Wellbore trajectory selection based on estimated rig cost and potential drilling problem on x field


Oleh : Akmal Armansyah

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 842/TP/2018

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2018

Pembimbing 1 : Abdul Hamid

Pembimbing 2 : Listiana Satiawati

Subyek : Drilling well;Drilling - Application

Kata Kunci : drilling, second scenario

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2018_TA_TM_071001300008_Halaman-Judul.pdf 15
2. 2018_TA_TM_071001300008_Bab-1.pdf 2
3. 2018_TA_TM_071001300008_Bab-2.pdf
4. 2018_TA_TM_071001300008_Bab-3.pdf
5. 2018_TA_TM_071001300008_Bab-4.pdf
6. 2018_TA_TM_071001300008_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2018_TA_TM_071001300008_Bab-6.pdf
8. 2018_TA_TM_071001300008_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf
9. 2018_TA_TM_071001300008_Lampiran.pdf

X X Field is located in the offshore west side of Kangean Island. Theoriginal well path is inaccurate due to misinterpretation of the heel and toe datacoordinate on the well path in X-C Well. In order to produce the best trajectoryplan, the whole well path must be re-design and re-calculated. There are twoscenarios in the project. In the first scenario, the main idea is to use one drillingrig. In the second scenario, the main idea is to use two drilling platform to shortenthe distance to target.In the first scenario, the distance to X-A Well are 2002ft at the depth of6938ft and using single build type well trajectory. The distance to X-B Well are6021ft at the depth of 6808ft and using double build type well trajectory due to fardistance to target. The distance to X-C Well are 1941ft at the depth of 6803ft andusing single build type well trajectory. The distance to X-D Well are 10211ft atthe depth of 6840ft and using a double build type well trajectory. The distance toX-E Well are 11931ft at the depth of 6734ft and using double build type welltrajectory. In the second scenario, the distance to X-D Well and X-E Well arecloser because one of the rig are going to be located close to the wells.Based on the trajectory, there are some potential drilling problems that canbe predicted due to the high angle trajectories or high distance to target such ashole cleaning problem that can lead into stuck pipe. Based on the rig costestimation, the second scenario proved to be cheaper because of shorter drillingtime due to closer distance to target in the planned trajectories in some wells.

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