Analisa perbandingan optimasi gas lift dan esp sumur IFM-1 dan sumur IFM-2 pada lapangan X

Oleh : Imad Fakhri Muntashir

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 1783/TP/2011

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2011

Pembimbing 1 : Widartono Utoyo

Subyek : Gas Well Drilling

Kata Kunci : electric submersible pump, continuous gas lift, wells, artificial lift, gas lift, gas

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2011_TA_TM_07106062_1.pdf
2. 2011_TA_TM_07106062_2.pdf
3. 2011_TA_TM_07106062_3.pdf
4. 2011_TA_TM_07106062_4a.pdf
5. 2011_TA_TM_07106062_4b.pdf
6. 2011_TA_TM_07106062_5.pdf
7. 2011_TA_TM_07106062_6.pdf
8. 2011_TA_TM_07106062_7.pdf

S Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap artificial lift dari segi ekonomi berdasarkan gain produksinya. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah continuous gas lift dan metode ESP (electric submersible pump). Berdasarkan hasil kajian yang telah dilakukan terhadap sumur IFM-1 dan sumur IFM-2, maka disarankan agar pada sumur IFM-1 dipasang ESP DN 1750 (291 stages) dengan motor HP/1586Volt/48,5A dan protector REDA HL-BPBSL serta gas separator VGSA 400 D20-60. Kemudian untuk sumur IFM-2 disarankan agar dipasang ESP DF 1100 (240 stage) dengan motor 80 HP/1160Volt/46,9A dan protector REDA HL-BSBSL serta gas separator VGSA 400 D20-60.

T This thesis aims to conduct an analysis of artificial lift in economic terms based gain production. The method used is the method of continuous gas lift and ESP (electric submersible pump). Based on the results of studies that have been conducted on the wells and wells IFM IFM-1-2, it is recommended that the wells be installed ESP IFM-1 DN 1750 (291 stages) with motor HP/1586Volt/48, 5A and HL-BPBSL protector subsides and gas VGSA separator 400 D20-60. Then to the well IFM-2 suggested that the installed ESP DF 1100 (240 stage) with a motor 80 HP/1160Volt/46, 9A and HL-BSBSL protector subsides and gas separator VGSA 400 D20-60.

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