Anteseden dan konsekuensi kepuasan tenant pada pasar tradisional berkonsep modern
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh positif variabel PropertyManagement terhadap Rental Value, Tenant Satisfaction, dan Reputation, sertapengaruh positif variabel Rental Value terhadap Tenant Satisfaction dan Reputation.Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengeksplorasi pengaruh positif Tenant Satisfactionterhadap Reputation dan Trust, serta pengaruh positif Reputation terhadap Trust danTrust terhadap Loyalty. Metode yang digunakan adalah non-probability samplingdengan teknik purposive sampling, melibatkan 208 responden penyewa di pasartradisional berkonsep modern di area Tangerang Selatan, dan data diolahmenggunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) melalui softwareAMOS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Property Management berpengaruhpositif terhadap Rental Value, Rental Value berpengaruh positif terhadap TenantSatisfaction, dan Tenant Satisfaction berpengaruh positif terhadap Reputation danTrust. Selain itu, Trust juga berpengaruh positif terhadap Loyalty. Namun, tidakterdapat pengaruh positif antara Property Management terhadap Tenant Satisfactiondan Reputation , serta antara Reputation terhadap Trust. Implikasi dari tidak adanyapengaruh positif antara Property Management terhadap Tenant Satisfaction danReputation , serta Reputation terhadap Trust, menunjukkan perlunya evaluasipraktik manajemen yang ada. Rekomendasi meliputi pengembangan sistemmanajemen keluhan yang lebih efektif, seperti platform digital untuk pengajuankeluhan dengan respons dalam 24 jam, serta tindak lanjut setelah penanganankeluhan untuk memastikan Tenant Satisfaction. Selain itu, perusahaan disarankanuntuk mengimplementasikan program loyalitas yang memberikan insentif kepadapenyewa yang memperpanjang kontrak sewa atau memberikan umpan balik positif,serta menyelenggarakan acara untuk meningkatkan keterikatan penyewa. Langkahlangkah ini diharapkan dapat menciptakan pengalaman yang lebih baik bagipenyewa, serta meningkatkan Tenant Satisfaction, Reputation , dan Trust secarakeseluruhan.
T This study aims to analyze the positive influence of the Property Managementvariable on Rental Value, Tenant Satisfaction, and Reputation , as well as thepositive influence of Rental Value on Tenant Satisfaction and Reputation .Additionally, this research explores the positive impact of Tenant Satisfaction onReputation and Trust, as well as the positive influence of Reputation on Trust andTrust on Loyalty. The method used is non-probability sampling with purposivesampling techniques, involving 208 tenant respondents in a modern concepttraditional market in the Tangerang Selatan area, and the data is processed usingStructural Equation Modelling (SEM) through AMOS software. The results indicatethat Property Management positively affects Rental Value, Rental Value positivelyinfluences Tenant Satisfaction, and Tenant Satisfaction positively impactsReputation and Trust. Furthermore, Trust also has a positive effect on Loyalty.However, there is no positive influence between Property Management and TenantSatisfaction and Reputation , as well as between Reputation and Trust. Theimplications of the lack of positive influence between Property Management andTenant Satisfaction and Reputation , as well as between Reputation and Trust,highlight the need for an evaluation of existing management practices.Recommendations include developing a more effective complaint managementsystem, such as a digital platform for submitting complaints with a response timeof 24 hours, and follow-up after complaint handling to ensure Tenant Satisfaction.Additionally, it is suggested that the company implement a Loyalty program thatprovides incentives to tenants who extend their lease contracts or provide positivefeedback, as well as organize events to enhance tenant engagement. These steps areexpected to create a better experience for tenants and improve Tenant Satisfaction,Reputation , and Trust overall.