Basics of environmental chemistry

Oleh : Hilarion Widyatmoko

Info Katalog

Penerbit : Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2015

Halaman : 309 p.

Ilustrasi / bibliographi : Ill.; Ind.; Tab.

Subyek : The origin of life;The teory of plate tectonic

Kata Kunci : enviromental chemistry, lithosphere, atmosphere, matter cycles.

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File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_1.pdf
2. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_2.pdf
3. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_3.pdf
4. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_4.pdf
5. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_5.pdf
6. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_6.pdf
7. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_7.pdf
8. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_8.pdf
9. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_9.pdf
10. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_10.pdf
11. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_11.pdf
12. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_12.pdf
13. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_13.pdf
14. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_14.pdf
15. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_15.pdf
16. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_16.pdf
17. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_17.pdf
18. 2016_BOOKS_KD_Basic-Of-Environmental_18.pdf

B Buku ini memberikan dasar yang diperlukan untuk mempelajari kimia lingkungan. Topik dalam buku ini diadaptasi dari beberapa literatur ilmu pengetahuan alam dan disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga siswa dapat memperoleh pemahaman mendasar tentang kimia lingkungan. Teks diawali dengan topik tentang formasi dan asal mula alam semesta di bab pertama dan kedua. The Fourchapters nexr berurusan dengan dasar ilmu bumi seperti penciptaan bumi, unsur-unsur di bumi, diferensiasi bumi di zona dan asal usul kehidupan.

T This book provides basic necessary for learning the enviromental chemistry. The topics in this book are adapted from some literatures of natural sciences and organized in such a way that students can gain fundamental understanding of the enviromental chemistry. The text begins with the topics about the formation and the origin of the universe in the first and second chapters. The nexr fourchapters deal with the foundation of Earth science such as the creation of earth, elements on earth, differentiation of the earth in the zone and the origin of life.

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