop call relatif cukup balk; c) tarif cukup balk; dan d) kinerja perusahaan termasuk kategori cukup balk.

I In early 2007, PT. Bakrie Telcom as a provider of fixed wireless access telephone service network CDMA2000-1x, specifically in the JABOTABEK area (Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi), has been equipped with a WiMode modem of the SXC-108 type with a data rate of up to 153.6 kbps. The service quality indicator of this network can be measured technically and non-technically. Technical measurement is to measure things related to the performance of network system parameters, and non-technical ones that are not related to the performance of the network system parameters. This study aims to determine the extent to which the main performance of the mobile internet access network and customer perceptions of operator services. The object of the research is the main performance of the internet access network including bandwidth, throughput, response time and data loss, and customer perceptions of coverage area, drop calls and company performance. Locations of observations and surveys were carried out in the Jakarta and Pemangah areas (Bekasi, Depok and Tangerang).The results of the study show that: 1 the average bandwidth in the oltior area of ​​Jakarta is quite adequate (> 63%) and in the buffer zone it is poor (< 44, 4%); 2) the average throughput in Jakarta* is inadequate (54, 5%) and Jakarta** is adequate (71, 3 %), and in Buffer it is classified as poor (< 34. 8%); 3) the average response time in all regions is classified as poor (> 2 seconds); 4) The average data loss in the Jakarta area is in very good category (<1, 43%), and in the Pemangah area it is good (< 4.29%); 5) The relationship between parameters has a correlation with each other, and between throughput and bandwidth has a linear relationship. Respondents' perception of a) coverage area is relatively poor; b) drop calls are relatively good; c) fairly good rates; and d) the company's performance is categorized as quite good.

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