Perancangan sistem penilaian kinerja guru di SMK Tunas Muda Unggul
U Unggul saat ini dilakukan hanya untuk menentukan guru yang layak untuk diberikan penghargaan atas jasa yang telah diberikan. Namun tidak ada dampak perbaikan yang dihasilkan dari penilaian kinerja yang dijalankan, karena penilaian kinerja yang dijalankan dinilai tidak tepat dalam penggunaan kriteria dan sistem yang diterapkan. Untuk itu perlu dirancang sebuah sistem penilaian kinerja guru berdasarkan Instrumen PKG yang berbasis aplikasi Cloud Computing yang lebih terbuka dan mudah diakses oleh pengguna. Langkah pertama adalah memetakan kriteria penilaian kinerja berdasarkan Kompetensi Permendiknas RI, Sasaran Akreditasi, dan tujuan Yayasan sehingga diperoleh 14 kriteria penilaian. Selanjutnya Penilaian kinerja guru dilakukan oleh pimpinan sekolah, teman sejawat, dan siswa dengan tujuan agar penilaian kinerja guru lebih objektif dan tidak sepihak. Dari rancangan sistem berbasis cloud yang dikembangkan telah berhasil diterapkan kepada lima orang guru untuk dilakukan penilaian terhadap kinerja yang telah dilakukan. Dengan hasil penilaian sebagai berikut, yaitu dari lima orang guru yang dilakukan penilaian ada tiga orang guru yang mendapatkan nilai memuaskan diatas standar 85%, yaitu Sri Rahayu, S.Kep. 88,49%, Suhendar, S.Pd. 87,09%, dan Dede Latipah, M.Kom., 85,70%, dan dua orang nilai dibawah standar. Selanjtunya bagi guru yang memenuhi standar akan mendapatkan penghargaan berupa insentif, dan bagi guru yang belum memenuhi standar akan diberikan pelatihan peningkatan kompetensi berkelanjutan (PKB) sesuai dengan aturan yang ada.
T The teacher performance appraisal system (TPA) currently running at the Tunas Muda Unggul Vocational School is only done to determine which teachers are eligible to be rewarded for the services rendered. However, there was no impact of improvement resulting from the performance assessment carried out, because the performance assessment carried out was deemed inappropriate in the use of the criteria and system applied. For this reason, it is necessary to design a teacher performance appraisal system based on the PKG Instrument based on a Cloud Computing application that is more open and accessible to users. The first step is to map the performance appraisal criteria based on the Competence of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia, the Accreditation Targets, and the objectives of the Foundation in order to obtain 14 assessment criteria. Furthermore, teacher performance assessments are carried out by school leaders, peers, and students with the aim of making teacher performance assessments more objective and not one-sided. From the cloud-based system design that has been developed, it has been successfully applied to five teachers for an assessment of the performance that has been carried out. With the results of the assessment as follows, namely from the five teachers who were assessed, there were three teachers who got satisfactory scores above the standard of 85%, namely Sri Rahayu, S.Kep. 88.49%, Suhendar, S.Pd. 87.09%, and Dede Latipah, M.Kom., 85.70%, and two people scored below the standard. Furthermore, teachers who meet the standards will receive rewards in the form of incentives, and teachers who do not meet the standards will be given continuous competency improvement training in accordance with existing regulations