Pengaruh konsentrasi HC dan partikel debu pada proses finishing & painting terhadap kesehatan karyawan
P PT. ASTRA OTOPARTS Tbk Divisi NUSA METAL sebagai salah satu perusahaan komponen elektonik otomotif terbesar di Indonesia mempunyai andil cukup besar dalam masalah lingkungan hidup terutama masaiah pencemaran udara akibat debu dan gas.Pemantauan Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah I. mengetahui konsentrasi kadar debu total (TSP) dan gas Hidrokarbon (HC) di lingkungan kerja yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan nilai ambang batas (NAB) sesuai Surat Edaran Menteri Tenaga Kerja : SE• O l/MEN/1997 tentang Nilai Ambang Batas Faktor Kimia di Udara Lingkungan Kerja, 2. mengetahui pengaruh kadar TSP dan gas HC terhadap kondisi kesehatan karyawan, 3. mengetahui upaya pengendalian yang dilakukan PT. ASTRA OTOPARTS Tbk Divisi NUSA MET AL dalam meminimasi pencemaran. Pengukuran kadar TSP dan gas HC dilakukan pada tanggal 1-2 Juli 2004 di dua lokasi yaitu proses Finishing dan proses Painting. Setiap lokasi diambil empat (4) titik pengukuran dan dibagi menjadi dua shift. Untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar TSP dan gas HC, suhu dan kelembaban digunakan metode statistik regresi linear. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui status kesehatan karyawan dilakukan dengan earn menyebarkan kuesioner kepada karyawan, dan kemudian dianalisa menggunakan metode statistik regresi logistikHasil pengukuran rata-rata kadar TSP di proses Finishing sebesar 6,68 mg/m3( dibawah NAB sebesar I 0 mg/m'), sedangkan di proses Painting sebesar 14, 75 mg/m3• (melebihi NAB). Pengukuran rata-rata gas HC di proses Finishing sebesar 27,77 mg/rrr' (dibawah NAB sebesar 30 mg/rrr'), sedangkan di proses Painting sebesar 30,99 mg/m3(melebihi NAB). Pada proses Painting dengan kadar TSP dan gas HC yang melebihi NAB, jumlah karyawan yang memiliki status kesehatan buruk Iebih besar (50,76%) dibandingkan proses Finishing (49,24%) yang kadar debu dan gas HC-nya dibawah NAB.Dari hasil analisa statistik regresi tinier, kadar TSP dipengaruhi oleh kadar gas HCdan kelembaban sebesar 84, I% dan 1,59% sisanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Dengan analisa statistik regresi logistik, dihubungkan antara status kesehatan (variabel terikat) dengan kadar TSP, kadar gas HC, umur, masa kerja, kepatuhan dan latar belakang kesehatan (variabel bebas). Pada analisa multivariat, angka signifikannya yanglebih kecil dari 0,005 (P < 0,005) adalah masa kerja (P = 0,026) dan Iatar belakang kesehatan(P = 0,0048). Berarti terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara status kesehatan yang burukdengan umur dan masa kerja karyawan.Resiko relatif karyawan yang bekerja di lokasi dengan TSP dan gas HC tinggi (proses Painting) mengalami gangguan pernafasan adalah 3,09 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan karyawan yang bekerja di lokasi dengan TSP dan gas HC rendah (proses Finishing). Upaya Pengendalian yang dilakukan adaiah dengan memasang alat penangkap debu dan gas pada setiap proses yang berpotensi menimbulkan pencemaran seperti bag.filter dan wet scubber. Untuk mengurangi bahan pencemar yang keluar akibat kerusakan mesin, maka dilakukan pemeriksaan, pembersihan, dan pemeliharaan alat secara berkala. Sedangkan upaya pengendalian secara langsung kepada karyawan adalah dengan menyediakan secara lengkap alat pelindung diri.
P PT. ASTRA OTOPARTS Tbk Division NUSA METAL is the biggest die casting company in Indonesia plays an important role in the living environment problems in particular air pollution due to its gas and particulate.The objective of this research is to I. examine the total suspended particulate (TSP) and Hydrocarbon gasses in the workplace and then compare it with threshold value limit in base on Human Resources Minister Letter Number: SE-OJ/MEN/1997 on Chemical Threshold value Limit in Workplace Environment air, 2. to know the impact of TSP and HC gasses on the workers' health status, 3. investigate the control activities carried out by PT. ASTRA OTOPARTS Tbk Division NUSA METAL in minimize air pollution.The measurement of TSP and HC gasses was carried out on 1-2 Juli 2004 in twolocation, namely Finishing process and Painting process. In each location, the measurement point was taken and divided intro two. To investigate the correlation of TSP and Hydrocarbon gasses, temperature and moisture, using linear regression statistical method. While to examine the workers' health status, questionnaire was distributed to the workers, and then their responses were analyzed using logistic regression statistical method.The measurement result of average TSP concentration in the Finishing process was 6,68 mg/m3 (lower than threshold value limit,I 0 mg/m'), while in the painting processwas 14,75 mg/m' (higher than threshould value limit). The average measurement of HC gas• concentration in the finishing process was 27,77 rng/m' (lower than threshould value limit,30 mg/rrr'), while in the painting process was 30,99 mg/m' (higher than threshould value limit).In the Painting process with TSP and HC concentration higher than threshould value limit. the workers with bad health status were more (50,76%) compared with those in the Finishing process (49,24%) with TSP and HC lower than threshould value limit.From the linier regression statistic analysis, the TSP concentration was influenced by HC gasses and moisture as much as 84, I% and 1,59% and the rest was influence otherfactors.Using logistic regression statistic analysis, the workers' health status (dependent variable) was correlated with TSP concentration, HC gasses concentration, age, tenure, obedience, and health background (independent variable). In the multivariate analysis, thesignificant figure higher than 0,005 (P < 0,005) is tenure (P = 0,026) and health background(P = 0,0048), meaning that there is significant correlation between workers' bad health status and age and tenure.The relative risk of the workers in the location with high TSP and HC (Paintingprocess) suffers from disease respiration was 3,09 times greater compered with the workers working in the TSP an HC concentration gas which are lower (Finishing process).The controlling activities done by the company was by installing and gas dust collectors in each process with potential to cause pollution such as bag filter and wet scubber. To reduce the pollutant emitting from the factory due to machine mal-function, examination,maintenance and cleaning of the equipment periodically. The direct control over the workers was carried out by providing maskers to protect them individually.