Usulan perbaikan kualitas produk packagingberdasarkan kebutuhan pelangan menggunakanmetode quality function deployment di PT. Kalingga Jaya Prima
P Perbaikan kualitas dalam industri sebuah hal yang penting dalam manufaktur ataujasa. PT Kalingga Jaya Prima merupakan perusahaan percetakan berbahan dasarkertas. Penelitian ini berfokus pada produk packaging make up karena terdapatnyakeluhan pelanggan berupa produk yang dihasilkan kurang memuaskan sehinggakebutuhan pelanggan tidak terpenuhi. Dilakukan observasi secara langsung padaproduk tersebut dengan melakukan penyebaran kuisioner untuk mengetahuikebutuhan pelanggan pada produk packaging make up. Terdapatnya permasalahanini perusahaan selalu melakukan perbaikan kualitas, namun hasil tersebut kurangmaksimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kebutuhan pelanggan padaproduk packaging make up berdasarkan atribut. sehingga metode Quality FunctionDeployment digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Serta penerapanQuality Function Deployment dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode House ofQuality suara dari pelanggan yang akan ditarik kesimpulan terhadap kekuranganpackaging make up guna memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Hasil penelitianmemperoleh nilai gap score negatif sebesar -1,49 yang berarti kurang terpenuhikebutuhan pelanggan serta penilaian kategori kano termasuk dalam must be. Atributkualitas produk yang dianggap paling penting oleh pelanggan ialah “Packagingmake up terdapat cacatâ€. Hasil analisa Quality Function Deployment (QFD)merekomendasikan usulan perbaikan kualitas dengan melakukan inspeksi produkpackaging make up lebih teliti dan berhati-hati yang memiliki nilai % of technicalpriorities sebesar 18,23. Perbaikan tersebut ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kualitasproduk packaging make up agar meningkatkan kualitas produk packaging make upserta memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan.
Q Quality improvement in the industry was an important thing in manufacturing orservices. PT Kalingga Jaya Prima was a paper-based printing company. Thisresearch focused on the packaging of make-up products because there werecustomer complaints in the form of unsatisfactory products produced so thatcustomer needs were not met. Direct observations were made on the product bydistributing questionnaires to find out customer needs for make-up packagingproducts. The existence of this problem the company always made qualityimprovements, but these results were less than optimal. The purpose of this studywas to determine customer needs for make-up packaging products based onattributes. so that the Quality Function Deployment method was used to meetcustomer needs. As well as the implementation of Quality Function Deploymentwas carried out using the House of Quality voice method from customers who drewconclusions about the shortcomings of make-up packaging to meet customer needs.The results of the study obtained a negative gap score of -1.49 which meant thatcustomer needs were not fulfilled and the canoe category was included in the mustbe category. The product quality attribute that was considered the most importantby customers was "Make-up packaging has defects". The results of the QualityFunction Deployment (QFD) analysis recommended suggestions for qualityimprovement by carrying out more thorough and careful inspections of make-uppackaging products which had a % of Technical Priority value of 18.23. Theseimprovements were aimed at improving the quality of make-up product packagingin order to improve the quality of make-up product packaging and meet customerneeds.