Media Ekonomi

Ainisa Septya Ratu
Export ; Cocoa ; Indonesia
Cacao beans is one of priority commodity in Indonesia to develop their agriculture sector for next period. Indonesia is the third biggest cocoa beans producers and suppliers in the world after Coted’Ivore and Ghana. It means that Indonesian cocoa beans has high competitiveness in the world. This research is conducted to examine the competitiveness, the stage production, and market concentration of Indonesia cocoa beans in the International market. Revelead Comparative Advantage (RCA), Trade Specialization Ratio (TSR), and Market Concentration Index Rate are used in this research. Based on analysis and discussion about RCA is Revelead that obtain value is more than 1, which means that Indonesian cocoa beans is a commodity that has competitiveness. The analysis and discussion about TSR revelead that the obtain value is avoid, which means that stage production has reached the maturity stage. And the result of the Market Concentration Index Rate indicated that cocoa beans export share is week concentrated, it means that is has specific market, although on ten countries of purpose export, with Market Concentration Index Rate avoid 1.
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22 p.
Debt – Government – Indonesia
Purpose of this research is to describe about Indonesian foreign debt, from government debt and private debt perspective. From descriptive analysis, the result is Indonesian debt before and after critical time is at the concerning level. Indonesian debt stock reach more than 100 billion dollar US, it is consider at a minimum limit. Commercial debt have a big portion. Debt service ration is more than 30% limit. Based on correlation and regression analysis the conclusion is from 9 sector of industries, only debt sector, electricity, gas, and purified water stimulate the level of economic activities significantly.n
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Small Industries - Indonesia
The small industries are important part to increase welfare in society. This research is a strategy process research to study on how small industries manage their businesses to again competitiveness by using of Resource-Based View. Soft system methodology is used in the aforementioned research by applying it in the case study on a successful small Tahu Cibuntu industry. The outcome of this research is a framework that describes on how successful the tahu industry in developing its competitiveness.
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Economy Macro
The purposes of this study was to identify the macroeconomic variables as an indicator of the progress of regional development in Indonesia. Using the data of province in Indonesia covering: (i) Gross Regional Domestic Product (total and without oil and gas), (ii) Human Development Index, and (iii) Region Development Index; there were many interesting implications to construct the regional development policy. From this study, the local leaders can improve the performance of the regional development by developing the indicators for measuring the progress of regional development in their regions.n
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22 p.
Debt – Government – Indonesia
Purpose of this research is to describe about Indonesian foreign debt, from government debt and private debt perspective. From descriptive analysis, the result is Indonesian debt before and after critical time is at the concerning level. Indonesian debt stock reach more than 100 billion dollar US, it is consider at a minimum limit. Commercial debt have a big portion. Debt service ration is more than 30% limit. Based on correlation and regression analysis the conclusion is from 9 sector of industries, only debt sector, electricity, gas, and purified water stimulate the level of economic activities significantly.n
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Small Industries - Indonesia
The small industries are important part to increase welfare in society. This research is a strategy process research to study on how small industries manage their businesses to again competitiveness by using of Resource-Based View. Soft system methodology is used in the aforementioned research by applying it in the case study on a successful small Tahu Cibuntu industry. The outcome of this research is a framework that describes on how successful the tahu industry in developing its competitiveness.
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Economy Macro
The purposes of this study was to identify the macroeconomic variables as an indicator of the progress of regional development in Indonesia. Using the data of province in Indonesia covering: (i) Gross Regional Domestic Product (total and without oil and gas), (ii) Human Development Index, and (iii) Region Development Index; there were many interesting implications to construct the regional development policy. From this study, the local leaders can improve the performance of the regional development by developing the indicators for measuring the progress of regional development in their regions.n
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N Sulaksono
Agriculture - economic aspects; Land use,
This writing piece is the result of research into success of national private plantation in East java. based on the result of analysis, the success of efforts the plantation is determined by four general factor : sultability of facillities and production tecniques, organizational management, environmental sultability, monetory and marketing capacity
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D.S. Priyarsono
Agro industry
This study analyzes the role of agro industry in the Province of Lampung, i.e. the contribution, the multiplier effects and linkage with other sectors in the economy. The data was 2005 input output table update by RAS method. The result shows that the contribution of agro industry, multiplier, and backward linkage by sector to the economic growth of Lampung is relatively big and stimulated other sectors growth.
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Faried Wijaya Mansoer
electrical power ; DIY
This study aims to estimate electricity demand in the Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY). We used gross domestic regional product (GDRP) and the number of customer s as independent variables. Meanwhile, to estimate the model, we used the ordinary least square (OLS), partial adjustment model (PAM), Error Correction Model (ECM). Based on the three methods used, namely OLS, PAM, and ECM, the most valid method that is used for explaining the electricity demand is the OLS method. This is due to fact that by using this method, it can describe the effect of GDRP and the number of customer towards the electricity demand in the DIY Province.
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Asep Yusup Hanapia
Economic growth ; industry ; Indonesia
The objective of this study are intended to explore external effects of human capital in sectoral economic growth and level of human capital investment return. This study is an explanatory survey based on hypothetical testing by using of quantitative method of regression analysis. Theoretical framework of this study is based on Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995) and Romer (1996). The outcome of examination indicates that the influence of capital stock growth to industrial sector production growth is not significant. Both of labor and human capital growth positively influence to the production growth. External human capital growth influences to industrial sector production growth by 10%.
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Anna S N Dasril
carbohydrate staple food
The purpose of this research is to investigate demand for carbohydrate staple food in urban area in Indonesia. National Social-Economic Survey data in 2003 conducted by BPS were analyze using Linear Approximation Almost Ideal Demand System (LA/AIDS). In urban area, food consumption had shifted from cereals to prepared food and beverages. Coefficient of own price elasticity of demand for prepared food made from flour almost as the same as rice. Rice had complementary related with other staple food, so it is important to stabilize rice price, because its fluctuation has large impact on demand for other staple food. Prepared food made from flour was quite important because its cross price elasticity of demand almost as the same as rice. All the six staple food (rice, maize, tubers, potatoes, flour, prepared food made from flour) were norma goods, its mean that people consume more if income increase. There are different staple food diversification in urban area in each province according to percapita consumption and portion of expenditure on each staple food, so its need different food policy.
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Thomas Suyatno
Economic Growth ; Tax
The tax policy, on regional basis, can make the disparity of Economic Growth and Income between region in Indonesia. Some tax are distributed to regions and some tax are withheld by Central Government. Regional Tax identified as Pajak Penghasilan (Income Tax), PPN, PPnBM, BBM, BPHTB, Cukai (Tariff) and other tax. On private, government consumption and investment basis, there are positive correlation between population, income and other variable. On the GDRP basis, there are positive correlation between the sum of tax with previous tax as identified above. Analysis on regional basis should mention these correlations to minimize the disparity of Economic Growth and Regional Income (GDRP).
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Gross Regional Domestic Product ; Depok
The purpose of this research is to examine the influences of local Owned-Source Revenue, Fiscal Balance, and Labor, on Gross Regional Domestic product from Depok city. The observation years are from 2000 till 2003 using quarterly data. This research uses an ordinary least square method. The result indicates that the Local Owned-Source Revenue does not influence the Gross Regional Domestic Product from Depok City. In the other hand, the fiscal balance and labor have a positive and significant influences on the Gross Regional Domestic Product from Depok City. The adjusted R-squared of 0.97, which is shown from the computation, indicated that the ability of the local Owned-Source revenue, Fiscal Balance, and labor in explaining the Gross Regional Domestic product from Depok City is 97%. The remaining 3% is explained by other variables, which is outside the model.
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M. Yudhi Lutfi
Inflation ; interest rate
The purpose of this research is to know how big some variables such as the openness of economy, exchange rate, domestic interest rate, foreign interest rate, and also inflation influence FDI in Indonesia. Then to know and to analyze how big those variables influence FDI in Jakarta. This research adopt multiple regression with OLS method in the observation years 1990-2002. According to the data processing, it can conclude that the openness economy, domestic interest rate, foreign interest rate and inflation have not influence FDI in Indonesia, but the exchange rate between rupiah and US$ has negative impact on FDI Indonesia of period 1990-2002. Moreover through R², the three independent variables had influence on FDI 39.62 percent and the remaining 60.37 percent was influence by other variables.
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Enny Sri Hartati
Inflation ; exchange rate
The impact of Rupiah’s exchange rate flow towards the inflation rate in Indonesia during the floating currency regime perceived highly significant. The influence could be seen from the direct pass through or the indirect pass through. By implementing a simulation by using the Vector Auto regressive method (VAR), could be acknowledge the Impulse Response Function (IRF) and the Variance Decomposition from the shock which was occurred from the Rupiah’s exchange rate. Based on the IRF and Variance Decomposition analysis could be concluded that the impact of the currency path towards the inflation rate perceived quite significant and occurred through the direct and indirect path. The impact of the currency path towards the inflation rate through the direct path perceived between 0,48%-1,43% and occurring for 13 months. Which means that the shock of the currency exchange rate of 1 S$ at the beginning will created an inflation of 0.48% and the highest point will occurred on the second month, which is 1.43%, thus the impact will continuously decreasing and will be vanished on the 13th month. The factor which was influencing the shock of the inflation rate, in the short term of 70%, was caused by the inflation variable shock itself, 19% by the shock of the Rupiah’s depreciation and 11% by the shock of the import’s price. While for the long term around 74% was influenced by the shock of the import’s price. However, through the indirect path, the of the currency path impact while the occurrence of the shock or Rupiah’s depreciation of 1 S$ is around 0.43%-1.38%.
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Tulus Tambunan
The main objective of this article is to answer the question whether poverty in Indonesia, as an agrarian economy, has been an agricultural phenomenon. More specifically, this article attempts to analyze the significant impact of economic growth in general and output growth in agricultural in particular on poverty reduction in Indonesia during New Older (NO) era (1966-98). Through simple statistical analysis, the study shows that economics growth is positively correlated with poverty reduction, and the output or income growth in agriculture appears to have the strongest effect on poverty reduction than other sectors do. This finding supports the general notion in the literature that the agricultural growth is very essential for poverty reduction in Indonesia. Findings from a survey on poor households in Jakarta also suggest a strong relationship between urban poverty and poverty in agriculture (rural) in Indonesia.
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Ika Rahutami
animal based food
Animal based food demand had a tendency to decrease sharply in 1999-2002, while the aggregate food demand always increased. This research, used Error correction-Linear Approximation-Almost Ideal Demand System, aimed to estimated animal based food demand behavior in Indonesia. Annually data from 1970 to 2002 was used in this research. The expenditure variable was identify as an exogenous variable; consequently The Seemingly Uncorrelated Regression was used. Research result showed that the demand behavior didn’t have the habit effect. Short and Long Run Marshallian price elasticity had a negative sign, but the long run price elasticity was more elastic than the short run. Short run cross-price elasticity showed a negative sign that indicated beef, chicken and fish were complementary goods. In the short and long run, beef, chicken and fish were normal goods. Such was this case of Hicksian elasticity that showed the negativity restriction was satisfied.
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Dian Octaviani
Inflation ; Poverty
The most impressive of Indonesia’s development since 1965 is its ability to alleviate poverty. About thirty-five years ago, Indonesia was one of the poorest countries in the world. In 1967, Indonesia’s per capita GNP was only US$ 50 and poverty was widespread throughout the country. In the middle of 1990s, Indonesia per capita income was almost US$ 1,000 and poverty rate decreased; only about 17% of Indonesians still remain in absolute poverty.nDespite an impressive record on poverty allevation in the last 35 years, poverty reduction remains a key priority of Indonesia’s development policy for several reasons, especially when we consifer the impact of current crisis.nThis study has reexamined the empirical relationship between poverty rate and macroeconomic variables such as inflation, unemployment and distribution of income. Using a methodology similar to previous work that apparently had shown the importance of inflation and unemployment in influencing poverty rates. The finding presented here suggest that although unemployment’s effect on poverty rates is relatively robust with respect to the poverty concept, the effect of inflation on poverty are more serious than previously thought. Further more, this paper shown the sensitively of such variables to poverty, depend on the measurement of poverty rate: had count (absolute) poverty, poverty gap and squared poverty.n
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Endah Saptutyningsih
Tourist expenditure ; household income
The tourism sector plays import role in Indonesia economy, both as source of foreign exchange and employment. International tourism as an intangible export plays an increasingly important role which gives share of revenue from tourist expenditures.nThis study aims to analyze and identify the influence of change in tourist expenditure towards the household incomes, and to examine the impact of crisis towards the household incomes that are resulted change in tourist expenditure, using secondary data from the 1995 and 1999. Sistem Neraca Sosial Ekonomi (SNSE) table of Indonesia and tourist expenditure data. The problems appeared in this study were analyzed by using Structural Path Analysis (SPA).nThe results of the study show that the change in tourist expenditure in Indonesia, mostly influences the upper (fon-farm household class in urban area both in 1995 and 1999, although it declined because of crisis, since higher proportion of tourist expenditure is spent to buy non agriculture products. The urban household receive the influence of change in tourist expenditure more than the rural household. Thus, it is suggested that the government should put emphasis in developing rural tourism by promoting tourism based on agricultural and rural life. n
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Ika Rahutami
economics development
One of many factors that induces production process is technology. Unfortunately, technology is a kind of expensive goods to access especially for developing countries. Some previous researches showed that foreign investment was a solution for technology transfer, although some researches also proved that foreign investment would cause a pollution havens phenomena. This research tries to analyze industry performance, such as economics scale, technical efficiency, technological progress and pollution havens in Indonesia. Ordinary least square used to generates the results and proves that Indonesia’s industries have not had an economics scale condition and consisted a negative technological progress. The Indonesian dirty industries condition indicates that technological progress in dirty industries is caused by foreign investment and industry relocation from developed countries.
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Thoby Mutis
14 p.
cooperation, BUMN (state-owned enterprise) and private company
The economic purpose of cooperation in general is to motivate economic growth through the growth of cooperation by equalization of income, improvement of efficiency, creation of employment, fair and stable pricing system. It is defined in such a way because cooperation is an economic entity which has social content and not the opposite.nBesides, cooperation is an economic agent that is also able to organize ‘synergy’ or ‘synergism’ inside or outside the entity/society. When we make a systematic approach in analyzing the Indonesian economy, we will see that various subsystem such as cooperation, BUMN (state-owned enterprise) and private company interact with one another. The three of them can interact within the scope of interact-subsystem model. It is this model that needs to be designed accurately and appropriately in order to strengthen business of the state-owned enterprise (BUMN) and private company, but it can also be the business core in itself as an agent and not as a direct object other economic agents, neither as an indirect complement of them. n
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Haryo Kuncoro
Minimum wage
Ideally, the increase of firm’s ability to pay wages to workers is stimulated by the increase of its efficiency. Choosing the potential economic sectors which have higher efficiency is then a critical point in the industrial-regional minimum wage (IRMW) policy implementation. This paper attempts to identify them using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method and applies it to evaluate in the selected manufacturing industries in Yogyakarta.nCompared to the 1999 IRMW policy, we found that few economic sectors match to the policy. While some which are efficient and therefore potential to implement the IRMW policy are not covered. Those findings suggest that the local government should be more selective to determine economic sector in the IRMW policy by considering sectoral efficiency in order to maintain industrial peace in general. n
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Tiktik Sartika
Marketing Strategies
The current study provided insight into the practice of the conduct of small industries. The conduct of small industries is a strategy for achieving business performance (profit and sales growth). Using the sample of 300 small industries in Jakarta, whereby two hypotheses concerning the predictors and outcomes of the conduct of small industries were tested.nThe findings were as follows : 1) profit was positively related to the conduct of small industries, 2) sales growth was positively related to the conduct of small industries. How ever, the analysis indicated that a correlation exists between the conduct of small industries and business performance.nFuture research should concentrate on marketing strategies as with successful small industries. Further, other measures (e.q. cash flow, employees turn over and productivity) should be included in the conduct of small industries model for future research. The study relied upon the perceptions of Indonesia small firms. Future researchers might investigate the effect of the conduct of small industries globally by studying an international small business sample.n
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Y. Sri Susilo
Economic Crisis ; Agriculture
This paper tries to examine the impact of economic crisis on short-term agriculture sector performance during 1997-1998. The performance was measured in terms of employment, domestic prices, production volume and export values. The method is simulation using INDORANI Computable General Equilibrium Model (CGE Model). The results were crosscheked against the data provided by BPS, field survey, and other preliminary researches.nThe results shows that in general, the economic crisis has a negative and positive impact on agriculture sector performance. From domestic price side all commodities price from 22 sub-sectors in agriculture increased. Impact of economic crisis causes production volume increases and decreases. Result of simulation also shows employment increases. Finally, export value of commodities like coffee, tea, chocolate, and spices increases. n
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Sriyani K.
Price Commodity Reduction
The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of the textile, pulp, fertilizer medicine, bronze cathode tariff reduction in CEPT scheme to price reduction of Indonesian economic sector. The analyze method used of this research is Input-Output Analyze, based on 1995 Input Output 172 sector. The results of the research indicates that tariff reduction will impacts the others economic sector domestic price, based on CEPT scheme and Indonesian Customs Tariff 2000. The reduction on the fifth sector have big influence its sector price commodity reduction.
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Esty Setyaningrum
Australian Aid - Indonesia
This paper is concerned with determinant factor that Australia give aid to Indonesia? The econometric results on time series data obtained by testing a recipient need and a donor interest model suggest both these concerns are relevant to Australian Aid decisions on Indonesia. To determine which model dominates, non nested tests were conducted; the indicated rejection of the recipient need model (RN) and the donor interest model (DI). Thus Australia’s aid to Indonesia was found to be determined by donor interest. n
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Capital Market
The increasing capital market in Indonesia can support many analysis related by information efficiency, which an investor need information to decrease uncertainty in decision making about investment, to estimate cash flow in future and predict many conditions to realize it’s cash flows. Based on data analysis can be conclude that information of accounting profit from the annual financial report has information capacity for investors in capital market of Indonesia. Beside that, information of capital market from the annual financial report operational hasn’t information capacity that can’t give additional information for investors in case out information about accounting profit that presented.
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Fatik Rahayu
International Human Resources Management
The article tried to indent by the additional dimensions within international human resources management.n1.tThe global labor forcesn2.tThe new dimensions of the human resources managementn3.tPractical policies of human resources management that support to archive the successfully competitive global business; andn4.tThe relation of strategic business within practicing international human resources managementn
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Tulus Tambunan
Regional Economies ; ASEAN
In these days, the world economy tends to globalize as well as to regionalize into a number of regional economies such as ASEAN, AFTA, NAFTA, and APEC. Within a regional economy like ASEAN, no emerges so called growth triangle areas, engaging members countries, including Indonesia as a means to accelerate the growth of ASEAN economies. The main aim of this paper is to discuss the long-term prospect of the growth areas with the emphasis of on their potentials and problems.
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Esty Setyaningrum
Economic Development
nThe world energy situation present the oil-importing developing countries with elements of short-term crisis and long term transition. In the sort-term, the problem is how to cope with sharply and use involving higher relative costs, different resource demands, and possibly significant modifications in development strategies.nThe relationship between energy use economic developments is close, but not as simple or straightforward as is often assumed. In a broad sense, social historians have virtually equated the progress of humankind with the use of animal and mechanical power to replace arduous human labor. More narrowly, it appears from both historical and cross-sectional inter country studies that energy consumption and economic output are highly correlated. The relationship is often expressed as ratio of energy consumption to gross domestic product (or E/GDP).nNational energy issues can be classified broadly under three headings, energy policy in relation to broader development strategies; energy conservation and improved efficiency in use; and energy supplies. Energy considerations may be of particular relevance in making certain types of choices among development tactics with in an overall development strategy; industrial policy, concerning the mix of product to be produced; technology policy, concerning the way product are product are produced, and regional policy, concerning the geographic distribution of production. n
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Syaifoel Choeryanto
Money ; Economic Crisis
nThe declining of the Indonesia Economy since 1997 can be analyzed from the declining of the multiplier of the demand of money, even the high power of money was declined. On the another side is the disproportionately rising of stock of money means that the banking system lost confidence. This paper will also answer whether the rising of money stock can be explained through the change of balance of payments, even the foreign exchange denominated in foreign money declined but the foreign exchange denominated in domestic money raised.n
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Dian Octaviani
The most impressive feature of Indonesia’s development since 1965 is its ability to alleviate poverty. About thirty-five years ago, Indonesia was one of the poorest countries in the world. In 1967, Indonesia’s per capita GNP was only US$ 50 and poverty was widespread throughout the country. In the middle of 1990s, Indonesians still remain in absolute poverty. Despite an impressive record on poverty alleviation in the last 35 years, poverty reduction remains a key priority of Indonesia’s development policy for several reasons, especially when we consider the impact of current crisis. This study has reexamined the empirical relationship between poverty rate and macroeconomic variables such as inflation, unemployment and distribution of income. Using a methodology similar to previous work that apparently had shown the importance of inflation and unemployment in influencing poverty rates. The finding presented here suggest that although unemployment’s effect on poverty rates is relatively robust with respect to the poverty concept, the effect of inflation on poverty are more serious than previously thought. Further more, this paper shown the sensitivity of such variables to poverty, depend on the measurement of poverty rate : head count (absolute) poverty, poverty gap and squared poverty.
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Endah Saptutyningsih
Economic Crisis
Asia has been the focus of attention for recent decades. First as a successful model for developing countries, and second as an epicenter of currency crisis. A sudden descent into the financial crisis in 1997-1998, after several decades of remarkable economic performance, was quite unexpected. The pre-crisis high economic growth was hailed in The East Asian Miracle.nThe Asian crisis started from a currency crisis. Asia, which has been a favored region for investors, became a target for currency speculators. The Asian currencies became overvalued and volatile. Besides the weakness of bank and non-bank supervision, too high short-term capital inflows, mismanagement of foreign reserves, and weak corporate governance cause the currency crisis. Recovery of East Asian crisis is needed to encourage their economic growth. Problems that exacerbated the crisis, have yet to be satisfactorily resolved. A condition that would ensure the robustness of economic growth should be achieved. n
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Udjian Wahjusuprapto
Capital Market
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Nurimansyah Hasibuan
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Agus Tri Basuki
22 p.
Earthquake - Bantul
Bantul region has some development problems after earth quake two years ago, such as some small industries didn’t grow and development programs implementation didn’t proceed. Those were caused infrastructure conditions, low institution coordination, and inflexibility planning. This research evaluate the earth quake overcomes programs, so it can be known effectively and efficiency those programs. The result shows the Customers Satisfactions Index of the earth quake programs in Bantul have “good criteria” or B category in quality services. The rehabilitation of education sector has the best rank, it has 3.07. Furthermore economic infrastructure sector has 3.05, health sector has 2.93 and irrigation sector has 2.92.
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Imamudin Yuliadi
Macro Economic, Investment - Indonesia
High rates of investment have facilitated rapid technological change and provide the base sustained economic growth. Investment is the important factor to increase economic development. Toward investment can improve economic capacity and maintain economic growth. The goals of this research is to analyze some variable mainly national income, interest rate, exchange rate and dummy variable approximately have affected to investment in Indonesia. Analytical method used in this research is explanatory method which is to test hypothesis about simultaneous relationship among variables that research, by developing the characteristics of verification research by doing some testing at every step of research. We used secondary data taken from BI, BPS, World Bank, and ITS. We used simultaneous model with two stage least square (TSLS). The result of this research shows that all independent variable have affected to dependent variable. National income and dummy variable affected positive and significantly to investment. Meanwhile interest rate and exchange rate affected negative and significantly to investment.
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Indah Permatasari
Banks – Government Bank – Foreign Bank
nIn a good banking structure, competition factor is the most important key to guarantee the efficiency of bank’s performance. One of the ways to create the efficient competence is by presenting the foreign banks. Nowadays it is known that those have given a such significant contribution for national banking development. That contribution is also given by government banks. In this research, the writer want to know the comparison of efficiency level between government bank and foreign bank by using DEA analysis method. This research involved 16 samples bank consist of 5 government banks and 11 foreign banks with data of secondary input and output of banking in 2003-2006. The result shown that banking efficiency level during the research period less stable, however, the achievement of efficiency from each banking is high enough, average over 70%. In 2003 there were 12 efficient banks declined into 9 banks in 2004, then increase into 12 banks in 2005 and decreased in 2006 in to 11 efficient banks. If it is seen from empirical result, the operating foreign banks in Indonesia tend to be more efficient than the government banks because of its bigger efficiency.n
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Endah Saptutyningsih
Illegal Logging
Indonesia is one of 44 countries which has 90 percent of forest in the world. The forest has been damage because of the rights of forest management or allocation of consession of deforestation. Even the rights was undertaken by collusive and corrupt systems, so sustainable forest management couldn’t be made. There are many reasons which cause illegal logging in Indonesia, for instance the demand of woods for industries in Indonesia over sustainable regeneration capability of Indonesia’s forest. In addition, there is vagueness in law enforcement in Indonesia. Some strategies have been undertaken but it didn’t optimal. Therefore, we have to overcome the illegal logging for example by making commitment to remove illegal logging and corruption; to improve law and regulation; to applygood governance principal; to delay forest conversion, and to improve the effectively and efficiency of forest’s law enforcement.n
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Arie A. Ibrahim
Prices ; marketing ; cost accounting
This writing piece is presented in a effort to obtain a more thorough understanding of cost based Pricing (CBP). The effort Is done by putting forward some reasons in defence of CBP concepts, so that strong rationalization will be formed for the continuation of its use. In attemp to extend the concept of CBP the writer also introduces some Improvement and complete¬ness in the application of CBP, so that a tho¬rough understanding Is formed in tentative model which In turn is formed be Integrating various concepts and means which Is generally discussed separately in accounting management and management control system literature. The message of this writing piece Is : CBP is in fact a price determining policy concept and that CBP should not be applied nor interpreted narrowIy
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local development
The purpose of this research is to acknowledge the level of efficiency from Local Development Bank (Bank Pembangunan Daerah/BPD) in Indonesia. This research use non parametric approach which is DEA, to measure of Local Development Bank’s input and output efficiency. The input variables include are interest expenses, administration and public expenses, salary expenses, and others expenses; and the output variables are checking account, saving, deposit, interest net income, and other operational income. The data had been used, was secondary data period of 2001-2006.nThis research concluded that efficiency of BPD is good enough and showed a fluctuation grow from 2001-2006. Pursuant to the technical efficiency level that there are 9 banks from 26 existing banks are showing a maximum efficiency for six years on the row with 100% efficiency. So, there are 17 banks that have fluctuation efficiency level during six years. Mount attainment of efficiency for each variable of input and output from BPD showed varieties numbers during the years of research. Input’s factors that had the biggest influence are interest expenses, administration and general expenses, and salary expenses. In the other hand, output’s factors to support bank’s operational events were checking account, saving, deposit, and net interest revenue.n
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Aso Sukarso
Economic Development
This study is intended to analyze those sectors which have the highest coefficient in direct backwards linkage, direct forward linkage, indirect backward linkages and indirect forwards linkage. Based on this analysis, this study illustrated that priority sector, which has the highest coefficient in backwards linkage is firstly construction; secondly, electricity, gas, & water supplies; and thirdly food, beverages & tobacco industries. The priority sector, which has the highest coefficient in forwards linkage, is firstly food, beverages & tobacco industries; secondly other industries; and third, mining & energy.
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Azmafazilah Jauhari
Economic growth ; Malaysia ; Indonesia
This study aims to test the relationship of government size and internationally economic openness to economic growth for Malaysia and Indonesia. In particular, the study analyzes the long run and short run causality relationship between variables involved in both countries. To achieve the objectives of the study, time series data for the period of 1970-2002 has been analyzed by using VECM framework. The relative significance of some variables to the economic growth, such as international trade openness, size of government expenditure, domestic investment and foreign investment, has been tested by using variance decomposition analysis, that is, as a guidance to policy makers. The results show that there are long run and short run relationship between variables involved in both countries. In addition, the relative significance of globalization and government size to the economic growth is different for both countries. This means that is gives different implications to policy makers in their policy-making.n n
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Inflation ; Bandar Lampung
This research aim to know especial factors which influence inflation in Bandar Lampung, from side monetary and non monetary variables. Many amount of variable perceived but available data was limited therefore we used Principal Component Regression. Excellence of especial component technique in analysis of regression overcoming the problem of multicollinearity and can improve accuracy of parameter estimated. By the result of coefficient by non monetary factors than monetary factors. Those dominant non monetary factor are: 1) expenditure of society consumption, 2) area inflation of Jakarta, 3) expense of transportation. While monetary factor which dominant is money supply increasing.
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Dini Hariyanti
Economic growth
This study is aimed at reviewing several variables of Indonesia macro-economy which is identified as sources of economic growth using a growth equation of Rana Dowling Jr.(1988) and examining the short-and long-term impact of variables of Indonesian macro-economic on economic growth during 1973-2003 periods by using error correction model (ECM) approach. Estimated short-term results, Indonesian economic growth of 1979-2003 periods is influenced by domestic inflation and saving, which is statistically significant. Meanwhile the foreign debt, export growth and work (labor) force ratio is not statically significantly. Based on long-term results, Indonesian economic growth of 1973-2003 periods is influenced by the foreign debt, investment, domestic saving, export growth and work (labor) fprce ratio which are statically significantly.
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Agus Widarjono
national output
Economists have concerned to the immense growth of public sector expenditure since the Second World War. There exist two ways relationship between government expenditure growth and economic growth. Public economic studies, according to Wagner’s law, hypothesize that national output is the cause of government expenditure. In other hand, macroeconomic studies following Keynes’ hypothesis treat public expenditure as an exogenous variable designed to correct short-term cyclical fluctuation in national output. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the public expenditure Indonesia supports Wagner’s law or not over the period 1970-2003 using the Granger causality is test based upon the error-correction models. The Johansen Multivariate co-integration is proposed to analyze the government expenditure behavior in the long run. The finding indicates that there is a long run relationship between the government expenditure and the economic growth. Our causality tests show that the Wagner’s law as well as Keynes’ hypothesis seems to hold.
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Junaiddin Zakaria
manufacture industry ; competitiveness
The purposes of this research is to know the competitive advantage of manufacturing industrial commodity of ready made clothes of West Java to other Provinces in Java. This research uses quantitative and qualitative approach. The data was analyzed using modified Dong Sung Cho model to measure the level of efficiency and domestic demand. Export competitiveness used Ballasa analyses model by revealed comparative advantage (RCA). The result of the research indicates that ready made clothes industrial commodity group from Yogyakarta has fulfilled quality criterion, and has relatively and has quality that can accepted by consumers therefore it’s the second rank at domestic and export demand. The ready made clothes commodity group from Central Java relatively efficient and has fulfilled export quality therefore has relatively high competitiveness for export demand.
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M. Yudhi Lutfi
Inflation ; interest rate
The purpose of this research is to know how big some variables such as the openness of economy, exchange rate, domestic interest rate, foreign interest rate, and also inflation influence FDI in Indonesia. Then to know and to analyze how big those variables influence FDI in Jakarta. This research adopt multiple regression with OLS method in the observation years 1990-2002. According to the data processing, it can conclude that the openness economy, domestic interest rate, foreign interest rate and inflation have not influence FDI in Indonesia, but the exchange rate between rupiah and US$ has negative impact on FDI Indonesia of period 1990-2002. Moreover through R², the three independent variables had influence on FDI 39.62 percent and the remaining 60.37 percent was influence by other variables.
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Hasan Aedy
syariah economic poverty
Syariah Economic is a new paradigm in economic social science which form as an antithesis of Free-value Conventional Economic. Syariah Economic is not form as free-value. Thus, in the application it based on concepts and strategy which more powerful to solve the social economic problem in many ways. One of the major problem in social economic that never ending is poverty. Communism, Capitalism, and Socialism also has their own concepts and strategy to solve the poverty, in fact what all have they done is not show a prestigious results. In Indonesia, so many ways has been done to prevent poverty. Not even to handle, to reduce the poverty it still a big question. All the concepts and strategy based on Conventional Economics still running of time, mind and cost from the expert. But the poverty not shown it significant decreases, but shown it propensity to increases. In the same time, the gap between income groups in community become more wide to one another. The major question is, will Syariah Economic show it ability to solve poverty in community based on Akhlakul Karimah approaches. If it done, at least the number of poverty in long term will be minimalized.
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Anna S.N Dasril
agricultural business
the objective of this research is to observe the impact of the BBM subsidy decreasing, electricity basic tariff increasing (TDL) and telephone tariff towards the agricultural business sector performance. This performance includes domestic price, total production and employment rate. This research perceived as the simulation towards the secondary data of the Indonesian input-output of 1995. The analysis device was used in this research is INDORANI. Applied general Equity Model (KUT), for the Indonesian economic which was developed by the UGM economic study and Public Policy Center and the collaborated with IMPACT PROJECT. Monash University, I-O data has available in the INDORANI Model, thus, in this research, shock was provided such as BBM price increasing telephone and electricity basic tariff. Thus, the analysis of the shock impact towards the agricultural business sector performance. The conclusion of this research are as follows: the impact of government policy about the BBM price increasing, TDL and telephone perceived to be domestic price of all agricultural business flow industry, however, also providing a decreasing impact towards the total production and employment. Among the agricultural flow industry the most significant towards the impact of government’s policy is to the small scale food and beverage industry. This industry showed the impact of the highest domestic price increasing, but the impact of the production decreasing and employment perceived to be the lowest. This is because the related industry is resulting food and beverage production which are consumed by the community, where the demand towards this product perceived inelastic.nIf it compared to the impact of the policy towards the manufacture industrial sector non agricultural based, thus the impact towards the domestic price perceived higher in the agricultural business sector, while the impact towards the total production decreasing perceived lower in the agricultural business sector compared to the manufacture industrial sector non agricultural based. From the explanation above it could be concluded that the agricultural business sector relatively perceived more significant towards the negative impact of the BBM subsidy decreasing. TDL increasing and telephone tariff compared to the manufacture industrial sector non agricultural based.n
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Tri Kunawangsih P.
cigarette industry
This paper attempts to know efficiency in the several activity economy in the clove cigarette industry Gudang Garam, British America Tobacco, Sampoerna (go public). This research can be used secondary data in the period 1999 and 2001, which included input and output. Input can be classified into total asset, inventory or human resources, liability and output about total sale, profit, ROI. The data were obtained Indonesian Capital Market Directory 2002. The analysis instrument utilized was DEA (Data Enveloping Analysis).
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Lukman Hakim
Krisis ekonomi Asia tahun 1997 telah mendorong para peneliti untuk melihat pengaruh kebijakan moneter terhadap volatilitas (kerapuhan) harga-harga asset. Termasuk studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh kebijakan moneter ekspansif paska kebijakan liberalisasi perbankan decade 1980-an terhadap volatilitas harga aset yang pasar valuta asing, uang, dan modal.nStudi ini membandingkan tiga periode yakni 1990.1-1993.3; 199.4-1997.2, dan 1997.3-2001.4, dengan menggunakan Vector Autoregression (VAR) yang mencakup dua metode yakni variance decomposition dan impulse response. Hasil studi ini, secara umum menegaskan bahwa kebijakan moneter ekspansif selama decade 1980-an dan 1990-an telah berpengaruh terhadap volatilitas harga-harga aset, meskipun terdapat perbedaan intensitas pengaruh dari beberapa periode pengamatan tersebut. n
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Tiktik Sartika
Cooperative Networking ; Small – Medium Scale Business
This current study relied upon the perceptions of Indonesian cooperatives, provide insight view into the practice of Cooperative Networking of Small – Medium Scale Business, consists of : cooperation, expectation, expected support and self interact as independent variables while the dependent variables are progress and efficiency.nUsing the simple of 134 small – medium business in Jakarta, whereby two hypotheses concerning the predictors and outcomes of cooperative members were tested. The findings were as follows: 1. Cooperative Networking was positively related to progress and efficiency of members’ cooperative business; 2. Cooperative networking influenced progress of members’ business except expected support; 3. Cooperative networking influenced efficiency of members’ business. n
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Lavlimatria Esya
nominal interest
This study aims to investigate the determination of nominal interest rate in Indonesian with non nested test approach. This research used quarterly time series data from 1988.IV – 1999.III, consist of 44 observations taken from several publication. In analyzing those data, Error Correction Model and Forward Looking Buffer Stock Model as comparing model were employed.nThe finding are, ECM shows that the coefficient of t-test Error Correction Term is significant. This indicates that the ECM is valid. The specification of Forward Looking Buffer Stock Model informed that the economic agents have fully forward looking expectation behavior. This is shown by the sign and statistical significance as hypothesized. The selection between Error Correction Model and Forward Looking Buffer Stock Model by using J-test indicates that Forward looking Buffer Stock Model for nominal interest rate may surpass the Error Correction Model. n
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Thoby Mutis
14 p.
cooperation, BUMN (state-owned enterprise) and private company
The economic purpose of cooperation in general is to motivate economic growth through the growth of cooperation by equalization of income, improvement of efficiency, creation of employment, fair and stable pricing system. It is defined in such a way because cooperation is an economic entity which has social content and not the opposite.nBesides, cooperation is an economic agent that is also able to organize ‘synergy’ or ‘synergism’ inside or outside the entity/society. When we make a systematic approach in analyzing the Indonesian economy, we will see that various subsystem such as cooperation, BUMN (state-owned enterprise) and private company interact with one another. The three of them can interact within the scope of interact-subsystem model. It is this model that needs to be designed accurately and appropriately in order to strengthen business of the state-owned enterprise (BUMN) and private company, but it can also be the business core in itself as an agent and not as a direct object other economic agents, neither as an indirect complement of them. n
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Monetary Crisis
The aim of this research is to know the impact of the monetary crisis in the form of a weakening rupiah and rising interest rate on the performance of real sector (agricultural sector, non oil gas industry, sector and non oil gas mining sector).nThe data used in this research is the secondary data from various reports and publications, in particular from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and Bank Indonesia. The data were processed and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. In order to estimate the influence of the crisis, I used an econometric tool by estimating a simultaneous model using the 2SLS method. nThe most important finding of this research is that the monetary crisis has a positive impact on exports indicated by a significant dummy variable coefficient of 0.14532, while the impact of the crisis on imports is significantly negative with the dummy variable coefficient value of -0.08753. Meanwhile, the interest rate coefficient of -0.12051, but the exchange rate has no significant impact on income. n
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M. Safar Nasir
Consumers ; Housing
The purpose of this research is to analyze factors influencing DIY’s consumers in housing preference. The factors are house price, distance between housing location to university, room quantity, developer reputation, supporting facilities, and building quality. The data used in this research are cross section data before economic crisis, on July, 1997. The data are obtained through questionnaire which is distributed by researcher to 100 respondents (samples) from 43 housing location in DIY. Sample is chosen by stratified random sampling method. The model used is logistic regression model which is explained in probability functions. The analysis method used is logistic regression analysis or binary multiple regression analysis. The result showed that house price, distance to university, reputation developer, supporting facilities, and building quality have influence consumer’s housing preference or consumer’s satisfaction, while, room quantity factor have not influenced consumer’s housing preference or consumer’s satisfaction.
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Budiono Sri Handako
Indonesian Economy
For about 20 years the international trade of textile and clothing has been conducted under a special arrangement called Multiple Arrangement (MFA). In essence, MFA is a formal agreement which enables the government of developed countries to apply discriminative treatment to the textile exporters from developing countries. The main instrument of the MFA is offering protection to the domestic industry via quota, not via tariff restriction. This is not in accordance with the GATT principles. Under the Urugay Round agreement, the arrangement will be fully phased out in the year 2005. nThe aim of this research is to assess the impact of the MFA phasing out on the Indonesian economy as well as on the other textiles and clothing exporting countries in the Asian region (e.g. Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Newly Industrialized Economies/NIEs, and the South Asia Countries). The impact of the MFA phasing out will be focused on some economic variables, such as welfare, gross domestic product (GDP), terms of trade, trade structure, output and the demand of endowment factors. The changes of those variables will be analyzed by using the Global trade Analyzed Project (GTAP) that is the general equilibrium model of multi countries and multi sectors.nThe simulation results show that, in general, the phasing out of the MFA benefits the Indonesian economy. But it is relatively small. In comparison to other countries under studied, Indonesia receives the least economic benefit from that phasing out. Meanwhile, China and other South Asian countries will get more economic benefits. The analysis also indicates that most of the countries understudied will receive the economic benefit. Vietnam is the only country which will not obtain the benefit at all. n
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Nirdukita Ratnawati
Manufacturing Industry
There are three aims of this research, there are (1) to analyze the influence of independent variables on export and economy growth function; (2) to find the optimal lag of growth and export variation on independent variables; (3) to find causality relation patterns among variables in the growth function. Based on these aims, two estimation method were use in this research, i.e. two stage least square method (TSLS) and vector autoregressive method (VAR). Simultaneous analysis using TSLS method give result (conclusion) that manpower, capital and export have a positive influence to PDB growth. Manpower on industry sector is the most contributor of PDB growth. Meanwhile, past period export is the most important factor in improving export, followed by PDB and then REER. A dummy variable as a proxy of government policy (export oriented policy) influence export of industry sector significantly. Analysis of causality patterns by VAR method shown the result that there are two-way causality between manpower and growth; capital and manpower; also between export and capital. The influence of growth to manpower is sooner and stronger than otherwise. Meanwhile, the causality relation between capital and PDB growth is shown a result that PDB growth is influence capital is stronger than otherwise. But, the influence of manpower to capital is stronger than others. Like this one, the influence of export to capital is sooner and stronger than otherwise. The last result is shown a one way causality that just happened between PDB growth and export, while export contribute to PDB growth is shown by absorption on manpower.
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Farida Jasfar
This study focuses on procedural fairness and distributive fairness as a determining factor in the effectiveness of relationship quality between car supplier and their dealers. The outcome that is received by the dealers, the length of relationship and the business environments will affect distributive fairness, procedural fairness and relationship quality. The samples are made up to 48 dealers from 105 unit questionnaires which were distributed. The method of analysis used are correlation analysis, regression and structural equation model (SEM). The finding of research suggest that outcome is a determining factor in these relationships while distributive fairness and procedural fairness only the relatively minor factors. The business environments influenced the relationship quality through the level of distributive fairness and procedural fairness. The length of a relationship between car suppliers and their dealer and the type of those dealers (authorized and non authorized) were not the determining factors.
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Lukman Hakim
This paper analyzes the comparatives of reserve determination between monetary and Keynesian approaches. According Frenkel, Gylfason and Helliwell model about a synthesis of monetary and Keynesian approaches to short-run balance of payment theory. This study finds that income response to reserves is positive effect in both Keynesian and monetary model. Monetary model as expected theory and Keynesian is not. Meanwhile model as expected by theory, and monetary is not. In the same case, exchange rate innovation to reserves is negative effect in both Keynesian and monetary model, this result is not expected by theory; a positive relationship. Finally, discourse about short run balance of payment has a conclusion that monetary approach more suitable to explain reserve determination in Indonesia.
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Rossje V. Suryaputri
Job Satisfaction ; Accounting
The present study investigates the relationship between accounting firm cultures and job satisfaction among accountants in DKI Jakarta. Data for the study were obtained from a questionnaire administered on-site to a volunteer group of 100 individuals (60 males and 40 females) working in the auditing division of sixth large certified public accounting firms according to Internal Accounting Bulletin, 1996. Test a sixth different firms were required to ensure a reasonable distribution of respondents by hierarchical rank of the respondents, 80 were senior or staff accountants, 15 were managers or supervisors, and were 5 partners. Respondents had been employed by the firm an average of 2.5 years.nTo measure organizational culture, the Organizational Culture Index (OCI) developed by Wallach was used. The OCI is described as a measure of organizational culture in three dimensions-bureaucratic, innovative, and supportive. Respondents are asked to indicate, using a five-point Likert scale to extent to which 24 different adjectives, such as hierarchical, procedural, cautious correspond with how they see the organization.nJob satisfaction was measured by an instrument developed by Hoppock. The instrument consists of four questions, using a five point likert scale. Correlation analysis using the total sample also were performed; correlation’s significant at the.05 level of probability or better are reported. As expected innovative and supportive culture were positively associated with job satisfaction (r = .215, r = .229). Unexpectedly, bureaucratic culture was positively correlated with satisfaction (r = .221).n
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Syamsurijal Tan
Manufacturing Industry
The objective of this article is to analyze the effects of tariff protection and its implementation in manufacturing industry products. Theoretically, tariff protection typically inefficient and its also make deterioration in social welfare. The Pareto’s concepts indicates that the international allocation of economy’s resource would not bring gains to society. Although deregulation policies has been done since 1983, but there are still many manufacturing industry products are high protected such as mild powder, processed fisa, non-alcoholic beverages, furniture would rottan, soaps and detergent. The high tariff discourage on world markets and thus reaping the gains from trade. Therefore to support the international trade liberalization, government should eliminate tariff barriers. n
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Bahcrawi Sanusi
Economic Development
The increating world oil prince give a pointive import to Indonesia as me of the oil producing countries it could be seen, amongst other, that there has been a structural transformation in Indonesia economy, that is the decreasing than of agricultural sector in the GNP structure.nRiau, Aceh, and East Kalimantan are there main oil producing regions in Indonesia. In this paper, the anther suggest some problems that relevance to sensuver : how big is the impact of increasing world oil price to those there main oil producing regions, especially in their multiplier effects : employment and income effect. To discuss those problems, the author proposes the methodology that should be used in the research.
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Eleonora Solfida
Agricultural ; Manufacture - Indonesia
This research has been made for knowing on how Heavy Manufacture Export Working Agriculture Resource in Indonesia with Consultant Market Share (CMS) Estimation. Period of research which in use begin from the year of 1994 until the year of 1998.nResearch result shown that commodity export changing in Indonesia from the year of 1994 until the year of 1998 have degradation expect in the year of 1996 marked with positive. This heavy manufacture export working agriculture resource in Indonesia mainly causes by competition effect of heavy commodity manufacture export working of Indonesia agriculture resource in the whole. Economic crisis in Indonesia which begun in the year of 1997 brought negative impact on heavy manufacture export working in Indonesia agriculture resource. This point has been showed with big degradation of heavy manufacture export working in Indonesia agriculture resource. n
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Lukman Hakim
nThe purpose of this study is to analysis of role of inflation targeting in transmission mechanism of monetary policy 1990.1-2000.4. This study based on model developed by Peter Montiel (1991) about monetary transmission mechanism (MTM) in developing countries. Model consists of seven (7) equations: there are interest rate, portfolio, exchange rate, money supply, reserves, real income, and inflation. Two stage least square (TSLS) method is used for analyzing the quarterly data. In the unit root rest, the data are stationary on lagged first difference. With identification model test, all of equations is over identified, so this model can operate with TSLS method. This study finds interest rate of Bank Indonesia certificate (SBI) and currency (M0), which relate strongly to inter bank call money (PUAB). PUAB relates strongly to deposits interest rate, exchange rate, and money supply indicates a expansionary monetary policy leading to exchange rate, thereby causing a increase in deposit interest rate, thereby causing a increasing in deposit interest rate, thereby leading to a increase in inflation. Fiscal policy does not have influence inflation targeting. Finally, this study recommends continuing inflation targeting policy in Indonesia. n
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R. Maman Sukherman
Education ; Salary ; Women Employee
nDisparity on women employee’s salary in Indonesia measured by Gini ratio and statistically analyzed. Kruskal-Walls t-test is used to examine if those compilation determined by Indonesian economy, transformation measured by UNIDO criteria. Williamson index used to detect disparity between women employee’s salary caused by variation of educational background that can’t detect by Gini index. Non-parametric statistical test, Q-Friedman test used to analyzed scientifically the effect of educational background on women employee’s salary in Indonesia. The conclusion of the study shows that in general, there is a disparity on women employee’s salary, but the differences are theoretically predictable. n
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Bob Widyahartono
Human Resources Development
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Asep Hermawan
Corporate Social Responsibility
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21 p.
Potential Sector - Riau
Purpose this research is to know and discuss about economic structure and development of each sector in Riau Province. Some sector shown an priority advantage to develop at Riau Province. Using location Quotient, shift share analysis and input-output method with time series and cross section data. Result shown that the best sector is agriculture is plantation and forestry sector, mining for oil, and gas sector, and industry sector for processing to the industry sub-sectors: petroleum refining and gas industry.
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Banks - Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to analyze the cause of banking crisis in Indonesia. The logit model method and monthly data from 1983:01-2005:12 were used for the analysis. The results show that the banking crisis in Indonesia was not caused by the implementation of the financial deregulation in Indonesia but by the increase in macroeconomic instability (in the form of rupiah exchange rate and inflation), great foreign debt of commercial banks, and the high discount rate of the certificates of bank Indonesia.
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Evi Susanti Tasri
Mortality – West Sumatra
Healthy citizen is not only support the success of improvement program in various sectors as education, others social, but also support production and citizen progress. Indicator in healthy level of citizen is infant Mortality Rank (IMR) and live hope rank. The decrease of infant mortality rank will cause the exploration of live hope rank when born. Methodology in this research is descriptive analysis and logistics regression analysis with free variable that is mother’s education level, mother work status, children nutrient status, ASI supply, income percapita, water resources, place defecation facility, kind of widely floor and floor percapita.
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Lukman Hakim
Poverty - Indonesia
This study attempts to analyze influence of geography dimension to rural poverty. Geography variable is deputized by village distance to district. Meanwhile, poverty variable is used to family concept from BKKBN in each village. Study used to cross section data of PODES 2006 is executed by econometric method. This study consist of village on Surakarta, Boyolali, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Sragen, and Klaten. Result of study indicated that geography dimension has a strong effect on rural poverty.
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Hary Kuncoro
Fiscal Policy ; Budget
Casuality is an important concept in applied econometrics. It helps us to identify the direction which variable is a cause (policy) and which one is an impact. This paper applied the technique of Granger causality to determine the causal relationship between total government expenditures, total tax revenues, and regional income in the case of municipalities’ local government in Indonesia over the period of 1988-2003. Unlike other researchers, this study breaks down the local government expenditure into operating and capital expenditures. Similarly, the local government revenues are specified further into local own revenues and intergovernmental transfers (tax & non tax revenue sharing and grant). Using annual panel data, the analysis discovers a firm bidirectional effect from expenditure to revenue. Meanwhile, we found a unidirectional between regional income and grant. It suggests that the preference of controlling either the spending or revenue decisions is conducted both central and local governments to synchronize fiscal performance. Policy implication that could be drawn is that local governments may increase regional economic performance without depending on grants from central government.
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Tiktik Sartika
Small industries
The role of small-scale industries (SSls) is very essential in triggering economic growth and development in Indonesia. There are 1.488.891 SSls units in Indonesia, which employ 6.652.188 persons. They operate in the un-conducive situation which some economists called as the monopolistic competitive industries. Market concentration size of the SSls are only 1.1% of the total sales of industry. This research is intended to explore main problems of SSls, which mainly related to marketing issue and being followed by the other problems, such as financing, education, training and competition. The results of this study proved the raw material value and total of business unit significantly and positively influence product value of SSls. The empirical research demonstrated that market orientation had positive impact to business performance. Small firms that have clear market orientation are larger rather than small firms that have competitor orientation.
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Nirdukita Ratnawati
Interest rate ; Indonesia
Nowadays, there are demands from business players and also economic experts, which requires Bank Indonesia as the monetary player to influence the deposit interest rate and also the lending interest rate related to the decreased of Indonesia Interest Rate (SBI). Due to the SBI interest rate flow, latter was used as the measurement of other interest rates. This research was focused on the determinant factors of lending interest rate for Indonesia case on the period of 1990:1-2005:4. With the determinant factors are Gross Domestic Growth, Money Supply, Inflation Rate, SBI interest rate, and Foreign Interest Rate (LIBOR). Data was used in this research is the order and quarter data from the period of 1990 quarter I to the period of 2005 quarter IV. Analysis method was used here is the Error Correction Model (ECM). The research result showed that, on the short term, there is inflation, SBI interest rate and foreign interest rate (LIBOR) variables that have influences towards lending interest rate in Indonesia. On the long term for the Indonesia case, only SBI interest rate that have an influence. This showed that the SBI interest rate, whether long term on short term contexts, perceived so effective in determining Lending Interest Rate in Indonesia.
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Y.B. Kadarusman
Deindustrialization ; Indonesia
Deindustrialization process reflects on a reduction of employment in manufacturing sector as well as contribution manufacture gross value added to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). By using a simple model which developed by Rowthom and Wells (1987) the paper tries to find the of possibility deindustrialization process in Indonesia links with international trade pattern.
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Mohd. Azlan Shah Zaidi
Inflation ; Malaysia
Studies on relationship between relative price variability and inflation in most developed countries found mixed results. Having known the importance of the study, especially when it is directly related to economic policy of a nation, a study for small developing country, such as Malaysia is deemed necessary. Thus, this paper investigates a relationship between relative price variability of West Malaysia and East Malaysia and inflation, using monthly date from 36 years, ranging from January 1970 until March 2005. Test of nonlinearity shows that the relative price variability is found to be nonlinear. In addition, inflation has significant positive relationship with the relative price variability while the relationship between the two variables are found to be in nonlinear form. The results support the menu cost theory which says that the relative price variability will increase when there is an inflation. Furthermore, the findings have also some implications on market integration among Malaysia regions and also on the effectiveness of monetary policy in stabilizing the price level in the long run.
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financial ; dynamic model
This research estimates inflation tax, using the approach of Kointegrasi that is by doing perception to inflation tax variable, domestic debt interest rate, overseas debt interest rate, and earnings of national in Indonesia. In line with this research, from result of cointegression regression test show stable variable or stationer at degree 2 (two). By using linear regression model each, every happened the make-up of to domestic debt interest rate equal to 1% will improve tax inflation and seignorage ratio to change of earnings equal to 0.2172% and 0,3344%. While each every make-up of overseas debt interest rate 1% will degrade tax inflation and seignorage ratio to change of earnings equal to -0,2645% and -0,3345%. And each every happened the make-up of to earnings confidence level equal to 1% will improve tax inflation equal 0.3194%. from result of test signifikansi from accurate variable, hence all variable influencing inflation tax is significant at confidence level 5%.
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Haroni Doli HR
consumption pattern ; Islamic economics ; developed country
The study compares the consumption pattern in Islamic countries and developed countries. Using statistical test found that there is a significant difference of consumption pattern between those two countries. Proportion of income for consumption pattern in Islamic countries tend to influenced by income variable rather than Islamic concept. Research consumption pattern in Islamic society need to be developed for building a conceptual framework of consumption and investment theory in Islamic economics.
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Lavlimatria Esya
Rupiah Exchange Rate
This study investigates the impact of GDPRiil_Indonesia, GDPRiil_USA, GDPRiil_Japan, Fed_Fund and Nam_Exchange_Rate Variable on Current Account then, result of it can be used to decide the Exchange Rate in Indonesia during 1998.1-2003.4. this study uses quarterly time series of data during 1998.1-2003.4 that consist of 24 observation. Then the data are taken from several sources. The study employees ECM in analyzing the data. The estimation result of ECM is valid. It is indicated by significant of the coefficient t-test of Error Correction Term (ECT) in term of Short and Long period, all of the variable give effect significantly to Indonesian Current Account.
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Syofriza Syofyan
exchange rate ; inflation
Capital inflows from abroad of Government Capital Flow, Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Indirect Investment. Capital flows are one of the fund source to finance developing countries. Capital flows can influence exchange rate and inflation while in the other side exchange rate and inflation can also influence Capital Flows. Monetary approach is used to study about relationship between exchange rate, inflation and Capital flows. Analysis method used in this research is simultaneous equation with Two Stage Least Square (TSLS) approach.nEmpirically, government capital flow doesn’t influenced by exchange rate and inflation and vice versa. Foreign Direct Investment influence inflation positively. Foreign indirect investment doesn’t influenced by exchange rate and inflation but difference interest rate between domestic and foreign influence foreign indirect investment positively. Finally foreign indirect investment influence inflation positively. n
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Husnul Khatimah
Alms ; economic prosperity
Management and distribution of zakah are the fundamental problem in the Islamic economics. At the first time, zakah just collected and distributed with the target to fulfill primary need of mustahik only. Currently, the innovative management of zakah through productive financing to mustahik are the specific phenomena in Islamic economics. This research to finds the impact of zakah in order to increase a mustahik society economic welfare that the object of zakah distribution through productive financing and to deeply understanding about how to courching and counseling program by Community Development Circle (CDC), Dompet Dhuafa (DD) republika. To support our research, we made observation and interviews, work together with CDC intensively. This research also to explore the correlations between gender, education, business kind, and total scheme (total financing from zakah) to the velocity on income per kapita from business (PPKu) of mustahik. Statistical test used in this research are wilcoxon signed rank, pearson correlation, and ordinal regression. The results wilcoxon signed rank test shown that the most of “mitra binaan” gets significant increasing of their income. The result of correlations test shown that there are relationship between financing (skim), capital, PPku and PPKs. And the result of ordinal regression shown that the overall model are statistically significant, but as individual some variable are not significant.
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Victor Siagian
Sugar Industry
Highly government intervention caused crucial Indonesian sugar market structure. This condition stimulated low productivity, high cost economy, increasing in sugar price and imported sugar. Increased sugar import either legal or illegal must be concerned because international sugar market is thin market also sugar industry is capital intensive, more over in the beginning of trade liberalization. One of the methods for eliminating imported sugar namely to identified sugar industry efficiency especially government sugar industry using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). DEA calculates relative efficiency to peer unit namely sugar factories in which have highly efficiency score. There are five sugar factories, owned by government, have lowly efficiency score and need input multiplier or reallocation in using input from peer unit.
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Cement Industry
This study evaluated the optimal production of cement manufacturing industry in Indonesia by using the long run cost analysis and the installed Cement manufactures Capacity during the period of 1980-2002.nEmpirical finding revealed that the optimal cement production was below the installed cement manufactures capacity.nHence, cement manufactures had over – capacity – during the period being studied.n
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Eleonora Sofilda
Export ; Import
The objective of this research is to analyze the contribution of agriculture based manufacture’s export to the output creation, value added, import needs and unemployment rate in Indonesia using input-output analysis. The result showed that the commodity has a strong and high backward linkage (5th rank) and a medium linkage (27th rank). The changing of the commodity has a positive correlation to the output, value added, import needs and to the creation of job vacation.
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Nur’aini Chaniago
Based on the empirical data analysis in 27 province throughout Indonesia, the influence of economic growth on inflation rate is significant and positive : the economic growth acceleration would significantly lead to price growth acceleration, while wage growth variable indicating insignificant influence on inflation rate, revealed that the change in wage did not significantly influence the change in price. The influence of productivity growth on inflation rater indicated insignificant and negative influence; each increases in productivity led to increase in inflation rate, ceteris paribus. The influence of this variable, however, is insignificant, reflected by the very relatively small result t-test. The influence of productivity growth influence on negative inflation rate indicates that the workers’ productivity would lead to the increasingly high output (so that the aggregate demand curve shifted aright) but the increase in output was almost accompanied by the increase in demand for output (so that the aggregate demand curve shifted aright) in such a way that the resulting influence is totally insignificant. The result of econometric test implied that the other sectors out of consumption (demand side) had not been allocated optimally. In response torn this finding, in order to that the national income continue to increase without being accompanied by inflation, the government might make policies causing the national income increase from the demand side in such a way that the economic growth be realized without being accompanied by increasing in price (inflation). The insignificant influence of wage on inflation was due to the increase in wage was not in line with the increase in price. The concept of wage rigidity theory indicates that (in the short term) the wage growth will inclined to be slower compared with the price growth, so that there is no strong correlation among the two variables.
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Sulistyawati Toelle
15 p.
Management Information System
Management Information System is a comprehensive system consisting of sub-systems of information, which are rationally coordinated and integrated, with the intention of processing according to the manager’s style and characteristics, and based on the qualification criteria that have been decided.nPrevious research revealed that manager’s in Indonesia in general had their own certain style and characteristics in managing their organizations. Therefore, in designing Management Information System, these style and characteristics are important to be considered, so that the Information System that really fits the before-mentioned organizations can be formed.
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Tri Kunawangsih
Metal Basic Industries
nThe aim of this research is to know the efficiency of the several economic activity in the non ferrous metal basic industries (ISIC 372). The data used in this research are secondary data of input and output from period 1996-1998. It’s collected from Central Bureau of Statistic. Import can be classified into raw mat, labor or human resources and capital, while output consists of value products, total output and value added of products. The analysis method used is DEA. The result shows that the efficiency in ISIC 3701, ISIC 37202, ISIC 37204 and ISIC 37205 has been reached. While efficiency has not been reached yet by ISIC 37203.n
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Munti Jehan
Export ; Crude Palm Oil
Indonesian Crude Palm Oil (CPO) is one of the commodities making great contribution to national foreign exchange. In addition to contributing foreign exchange, CPO is commodity positioning Indonesia the second greatest CPO producer and supplier in the world after Malaysia. It means that Indonesian CPO has high competitiveness in the world. The export value of CPO to several countries, however, still seems to fluctuate. Such a condition is a great concern because of the weakening of the competitiveness of some sector such as the emerging competing countries or the government policies which have not supported the CPO export completely or due to non economic factors.nThis research is conducted to examine the competitiveness and market concentration of Indonesia CPO commodity in the international market. Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Rate of Market Concentration Index are used in this research.nBased on the analysis and discussion about RCA. It is revealed that the obtained value is greater than 1, meaning that Indonesia CPO is commodity which has had competitiveness. The result of the Rate of Market Concentration Index indicates that the CPO export share is rather concentrated on five countries of export destination, with Rate of Market Concentration Index approaching to 1. n
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Victor Siagian
Indonesian sugar factories
Main constraint in facing Indonesian sugar factories today are : (1) low quality of raw material, (2) low milling capacity, (3) low efficiency of sugar factories, and (4) high production cost. The conclusion of this research are as follows : (1) Own and cross price elasticities of three input variables, are inelastic; (2) All of three input variables within sugar production process complementary interrelated, with the result that difficult to substitute; (3) Economies of scale of Indonesian sugar industry in increasing returns to scale condition, it means that national sugar production was not efficient yet. Moreover economies of scope exist, it means that cost of production of sugar and molasses simultaneous, cheaper than cost of production of sugar or molasses individually; (4) private sugar factories possess higher efficiency than government sugar factories.
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Tatik Maryati
The growth of the labor force is about 3 million per year, if the economic growth 2.5% per year. While the employment availability is less than 1 million per year. Therefore, it is very crucial to set the rule by the government to overcome this unemployment problem. In this article, the writer suggested several action or policies based on macroeconomic approach in AD and AS point of view. They are:n•tGovernment to increase the price of rice follow the market forcen•tGovernment to push the price of factors of production, by eliminating the KKN on the marketing and producing linen•tGovernment to supply credit assistance program for the home industryn•tGovernment to protect the home industry in competition with others large scale industryn•tGovernment to serve the market for the home industry, particularly doing cooperation with government institutionn•Government to provide the assistances, guidances and consultancies for home industryn•Government to keep to recommend the Indonesia labor delivery overseas, as long as follow the standar rule for itn•Government to limit the acceptance of expatriaten
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Fatik Rahayu
Employees Satisfaction
A considerable amount has been written about Total Quality Management, both at a conceptual and practical level. There are some survey, revealed that TQM can help organization to improve employees’ satisfaction (Rahayu, 2000; Lam, 1996; Counte, 1992). The role of top company management is very important for the success of TQM program. This study examines how middle managers perceive about the commitment of their top manager to quality and how this commitment related with the job satisfaction of middle managers in Indonesia. The questionnaire were sent to middle managers in organizations which had been implementing TQM. The instrument from Athire et.al. (1996), Hackman-Oldham (1980) and Smith et.al (in Wagner; 1995 and Taber, 1991) would be used in this study. Correlation and Anova were used to analysis data. The result show that the commitment of top managers to quality were good enough and more high commitment, more high middle managers’ job satisfaction.
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Syaifoel Choeryanto
Income Countries
This writing discuss what the open economy model from advanced countries can be used to explains economic in development countries? It’s caused occur transition in open economy model by explain exchanging of goods or product become capital exchanging. Deal presents Flemming/Mundell model Comparative Static Model by de Marcedo and Tobin approach, so obtained conclusion that decreasing of currency value (deprecation) in open economy model by fixed currency value will be caused occur surplus in Balance Sheet of trading and service, also for payment balance sheet, but can be decrease a real, income and total staff of country. Beside that, a currency value will appear increasing of price rate.
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Wim Widarma
Automotive Industry
Automotive industrial interrelatedness system is expected to support Indonesia industry sector aggregately. Furthermore, it is expect to raise Indonesia Gross Domestic Product, provide job opportunities and raise the foreign exchange reserve. The projective import substitution policies are considered unsuccessful in automotive industrial development. As a matter of fact it is indicated by oil-boom rather than consistent industrial policies supporting more the automotive industrial development in the of 1970’s. The policies as observers, it is due to the priority is given to the down-stream industry. As the consequence, the intermediate industry is untouchable by such policies. It is in turn the automotive industry is much relying on the import. This dependency has the impact on the loose inter-relatedness of the automotive industry and its supportive industry.
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Esty Setyaningrum
This article examines the relationships between foreign debt and current account deficit in Indonesia. It concludes that foreign debt has a level of foreign debt, and the risk associated with debt, this work also suggests a realizing direct foreign investment is necessary to solve the problem of the current account deficit. n
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Angelina Ika R
Economic Development
Indonesia, as other developing countries, faces environmental degradation in its economic development process market mechanism couldn’t solve their problems, so it needs a serious government intervention. This paper describes some of the roles of the government in solving environmental problems. The discussion is started by the description of the relationship between economic activity and environment in controlling the environmental degradation and how to solve it. The author also hows what the Indonesia government should do to solve the environmental problems.
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Esty Setyaningrum
Competition Industry
nThis paper discusses the role of competition law in Indonesia and their capabilities to improve efficiency and competitiveness. The main objective of competition policy is to encourage and maintain market competition in order to enhance economic efficiency. There are some critical notes on a new competition law in Indonesia. The market competition was the fundamental driving force compelling manufacturing firms to enhance their efficiency and competitiveness by investing in their technological development. Hence, market competition fosters greater efficiency in resource allocation and raises consumer welfare. n
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Dini Hariyanti
nThe propose of this research is try to use error correction model approach, to see the influence of the money demand in long term. This research can be started as test equilibrium relationship or how long the term relation between economy variables to the circulation money demand by economic theory. By using error correlation model, developed by Granger Representation Theorem (1996), we concluded-result for estimation test from unit root test, the variable unstationary in 1 percent degree of freedom is variable money demand (assume money demand equal with money supply( and interest rate. Whereas, the income (output) and exchange rate unstationary in 5 and 10 percent degree of freedom. That variable means will be used in this research because unstationary with unit roots test and un integrated in certain degree, so it can be done for co integration test. The result co integration test by residual regression with ordinary least squares show that estimation coefficient regression have significant and can be accepted, so we conclude shows that in long term elasticity for income (output), interest rate and exchange rate to money demands is 1.5142, 0.2732, 0.3254. By appropriate sign we decide the hypothesis. Result with estimation from co integration regression that money demand (liquidity economic) in long term being influenced by income (output) variable, positive exchange rate and negative interest rate. n
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Mu’man Nuryana
Capitalism ; Islam Economic
The capitalistic economical capability continuous to be questioned world wide for more than 2,5 century, because of its failure basically caused by over capital accumulation. Nevertheless, the developed countries still defend their ideology through globalization of finance and information systems. A rather unique condition actually happened in Asia. Since the respective countries posses a better way than capitalism. Actually, economic conditions can be improved when implementing the Islamic Economics Concept since it provides the spiritual and material need for appropriate fulfillment.
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Sri Susilowati
Economic Growth
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Asep Hermawan
Corporate Social Responsibility
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Dionisius Sihombing
12 p.
Occupational health - Dairi - Sumut; Vocational education
Labour is one of important aspect in economic activity. The low’s quality of the labour will give the effect on the economic quality on the productivity. The productivity is the ability of labour to result the output. The labour’s productivity is one indicator of labour’s in certain time which give the economic growth. In the economic’s sector that can delivered of productivity can be received through the big economic’s growth which in explained by PDRB. The labour’s productivity is measured based on PDRB’s level for the labour in the economic activity. This research was done in the Dairi’s district. With the goal that was to know the change of the labour’s economic productivity caused by the education and the health factor’s. this research used regional statistic data 1993-2003 periode’s. Multiple regression analysis with OLS approach was used to analysis of data. The result of research shared that has effected 77.19 % on the change of labour productivity. The regional government II important to do seriously attempting in the education and health improvement in order to reach the high produvticity.
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JJ. Sarungu
Investment – Surakarta –Indonesia, Indonesia – Iran, Indonesia – Afghanistan
The purpose of this study is to overview export position and investment change Surakarta at bilateral trading by Republic of Iran and Republic of Afghanistan. Descriptive analysis was used for analysis. The result show the role of Iran and Afghanistan in export of middle Java relative was too small and role of Iran and Afghanistan in export of Surakarta was nothing. The main export commodities of Surakarta were furniture, textile and the product of textile, office inventory and batik, but nothing those commodities were exported to Iran and Afghanistan. MOU on focus to economics agreement can increase economic bilateral trading between Indonesia-Iran and Indonesia-Afghanistan.n
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Eleonora Sofilda
Economic Growth – Manggarai
This research is aim to find out the influence of decentralization policy towards economics growth in Manggarai regency. Data in used within period 1996-2006. This data were obtained from BPS, related institution and library. Analyze method are LQ, shift share and multiple regression. The location quotient analyze shows that potential sector had changed in Manggarai regency. Before decentralization potential sector are agricultural sector, oceanic and forestry, sector of building and contractions, and mining. The other hand; after the decentralization the financial sector and company service, and also services sector emerge as new potential sectors. Shift share analyze shows that economic growth that happened in Manggarai regency before decentralization happened because the effect of contribution of growth in province and the effect of excellence competitive. Besides, after decentralization happened the economic structure change the growth of economics because of industrial hotchpotch effect. The multiple regression shows that government expenditure variable gives the negative influence, variable of labors and years of schooling give the positive influence to economic growth.n
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Inflation – Indonesia
This research proves influencing of money supply, government expenditure and exchange rate to inflation in Indonesia is significant, because Indonesian macro economics is very sensitive to internal and external changes. Based on quarter times series data period 1990.1. – 2007.4, the result shows money supply, government expenditure, and exchange rate influence to inflation significantly.n
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Didi Nuryadin
Local investment ; Kulon Progo
One of factors of the slowly economic recovery was low investment that was caused some problems. These problems influenced economic growth. Investment policy would effect Indonesian product competitiveness in domestic and foreign market. Investment policy was influenced external factors decreasing global investment (Foreign Direct Investment/FDI) before 2000 and increasing competitiveness the other countries, especially East Asia. However, intern factors were important, too. They were a) investment procedure that needed long time and costly, b) legality, c) investment incentive, d) human capital and limited infrastructure, e) FDI didn’t have a clear policy to change technology.nThis research have aims to analyze some factors and variables that influenced to local investment in Kulon Progo Regency. Using the primer data and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method showed the interactive investment factors source of institutional, socio-politic, local economy, labor and productivity, and infrastructure. On strategy hierarchy policy consist of investment policy, human resources and quality natural resources development, local promotion strategy, infrastructure supporting development and public service. Respondent of this research were stakeholder who direct involve in local investment and take decision in local investment policy.nResult of the research shows the final weight factor of interactive local investment based on rank was a) potential economic Kulon Progo Regency, b) infrastructure, c) labor and productivity, d)institutional socio-politic. On hierarchy strategy of investment development, rank of stakeholder perception was a) maintenance of supporting infrastructure, b) public service, c) local promotion strategy, d) investment policy, and e) human resources and natural resources development.n
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Norlin Khalid
nThis is paper constructs the divisia weighted indexes; DM1 and DM2 as alternatives to the current simple sum approach; SM1 and SM2. Monthly divisia indexes of Malaysia are constructed from 1996:1 until 2004:12 by using Thornquist-Theil formula. To determine the best monetary index, both of the indexes are compared through several methods. Firstly, analyze the velocity of total index and growth rate index in terms of their liquidity, trend and volatility. Second, estimate the long run money demand function and its determinant of income and interest rates by using co-integration test and vector correction model (VECM). The stability of money demand functions for various definitions of money are tested by using CUSUM test. The controllability test is also conducted by examining the correlation and relationship between growth of money supply and inflation variable. The result of velocity analysis shows all indexes have increasing trend from month to months. However, simple sum index is more liquid than divisia. Volatility test using coefficient of variation finds both growth rates of narrow money; SM1 and DM1 are volatile as they have high variation coefficient of greater than one. There is exist at least one co-integration vector for series of money demand function and its determinant for indexes SM1, DM1 and DM2, except SM2. The result of CUSUM test shows that money demand function for SM1 is not stable. Then, the outcomes from regression test for the relationship between money growth and inflation variable show that all indexes except SM1 have a significant positive relationship. However, the elasticity coefficients are less than one and therefore it rejects the fisher hypothesis which state that the elasticity coefficient is equal to one. These results are consistent in the case of Malaysia due to the low monthly inflation rate in which is only around 0 to 1.5 percent. Therefore, this study finds the best index is DM2 as it is more stable and can be controlled. DM2 index is less volatile, has a stable money demand function and long-run equilibrium towards its determinants as well as growth rate which can be controlled as it has significant relationship and correlation with inflation rate.n
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Banking ; microfinance ; Indonesia
In recent years, the issues about microfinance has been emerging and becoming an interesting topic in many discussions related to trickle of poverty and unemployment, and the national economy. One of the efforts to solve the problems is the development of Micro and Small Enterprise Units (MESUs), which majority of Indonesian people are involving in. 99.4% of 42 million business units in 2004 are categorized as small and micro enterprises.nThe most important problem related to development of small and micro business is capital limitation to finance the activities, due to short of banking support. In coping with the aforementioned obstacle, bank as a financial institution is expected to effectively support the small and micro business which play prominent role to alleviate poverty in the grassroot level. n
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Evi Susanti Tasri
Poverty ; West Sumatera
In West Sumatera, poverty caused by family condition and culture influence. Viewing from general economic development, poverty level in West Sumatera is high and from the study slow that, development growth slowly than others region in West Sumatera.
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Tiktik Sartika
credit ; capital ; export
Industrialization is very important to develop the economy of Indonesia. The growth of industrial manufacturing growth will improve the performance of the economy. The industry performances are employment and export. The current study provided insight into practice of credit (Working Capital Credit and Investment Credit) and capital (Domestic Capital and Foreign Capital) as invested in Industries. This investment is a strategy for increasing employment and industrial export. Using industrial population in Indonesia, whereby two hypothesis concerning the predictors of credit and capitals were tested. The findings were as follows: 1. Credit and capital influenced the increasing of employment, and 2. Credit and capital influenced industrial export.nThe study suggests that manufacturing industries have to improve workers productivity and quality of product. Indonesian exporters compete with foreign exporters such as from China, Japan, and America. So, Indonesian industries have to produce efficiently and reach a competitive advantage. n
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Financial nn
The measurement of financial performance is one of the most important factors, especially to determine steps to improve future financial performance of the company. One of the tools for measuring financial performance value added (EVA) as one indicator for barometer to create value invested by shareholders, and Market Value Added (MVA) is one of the tools to measure for corporate market value. The aim of the research is to measure financial performance in 10 listed companies classified as blue chips stock in the Jakarta stock market for period 2000-2004, using Economic Value Added (EVA) method and its relationship with market price which shown by market value added (MVA).
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Economic growth ; saving
Economic growth need the make-up of investment. Increasing of investment cost money coming from within country and abroad. Economic growth on a long term, very needed by the source of fund from a state steming from domestic fund. One of the source of domestic fund from private saving. This research aim to study long-range relation among accurate variable in Indonesia society saving by using approach of Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL). From the study used variable is real interest rate, dependency ratio depended growth rate of percapita income, amount of money supply and inflation rate, and terms of trade with research time from 1974-2003.nResult of decision research is interest rate influence the level of private saving. While someone saving very influenced by earning society itself. And study also indicate that the existence of positive relation between income perkapita with private saving. From result of this study also indicate that the make-up of inflation will result interest rate go down, what finally influence private saving and also with term of trade also show relation which is significant to Indonesia private saving. With ARDL approach, known that Indonesia state office existence of long-range relation between factors explaining Indonesia private saving F Value for the test of long-range relation of Indonesia without trend and by using trend is 6.1856 at significant 99%.n
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Zulkefly Abdul Karin
national fiscal budget ; Semenanjung Malaysia
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between fiscal policy instrument pending and revenue by using data Semenanjung Malaka. Time series econometric procedure is employed in this study such as cointegration Johansen test and Granger Causality test to determine the magnitude of relationship of those variables. The finding is not appropriate for all states, most of states met the hypothesis revenue – spending hypothesis (examples Kekah, Malaka, Pahang, Perak, and Trengganu). While revenue – spending in Negeri Johor, Kelantan and Pulau Pinang which represent both fiscal instrument is neutral each other. The fiscal synchronization hypothesis occurred only for the rate of Negeri Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. The finding of this study suggested some strategic implication for national fiscal budget.
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Tri Kunawangsih P.
Export ; Textile
This paper attempts to asses the export development of textile and garment export Indonesian during the crisis period (1998-2002). The data employed were secondary data of annual time, which included the export and import value of Indonesia textile and garment commodity destination countries. The data were obtained from the BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics). The instrument used for data analysis utilized TSR (Trade Specialization Ratio).
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Tatik Mariyanti
Worker mobility
This study learns about determinant of worker mobility per province in Indonesia with data of Population Sensus in 2000. Variable used in this research are education, earnings, work field of non agriculture sector, worker status with temporary employee, unemployment in each province in 2000 to in-migration and out-migration in Indonesia. In this study, earnings is PDRB percapita at current market price per province, and work field is proportion of worker in non agriculture sector in each province. Education is proportion of population 15 years of age and over who have SLTA education above. Work status is proportion of 15 years of age and over who self employed assisted by temporary employee. Un-employment is proportion of age population 15 years of age and over who do not work, while mobility is rate of in-migration and rate of out-migration resident per province in Indonesia in 2000. Base on data-processing result with program SPSS with ascription among variable in straight line form and disregard all feebleness and data awkwardness used. This study found greater of earnings of percapita per province will result ever greater mobility to the province and smaller mobility from the province, greater proportion of self employed assisted by temporary employee than smaller mobility of the worker to the province, also ever greater the worker mobility from the region. Ever greater of proportion af worker in non agriculture sector in each province then also ever greater mobility of that worker to the region. Variable of education and unemployment don’t have influence to worker mobility of each province in 2000.
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Mulyadi S.
fisherman ; Riau
Most of fisherman in Indonesia including in Riau are small fisherman that only have labor and simple equipments as production factors. As consequences of this condition they have very limited mobility to catch the fish in one hand while in the other hand another big companies using very sophisticated equipment and fishery technology to catch. This situation implied unfair competition among them including market mechanism.nThis research is study the pattern of economy activities of fisherman in Riau, including their family (wife and children). Also in this study we can find the role of middleman so call ”teuke and tengkulak” in supporting them.nIn this study we find that fisherman are fishing in all season all year (they don’t have “musim barat” – “west season” / “paceklik” – “famine” unlike fishermans in northern part of Java). But unfortunately in this study also we found that very few of their wife – to mention of some fishermans – involved in fishing activities (processing and marketing), while their children will be involved later on only when they are consider in age of mature enough to fishing.nAlso we found that the roles of middlements (tengkulak) are very dominant and important in their life, they involved from production to marketing process, including providing vessels, some equipment to catching the fish and even in supporting their daily cost of living.n
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Ahmad Muslim
sugar industries
Like rice, sugar industry plays an important role in Indonesian economy. To improve farmer’s income and maintains the existency of sugar factories in Indonesia, government applied president Instruction No.9 year 1975 called Sugarcane Intensification program for small farmers. Few years before the program was carried out, national logistic board (BULOG) was assigned to manage the equilibrium supply and demand of sugar through market operation. nAfter this program carried out, the level of production increased not by productivity, but by areas extensification, new sugar factories construction, and sugar factories rehabilitation. In addition, the level of sugarcane rendement and sugar crystal decreased from time to time since production factors was no more controlled by one hand, and sugarcane planted at irrigated land can not compete with rice farming on wet land, causing sugar industry experiences economic unefficiency. nDue to the failure of the program, the government abolished the TRI program in 1997 and BULOG monopoly power on sugar marketing was eliminated on 1998. After abolishing the program, the rendement still stagnant on the lower level causing the production could not meet the domestic consumption. Sugar import continues to increase to satisfy domestic demand.nTo protect the sugar industry from unfair world sugar price, government imposes 20-25% import tariff. But this amount is still not sufficient, since sugar import continues to grow. It is expected that 100% import tariff should be applied to make national sugar industry can complete with sugar import. To reach the national self-sufficiency on sugar production, government have launched sugar productivity enhancement program for 2002-2007. Since the cost of the self-sufficiency program on sugar production is too expensive, it is expected that the program is difficult to be realized, causing sugar import and domestic sugar price fluctuation will continue to be happened in the future. n
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The aim of this research is to understand the factors influenced the community saving (i.e: giro, demand deposit & time deposit) using the 1985-2002 time series data obtained from the central of statistic board. The independent variables are the interest rate, gross domestic product, nominal money supply and inflation rate.nThe result of the research is that the interest rate, GDP and nominal money supply has appositive correlation with the community saving, while the level of inflation hasn’t. n
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Syofriza Syofyan
nominal interest
The purpose of this study is to compare between Credit channel, interest rate channel and Exchange rate channel in transmission mechanism of monetary policy in Indonesia 1990:01-2000:12. VECM (Vector Error Correction Method) is used in this study which consist of three estimation tools i.e. correlation between variables, impulse response and variance decomposition. This study use stock data (Total Deposits, Total Credits, GNP, CPI, Exchange Rate and Net Export) and interest rate data (PUAB, Deposits rate and Credits rate). In the unit root test, the data are stationary on lagged first difference and VECM is operated in sixth lag. This study finds Exchange rate channel works dominantly in transmission mechanism of monetary policy in Indonesia for real sector. Finally, this study recommends Central Bank to put in the forefront about the effect to maintain the stability exchange rate for future monetary policy, to support real sector.
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Arie Ambari Ibrahim
19 p.
intangible assets
The purpose of this article is to discuss the basic thought/idea which underlies the accounting principles concerning ‘intangibles’. This article explores the recognition possibility of a few types of ‘intangibles’ that so far have not been acknowledged in accounting principles.nVarious opinions about the above matters are objectively confronted to obtain the accurate perception in evaluating the strength and weakness of the accounting principles concerning ‘intangible’.nThere are two important facts that one must be aware of before the suggestions implicitly contained in this writing piece can be understood. First, accounting has been viewed as ‘profession of measurement’. Second, in contrast of the afore-said predicate, the measurement’ technique that proves to be well-applicable in other fields have so far not been tried in the accounting filed. n
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Hermien Triyowati
Small Scale Industry
Cooperative and small industry are two sectors that have not been popular in Indonesian economy. However, 90% of business in Indonesia is dominated by those two sectors. Moreover, the price of nine essential commodities (Sembako) was stabilized by them during “Sembago Crisis”. The right words for cooperative and small scale industry is “small but powerful”. This article will explore the ideal concepts of cooperation and small scale industry and their contribution on Indonesian economy by using input-output analysis approach.
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Budi Santoso
Potential Sector ; Tangerang
This article reports findings the potential sectors in Kabupaten Tangerang. The method was used in this study is shift-share analysis. It used for analysis of regional statistical data (output or income), to measure the total change in region’s performance relative to the province and nation over a given time period.nThis study found that manufacturing, trading and hotel-restaurant sector in Kabupaten Tangerang, has a great potential in driving regional economic growth. Such manufacturing, trading and hotel-restaurant potential, however, should be explore and managed carefully in meeting the demand for both local and outside Kabupaten Tangerang. The growth of these sectors was expected can drive the other sector connected.n
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Sofyan Syafri Harahap
Islamic Economy ; Capitalist Economy
Interest in capitalistic economy is a part of grand economic system that motivates all economic activities through providing reward to the owners of capital due to employing of his/her capital in economic activities to produced consumer’s needs. Banking system or a bank is an entity that operating as an intermediary between capital owner and entrepreneur. Interest system is used to regulate the flows of capital, as an indicator of economic success, grows and achieve it target. Nowadays we are in political and economic hegemony of capitalistic system, we (as an individual and as a country) are becoming usual and assumed as all right because it is treated as a part of reward for the owner of an asset/a property. This paper discusses the function of interest and try to criticize capitalist economic system, its performance, and its affect on cycle economic crisis, high gap between the rich and poor, de-humanism, and moral decadence. Resistance against capitalistic economy is also discussed. At the end the position of Islam and non Islam on interest is also elaborated.
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Manufacturing Industry
nThere are two source of manufacturing industry growth are internal economies and external economies. Internal economies is the source from total factor input. External economies is the source out of total factor input. This study is focused to examines the effect of external economies generated from opening trade with developed countries in Indonesia’s manufacturing industry. This external effect is called as “trade induced learning” variable. This study using OLS and USR method to test the effect internal and external effect in manufacturing industry growth. Using agregat and two digit manufacturing industry data from Indonesia for a time period 1980-1995, this study found that there are not a significant effect and contribution from “trade induced learning” variable in manufacturing industry growth. In other words, most of the source of growth in Indonesia’s manufacturing industry is still supported by total factor input.n
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Harti Budi Yanti
This is a multidiscipline research in the area of accounting and psychology. Using Wallach (1983) typology of culture, this research divides public accounting firm into three groups, bureaucratic three things. First to investigate predominate culture at different hierarchical level (partner/manager, supervisor and staff member) in different functional areas (auditing, management advisory service (MAS) and taxation). Second to examine the degree of creativity among accountants in these different hierarchical level and service area. Third, to analyzes the relationships among culture and creativity and other job related variables, 92 respondents are participated in this research. The result of this current study shows plurality of culture in organization, both vertically and horizontally. Bureaucratic culture was founded in auditing area and staff member. There is no innovative culture found both on hierarchical and functional areas. MAS has higher degree of creativity than auditing and taxation. This study provides and empirical evidence on cultural match concept. Implication, and limitations of this research are discussed as well.
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Unemployment ; Job Market
Unemployment, employment and staff mobility advancing in economic and globalization make job market complex. For countries that operate economic developing process, usually feel transformation in their economic structure. This writing describe a theory : if income per capita of state highly so more few role in agricultural sector to supply job opportunities, respectively the industrial sector more important in receive labors. Result of research shows that there are more unemployments of Indonesian labors (in normal condition). Furthermore, capital mobility in Indonesia will or not must felt to able compete by other country labors in globalization era and trading regionalization future.
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Nur Indriantoro
Market ; Finance
This study utilized data of to companies from Jakarta Stock Exchange. Which was separated into small scale and large scale by calculating their total assets from this research we examined firm size impact on the speed of stock return adjustment to the announcement of the study shows that there is positive correlation between firm size and speed of market reaction. Furthermore, this findings also consistent with prior research held by Defeo (1986). n
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M. Arif Budiarto
nGlobalization creates a new business environment which is more fight competition. It will cause the need of evaluation of the firms management system. This paper describes the impact of globalization to the business environment and the approach that should be used by the management in facing those changes. The authors show how reengineering could break the established rules and it will substitute with the new rule that should increase the competitiveness of the firms. Reengineering promises the radical improvement of business of the instruction of some dynamic factors: business environment, product life cycle and management restructurization. n
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Sriyani Kusumastuti
The tropical forests destruction and degradation is caused by population and economic development grow. We have cleared forests for timber, housing, grazing, fuelwood, mining, pulp and paper, and farming, etc. many forests are also used for recreation, hydropower dams and flood control.nDeforestation, have “U” shapes relationship with gross domestic product per capita in Asia, Africa South America, and all observation. And Europe have “П” shapes for this relationship. The lower income economies have higher deforestation, and decline for higher income economies. n
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Antyo Pracoyo
Exports can to raise national income by adding to the value of domestic output, but they don’t add to the value of domestic consumption. Exports are goods produced at home and consumed abroad. And import are goods produced abroad and consumed at home. This paper was examined by causing import to export. The method used in is study is almost similar to previous studies carried out Philip Bodman (1997).
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Haryo Kuncoro
Profit sharing ; Labor
This paper tests the hypothesis that workers whose compensation packages contain a profit sharing component are less susceptible to lay off in the face of negative shocks to product demand than are workers paid a fixed, time-based wage. The theory is tested on macroeconomic data, especially in the two selected manufacturing industries in Indonesia. The estimation result shows that profit-sharing meet the theoretical requirements for stabilizing employment. It means that profit sharing could be considered as a means to combat unemployment.
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Tatik Maryanti
This research tried to find the influence and the relationship between characteristic of women and the proportion of the poverty. This research could be useful for economic development program in the future. The prediction of proportion of the property depend on characteristic of women such as age, seeking work, education, labor force by main industry, employee status, average number of children, age of marriage. The data was processed using inferensial analysis and descriptif analysis method. The main source of data of demography statistics was collected from Center of BPS on 1999. nThis research concludes that proportion of women 10 years old and over haves negative influence on women who works in non-agriculture sector and women employed assisted by permanent worker haves significantly correlated on proportion of the poverty in Indonesia. In the other hand proportion of unemployment average number of children who are alive, education, age at first marriage have influence on proportion of the poverty in Indonesia but unsignificant. n
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J. Supranto
Management Information System
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Farida Jasfar
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Kaman Nainggolan
16 p.
Agriculture - Developing Countries
WTO negotiation held in July 21-31 2008 in Geneva has ended up with failure in reaching consensus. Negotiations that have been held so far is the continuation of the Ministerial conference in Doha, Qatar in 2001 which resulted in Doha Development Agenda (DDA). The main issue is negotiation in agriculture. For developing countries (DCs) agriculture is crucial as a source of income, employment, and rural development. For developed countries (DC), for political concern they continue to protect agriculture thorough domestic support, export subsidies, and high import tariffs. Under the Doha round, WTO members committed themselves to : (1) substantially reduce trade-distorting domestic support; (2) substantially reduce, with a view to phasing-out all forms of export subsidy; (3) provide greater market access. In addition the declaration recognized special and differential treatment (S&DT) for DCs as an integral part of all negotiations for their rural development, food security, and poverty alleviation concerns. The Geneva modalities draft for agriculture fails to accommodate the interests of most member countries, especially developing countries. Developed countries insist to maintain huge agricultural subsidies. Meanwhile, the special and differential treatment as an integral part of all negotiations and as the right for developing countries is not correctly accommodated. The only legitimate instrument for developing countries to defend in post-Geneva negotiation is through the concept of special product (SP) and special safeguard mechanism (SSM) to protect the strategic products against surge of cheap imports because of dumping or subsidies practiced by developed countries. For future negotiations developing countries need to review the criteria of products designated as SP, trigger criteria concept for SSM, and consistently propose elimination of subsidies in developed countries. For Indonesia it is important to improve product competitiveness through technology, working credits, and infrastructure development in agriculture and rural sector.n
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Kaman Nainggolan
Industry – Rice Mill
This article analyze the impact of the capital empowering policies on the performance of rice milling industry. The study showed that the production capacity and turn-over business of the rice mill been increased after the policies have been implemented. The government investment through the capital empowering on the small-medium enterprise in the rural area, not only more productive but also able in mobilizing other’s fund such as credit and equity.
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Trade, Export - Indonesia
This research analyze Indonesian batik export performance period 1990-2003. The research method uses Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Trade Specialization (TSR). Result shows Indonesian batik export has RCA less than 1 that means Indonesian batik export has low competitiveness in the world market. The other side, TSR result shows Indonesian batik export condition is on mature condition or they have competitiveness export in market world.
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export ; industry ; gross domestic product
This research analyzed industry sectors and agricultural sectors: coffee, cacao, plywood, and nickel that had comparative advantage, mapping export, and influencing of four export commodities to GNP. Quantitative descriptive was used in this research. Data that was used secondary data. Commodities that were analyzed were coffee, cacao, plywood, and nickel. Data analyzed used shift share analysis, Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Index Revealed Comparative Advantage (IRCA) and Multiple Linear RegressionnThe result showed on shift share analysis (SSA), coffee export, cacao, plywood, and nickel were leading companies because they had export share to total more than 1 and included important commodity because those commodities had average export share to total export more than 1.nRevealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) result showed coffee and cacao had value RCA more than 1. It means that those commodities had comparative advantage. The other commodities had RCA between zero and 1. It means that those commodities didn’t have comparative advantage.nThe result of multiple regression showed that coffee, cacao, plywood and nickel influenced to Indonesian GDP so increasing export commodity contributed to increasing value of Indonesian GDP.n
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Anna SN. Dasril
gross domestic product ; Indonesia
Forestry and forest product industry played important part in Indonesia economy through a significant role as a gross domestic product, foreign exchange, government revenue, and employment contributors. The purpose of this study is to investigate the performance of forestry and forest product industry in the period 1992-2006 which include three stages; 1992-1996 before economic crisis, 1997-2001 economic crisis, 2002-2006 after economic crisis era. In the last three stages, we found that the role of forestry and forest industry in Indonesia economy decreased, except in pulp and paper product exported. It is important to revitalized forestry and forest product industry to increase its role through the government policy and law enforcement.
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Endah Saptutyaningsih
Macroeconomic ; Indonesia
This paper aims to analyze the influence of exchange rate to demand side of macroeconomic condition of Indonesia. The simultaneous method which is used in this paper is Two Stage Least Square. The data is used in this study is time series quarterly data of macroeconomic variables in Indonesia from 1990.1 to 2004.2. The source of data is taken from International Financial Statistics. The results of this study shows that capital flow and balance of payment affect the exchange rate statistically significant. The change in exchange rate affects the export positively and the import negatively.
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rural industry ; national industry
This research aimed to study the income distribution gap and the strategy for development of rural industry as a part of National Industry development. Mathematical and qualitative approaches are used in this research method by analyzing secondary data. Data analyzed by using the Generalized Antropy (GE). Atkison measurement and Gini coefficient to measure the rate of the gap and distribution of income. While strategy for development of rural industry as a part of national industry development is used the cluster concept. Gini coefficient of income in Indonesia has increased during the beginning of year 1990, then reduce to 0.32 in 1998 and slightly increase to 0.33 in 2004. These represent a reduction in the gap of income distribution. The number of population small and medium industry in Jawa and Bali is 68.54% followed by Sumatera 12.50%, Sulawesi 7.43% NTB and NTT 5.93%. Kalimantan 4.78% and others 0.82%. The spread of those locations showed us that there still a big gap between small and medium industry in Java and small and medium industry out of Java. Ratio of labor and capital (input/value of raw material) (K): (L/K) from year 2000 to 2005 are 0.0823, 0.0751, 0.0661, and 0.0609 where the ratio has decreased, this represent that National industry is labor saving from year to year. The development of rural industry is a part of the development national industry policies through program development IKM by using Cluster strategy concept. Program which focused and directed conduct with simultaneously and good coordination with related parties and departments is a “pooling resources” step which is expected to give significant contribution for the development of rural industry. Therefore in short period rural industry resulted in basic of poverty.
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Tatik Mariyanti
Women labor ; Indonesia
The title of this research is Women Labor Structure in Indonesia Before and After The Crisis, which was using data before the crisis, that obtained from after 1995 and after the crisis, was obtained from 2003. This research started from the major lay-off issue, and also the change of labor structure in Indonesia due to the instability of economic condition which was caused by the economic crisis. This issue motivated the writer to observe the difference of women labor structure on 1995 and 2003. This research was expected to be a contribution to the consideration of economic development in the future, related to labor and particularly towards the policy of the decision making related to women labor. nBased on the previous theories and findings, the writer was analyzing that there is a difference between the women labor structure on 1995, which is before the crisis and on 2003, which is after the crisis. In order to observe that issue, the average difference test method and descriptive analysis methods were used drawn used and also using data which was publicized by BPS. nThe conclusion was drawn from this research is, women labor on 1995 and 2003, resulted a significant difference with the women labor on 2003. And for the women population which was working before, and currently unemployed, was observed from the average difference test which have a significant difference, while perceived from the unemployment women on 1995 and 2003, observed from the average difference test, resulted that, there is a significant difference between the period before and after the crisis. While for the condition of unemployment labor, perceived from the average difference test, resulted no significant difference before and after the crisis, between the two periods, and for housewives between before and after crisis, resulted a significant difference between 1995 and 2003, while for the women population whose an education level senior high school, resulted that, women population before and after the crisis, have no significant difference, and women population which have their own business, resulted a significant different between 1995 and 2003, and after for women who are working with an assistant of the house member, perceived from the average difference test, resulted a significant difference between the period before and after the crisis. And for the women population which are working with a full employee between the period before and after the crisis, resulted no difference from the period after the crisis. And for the women population which are working as a house working women, perceived from the average difference test, resulted a significant difference.n
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Rinaldi Rustam
This research is using the data of 76 Domestic Bank. The banks report the data to the Central Bank relatively more complete than other banks and they have variative input-output structure. Foreign & join venture banks are excluded from this study because it considered that the capital structure and finance of them are still closely related to headquarter in overseas. The result of the study is that before the economic crisis there were 45 banks which have relatively high headquarter efficiency score (100%), and 27 domestic have efficiency sore under 100%. After the economic crisis the efficiency score is decleared, preferred by the fact that only 27 banks which have 100% score efficiency, and 42 Banks experienced the 30% declining efficiency score. While 22 banks remain stable. Nevertheless, 8 banks experienced the comparing the empirical result of this study the using DEA/Non parametric with the previous study/parametric by using the similar data, we conclude that the both approach yielded the relatively similar result. In the other word, this study support the previous research by Andreas Resti, Bergemo University, Italy, 1997.
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Suherdi Judokusumo
Repo market
Between 1974-1982 Indonesian an OPEC country, experienced an increasing oil revenue, that strongly implicated its balance of payment and the development policy of the government. In addition, as a control on the number of banks, the number of banks permitted to deal in foreign exchange, was the ceiling put on the volume of off shore lending of banks. Another form of control in the state bank, was the ceiling a bank credit as a measure to ceils the money supply. For that reason, the reserve ratio system and the open market operation instrument did not function. Between 1982-1986 Indonesia experienced declining revenues which had a strong impact on its balance of payment and on its international stability on account of the declining financial sources. To encourage greater dynamics in it economic development, the government issued a number of fundamental deregulations affecting the capital market. It is main objective being to promote the role of capital market as an alternative source for long term financing and as a means to cover budget deficit. In 1988th government introduced a bew deregulation package for the financial, monetary and banking sector, including the re-functioning of two market operation instrument, SBI and SBPU. But even so, both instruments proved not to be effective, as they were not traded in the secondary market.nIn its implementation, in accordance with the regulation as stipulated by decree of the minister of finance, bonds could be issued through the capital market. In the beginning bonds were issued by corporations and listed by 94 emitents and for that reason were named corporate bonds. In accordance with the capital market and corporate bond market growth, the government bonds market developed significantly. In 2003 transactions of government bonds reached a monthly average of Rp 28,100 billion while at the end of September of the following year it achieved an increase of Rp 650,700 billion. This significant growth in government bonds stimulated BI to issue repurchase agreement of REPO as instrument of open market operations. n
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Mona Adriana
potensial economic sector ; Banten
The purpose of this research is to identify potensial economic sector in Banten Province. The observation years are from 1993 by 2002 using yearly data. This research uses a Shift Share, Location Quation and Tipologi Klasen method. The result of the research has been identified that potensial sector from every region, the growth of each region sector faster than the same sector at the province level, and each quadrant has been divided are fast growth, fast forward and fast growth.
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Nirdukita Ratnawati
national incomes ; monetary market
The objective of this research are to defines correlate of various variables that will shows the Indonesia national incomes as an impact with Product Domestic Bruto instead of. This research has been also adding dummy variable shows whether they have any differentiation between macroeconomics condition before and along crisis happen in 1997 quartal 3 in goods market.nIn mathematic ways, general equilibrium macroeconomics based on approach money market and goods market create by various equation which sequentially one end another variables, so that simultaneous equation will exactly thought right in this research. The accurate data that used in this research are historical data from 1990.1 to 2003.4.nThe result of this research for macroeconomics conditions in goods market side informed that there are some deference condition macroeconomics that showed by macroeconomics indicators in goods market with support Indonesia national incomes like investment and export. For macroeconomics condition in money market that money demand in Indonesia only effected by national incomes, in the other hand deposit interest rate variable not quite significantly effect to money demand in Indonesia. It caused by the Indonesian expectation of the speculations are still low. Conclusion from this research are still need the expansive fiscal policy and also to create conducive investations for inviting the investment from outside and inside the country. n
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Budi Santosa
the automotive industria
This research was resulted from the hypothesis that the automobile industrial market structure in Indonesia for the last five years (1997-2001) was lead by several companies which are perceived to be the main players in the market; the competition of Indonesia automobile market perceived no longer competitive, thus it is perceived that there are several significant barriers in the Indonesian automobile industrial market, which was restricting new corners in entering the market. Therefore, the perceived objective of this thesis is to observe the occurred concentration level, and identifying the main players number in the auto mobile industry in Indonesia, and detecting several barriers which are restricting new corners in entering the market as the main players. This study observed that the Automotive industry market structure in Indonesia perceived Oligopoly pattern. This matter showed by the existence of few main players (7-11 brands) which are playing in the market whether in the commercial or sedan car. This pattern perceived more significant, supported by the finding that the concentration level 4 companies with the biggest market share (CR4) perceived high, around 80-84 percent for the commercial car and 50-80 percent for sedan. Therefore, it could be acknowledged that the commercial car industrial market structure perceived more concentrated than the sedan. Observing the development of the perceived concentration level and the main player numbers which are playing in the market, both categories on the period of 1997-2001 could be concluded that the commercial car industrial market structure, was providing requirements for the competition which tended more competitive. This matter was shown by the highly decreased tendency of CR4 number and the increasing number of the main player numbers which are playing in the market. Contrary to this fact, if it was observed more properly, the same thing in the sedan industrial market case, seemed that the tendency perceived no longer competitive. This matter acknowledged by the increasing number of CR4 and the decreasing number the main players which are playing in the market during 1997-2001.nObserving the development of the number of main players in the automotive industrial market, whether the commercial or sedan car, perceived that in the period of the industrial main players observation, was dominated by Japanese cars, such as Toyota, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Daihatsu, Isuzu, and Honda. The effective position of those brands on the main players position, has caused the barrier to entry for other companies in entering the position.nHowever, the penetration of Korean cars, which are offering competitive price, accompanied with innovative model, perceived to be a perfect substitution for Japanese cars. This phenomenon perceived very interesting to be observed, because it has been well proven that these cars has managed to attracted customers who are psychologically desires a relatively cheap price.nThere are several barriers which were observed in this thesis which has caused this matter, which are the big economic scale, the high product differentiation, and the high need of investment. Those several barriers was shown by the existence of high production capacity, model number and numerous variety and high investment on those dominants companies.n
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nThe aim of this research are to know : the effect of Merak Bakauheni Ferry port of inflation in Bandar Lampung city, the source and variety of commodity that distribute to Bandar Lampung city, and existence of additional costs transportation if the peak of ferry port. The data that used in this research consist of primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected from truck driver that using ferry port and distributor company in Bandar Lampung city. Secondary data were taken from related institutions. The result that inflation in Bandar Lampung city is not affected by the peak of Merak Bakauheni ferry port, the common commodity were distributed to Bandar Lampung city are building and retail commodity. These commodities from DKI Jakarta, Banten and West Java Province. The peak of ferry port were accured is give an additional cost for truck driver and distributor company.n
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National income
The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of government expenditure. Current account and real exchange rate to the Indonesia’s national income and to analyze the impact of devaluation policy on the government spending, current account and national income.nThe result of estimation show that government expenditure, real exchange rate, export price to the non-traded foods and the rate of export and import price have strong impact on national income, while devaluation policy as dummy, variable has insignificant impact.n
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Yuswar Z. Basri
Poverty ; Social welfare
Even though the People Social Welfare has been stated in the 1945 constitution (UUD 45) as the state goal and the government responsibility; however, as it is figure out in the Bureau of Statistics’ data, the rate of poverty is still high, around 20%. The government through Department of Social affairs has been in charged to deal with poverty problems especially for the poorest. Many policies has been implemented to help those people including permanent and irregular aids as well as insurance coverage. This paper discusses the role of government especially Department of Social Affairs, to deal with the poverty and criticizes the conventional, sectoral and partial policy to solve the poverty problems in Indonesia. Specifically, the paper discusses the existing program on social security and social aids. The paper argues that the poverty problem is not merely a social and economic problem but also political or even ideology problem. The two models also discussed. n
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Erny Tajib
Trade ; Export
This research is conducted to know, how export performance commodity of beverages and tobacco (SITC 1) with three approaches, that are Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Trade Specialization Ratio (TSR) and Market Concentration Index Number (AIKP). The period of this research is from 1986 to 1999. Based on RCA calculation result, among four commodities of SITC 1, there are two commodities that export performance above on the average world, that are SITC 121 (sheet of tobacco, slices and its residual) and SITC 122 (cigarette, cheroot, etc), while two other commodities that are SITC 111 and SITC 112 have export performance under on the average world. Based on TSR calculation export performance of one commodity toward world export performance is not related directly to the export growth, because for SITC 111 and 112 with export performance below on the average world in fact already experience export expansion and maturity. In general, all of SITC 1 have high competitiveness in international work. Based on AIKP calculation, commodity with high competitiveness, export share spread as smooth to export directed country. Trade balance for this SITC 1 actually have surplus balance, but the surplus in crisis period is caused by export increase and import decrease because our rupiah is depreciated by dollar. This situation give us illustration that Indonesia has very strong competitiveness for SITC 1 in international world.
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Agustina Suparyati
Export ; Import ; Mine
Current financial crisis in Indonesia has some serious impact to decrease export competitiveness, reflected in reduction on Indonesia’s export growth, including raw material and mining commodities (SICC-2). Based on that problem, the objective of the study is to identify export and import performance of those commodities before and after the crisis, viewing in three indicators: 1) Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) to measure its competitiveness in the world trade, 2) Trade Specialization Ratio (TSR) to analyze its export revenue stability. Using these indicators, the study suggest that six commodities in SITC-2 (which are: SITC-231, SITC-245, SITC-251, SITC-267, SITC-283 and SITC-283) have strong competitive advantage at the period of the study, especially in USA, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia.n
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Hamsar Lubis
Non-oil export ; Indonesia ; United States
Factors affecting nonoil export will be tested in this research those are : nominal exchange rate, relative price (term of trade), US GDP, nominal exchange rate volatile and relative price volatile. The hypothesis tested with I-ECM(Insukindro Error Correction Model) model. The result shows that nominal exchange rate and relative price volatile have negative impact on non-oil export. We conclude that Indonesia’s exporters are risk averter, especially on exchange rate and relative price risk. In the long run, nominal exchange rate has positive impact, relative price and US GDP have negative impacts on Indonesia’s non-oil export to United States. The sign of nominal exchange rate and relative price teoritically are corrected. Negative impact of US GDP reflex that Indonesia’s export are inferior good for US’s consumers.
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Khusnul Yakin
Small Business Loans
The object of this research studies the scheme of channeling cooperate of KUK as a alternative KUK distribution on bank “X”, evaluated critical point of channeling cooperate of KUK. The result show that channeling cooperation of KUK as alternative for the bank to fulfill loan to deposit ratio requirement of KUK.
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Sri Yani Kusumastuti
Exchange Rate (Rupiah/USD)
The objective of this research is want to know the determine factors of exchange rates (Rp/US) in Indonesia. The model used partial adjustment model (PAM) that developed from monetary approach to exchange rate theory (MAER). The result showed that Indonesia’s exchange rate influenced by money supply of Indonesia and US, the differences of interest rate in Indonesia and US, and devaluation policy or rupiah depreciation policy. The national income have not significance effect. In the restriction model of MAER, showed that all of coefficient of regression were consistent in the short run and the long run.
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Economic Crisis ; Private Educational Institutions
Education INS one of instrument that can be traced to increase Human Resources Quality. Without a good human resources, Indonesia people unable compete in meet globalization era competitively. So that, purpose of this research to analyze economic crisis effect to institution of private education. From result of research, show that crisis of economic had been brought a negative effect to most manager of private education, by primary problem is less their fund to formal education activities that coordinated.
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Wim Widarma
Automotive Industry
Automotive industrial interrelatedness system is expected to support Indonesia industry sector aggregately. Furthermore, it is expect to raise Indonesia Gross Domestic Product, provide job opportunities and raise the foreign exchange reserve. The projective import substitution policies are considered unsuccessful in automotive industrial development. As a matter of fact it is indicated by oil-boom rather than consistent industrial policies supporting more the automotive industrial development in the of 1970’s. The policies as observers, it is due to the priority is given to the down-stream industry. As the consequence, the intermediate industry is untouchable by such policies. It is in turn the automotive industry is much relying on the import. This dependency has the impact on the loose inter-relatedness of the automotive industry and its supportive industry.
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J. Supranto
International Marketing
nThe basic objective of the market research functions is providing management with information for more accurate deception making. This objective is the same for domestic and international marketing. In foreign research, however on the domestic front.nConsumer attitudes about providing information to a researcher are culturally conditioned. Foreign market surveys must be carefully designed to elicit the desired data and at the same time not offend the respondent’s sense of privacy. Besides the cultural and managerial constraints involve in gathering information for primary, data many foreign markets have inadequate/or unreliable bases of secondary information. n
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Elan Satriawan
Agricultural ; Global Warming - Indonesia
nMalthus has predicted that there will be a lack of agricultural product in meeting the demand. Furthermore, Malthus said that population rate increase as geometric series while the agricultural product as artithatic series. The decreasing of the quality and quantity of agricultural product getting worst accompanied by the change of globalization climate which is especially caused by the increasing of green house gas emission. This study increasing the impact of warning globalization to the agricultural sector in Indonesia. The author found that warming globalization are gives negative impact to the agricultural sector in Asean countries, especially in Indonesia, since these countries didn’t have any suitable technology to process better agricultural product. n
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Sofyan S. Harahap
Islamic economy
Islamic economy has been evolved to become a new discipline. Since 20 years ago the intellectual Muslim has given efforts to pose Islamic economy as alternative school of thought besides the socialist and capitalist economic systems. The current stream in studying Islamic economy is still dominated by normative approach and less empirical approach. This paper discusses and criticizes the situation, to mean as auto-critique to enhance the Muslim intellectual effort to perform empirical research in Islamic economy.
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Economic Crisis
Economic crisis that still has a huge impact to the Indonesian people. Infact, even without the crisis their welfare are difficult. From that point of view, this article review how the community could survive from that condition and seek a creative way out or solution. Such as to develop agriculture sector, food diversification, and international migration.
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Irwan Muslim
13 p.
This research has purpose to evaluate the practice of city’s poverty solving program and its effect to the increase of the income and the welfare of fisherman/merchantmen and also government’s role in increasing the productivity of fisherman/merchantman in “Kelurahan Batang Arau” . the result of this research shows that the simultaneously of economic program has good impact because more than 80% is obtained from indicator, 92.84% has precise goal, 87.96% for the fulfillment of program and 92.96% for the precision of the sum of fund. For the level of welfare that is measured from the income of fisherman/merchantman, it shows that the economic help program affect significantly to the welfare of fisherman/merchantman. Meanwhile from the government role’s side, it is also significantly affected to the developing of fisherman/merchantman welfare which is seen from the increasing of productivity through the course, guidance and training. n
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Antyo Pracoyo
14 p.
Profit sharing
The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of revenue and rate of loan in conventiobal bank ti profit sharing financing (musyarakah and mudharabah) in Bank Syariah XYZ since March 2003 until March 2008. This research is uses linear regression program to analyze the data, that are SPSS 16 and Eview 5.1. Based on regression analysis, it is found that revenue and rate of loan in conventional bank signicantly influencing profit sharing financing in Bank Syariah XYZ
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Lidya Rosintan S
Investment – Centre of Kalimantan
This research analyzes investment attractive of regions on Centre of Kalimantan Province by Comparative Performance Index (CPI). Based on Location Quotient (LQ) criteria and shift share analysis are calculated Comparative Performance Index (CPI) that result regions performance by sector in Centre of Kalimantan are very low. The regions of CPI value for period 2001-2005 is less than 50. Nothing region in this province effect and competitive advantage effects are not good, although LQ performance on some sectors are based sector.n
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Rahmah Ismail
Malays Firm
In Malaysia, the service sector has major contribution to economic growth and development. This sector is the main contributor to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and creates an enormous job opportunities. The involvement of the Malays in this sector has shown an increasing trend and in tandem with the government objective to create Bumiputera Community of Industry and Commerce (BCIC). In achieving this objective the government has indeed provide numerous assistants to prosper the Malay entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, despite all efforts, level of efficiency of Malay firm is still low and they are less competitive as compared to other races. This article attempts to analyze technical efficiency of 310 Malay firms in the service sector in Malaysia and to identify determinant factors of their efficiency level. Analysis is based on data collected through field survey in 2001/2002. In achieving this objective, two approaches are adopted. Firstly, the stochastic frontiers approach is used to derive technical efficiency level and secondly. The Tobit model is regressed to identify determinant factors of efficiency. The result from this analysis shows that the majority of the Malay firms are operating at moderate level of efficiency. The modern service sectors are found to be more efficient than the traditional one. Further, it is shown that research and development expenditure plays an important role in determining technical efficiency of the firms.
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Sri Susilowati
gender ; discrimination
UUD 1945, article 27 verse (1), states that all citizens is equal before law and government and obligated to obey the law and the government itself by no exception. Which means that, all citizens, men and women have an equal position before law and the government of Indonesia. UUD 1945, article verse (1), also states that all citizens have an equal right to all employment and a prosper life according to humanity standard. Which means that all men and women labor have a right to obtain an employment and a high standard of living. Those articles above, showed that, the government of Indonesia, strictly prohibit any discriminative actions towards women in all aspects. This thesis was attempted to provide a summary of all theories and research result in many countries, that there is a gender difference in the labor issue, which was influenced by many factors such as : education level, social-economic condition, whether on the macro or individual level, and other demographic and cultural variables. And this thesis was expected to be used as an analysis tool in order to analyze the labor market in Indonesia, particularly, one that related to the gender difference issue, whether in the employment opportunity or wage.n
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Haryo Kuncoro
fiscal decentralization
This paper aims to explore the theoretical background of the response of local government to the intergovernmental transfer. More specifically, this paper would like to explain why the local budget did not match to the society desire. The main objective of this research was to get the deeper conceptual and analytical frameworks to assess the local government fiscal performance after the regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization era. The study argues that using the deeper conceptual and analytical frameworks, the local officials would be wise to implement the local budget. And the society would be active to control the usage of either local own revenue, intergovernmental transfer, and expenditures in order to realize the good governance in the public sector.
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Aceng Lukmanul Hakim
money function ; islam economics ; conventional economics
Money is justice guarantee through the function as a means of convert, measuring instrument and depositor of purchasing power. This means money function in economics is very important injusticeable measuring instrument caused instability exchange rate, will cause the condition of economics do not run well-balanced. So that, make of difficult effort to realize social justice in national economy. Because of that money function in Islam concept is as Medium of Exchange and Unit of Account, where as in conventional theory, that money function as also of value store and standard of payment prohibited in Islam, because generating “Lap”, lap of fadl and lap of nasi’ah (because postponement of time). In perspective of Islam economics, capital is private goods, money is public goods. Money emiting a stream is public goods (flow concept), where as taunging is personal property (private goods), include stock concept. Therefore capital obliged religious obligatory. Others with in perspectively conventional economy money/capital is private goods. It means stock concept for Cambridge School and flow concept for Fisher.
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Sri Susilowati
29 p.
Tin Mining Enterprise ; Bangka Island
The achievement of maximum profit is the objective aimed by businessmen, therefore, studying the factors that influence the maximum profit is an interesting thing. The profit function that is widely used in imperical studies is the Cobb Douglas and Translog Profit Function. This research uses the Translog profit function as a tool of analysis because it is of a more general characteristic and shows interactions among all inputs, the variable inputs as well as fixed inputs. This function can also analyze economic efficiency. Research in Tin Mining Enterprise in Bangka Island, shows that labor factor is the main determinative factor in maximize profit.nAnd there is a difference in efficiency between the Enterprise’s Mining operation Unit (are called Tambang Semprot Unit Penambangan Timah Bangka) and the work Contract one (Tambang Kontrak Karya). Where as mining on tin reserves in the areas where potential for agricultural less efficient than in the non potential agriculture areas. n
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Tiktik Sartika
Monopolistically ; Competitive Industries ; Small-Scale Industries
The role of small-scale industries (SSls) is very important in economic development and growth in Indonesia. The establishments of SSI are 1,488,891 units. The SSIs employ 6,652,188 persons. They have to operate in the monopolistically competitive industries. The measure of market concentration where size is the percentage of total industry of sales only 1.1%. The empirical studied stated that the main problem was marketing, and follow by the other problems such as: financial, education, training and competition.nThe result this research reports that the raw material value and the total of unit business influence product value of SSIs significantly and positively. Using a sample of 231 units of SSI in Jakarta, a two-factor model for SSI market orientation was developed. The findings are that customer retention, return on sales and sales growth are related significant positively to SSI’s market orientation.n
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M. Arif Budiarto
The objective of this article is to increase the sense of urgency among accounting educational profession in Indonesia about the importance of shifting the paradigm of teaching from normative view to positive view. The authors consider the causal link in the research-teaching-practice triangle and the relationship of practice a set of broad principle-logical thinking. Additionally, the authors suggest that, research methodology is importance for student to drive or encourage their practice.
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Faisal H. Basri
The Indonesian Economy
Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang relatif tinggi selama periode 1968-1996 telah banyak memberikan perubahan dalam penampilan perekonomian Indonesia. Selain itu adanya pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi telah berhasil meningkatkan standar hidup rakyat Indonesia.nTentunya rakyat diharapkan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi tersebut dapat terus berlangsung secara berkelanjutan. Untuk keberhasilan pembangunan ekonomi di masa yang akan dating, perlu adanya gambaran yang lebih tepat mengenai berbagai kondisi yang mendukung dan juga hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi selama ini. Ini membahas secara mendalam mengenai kondisi tersebut antara lain mengenai sistem politik di Indonesia dan peranan “interest group” dilakukan proses pengambilan keputusan. n
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Anna S N Dasril
Corruption has become a major issue in the international press. Scandals have shaken governments in several countries, developed countries as well as developing countries. This paper examines the correlation between level of corruption and level of economic development in five Regional Economic Integrations, AFTA, LAILA, CACM, EU, and ANCOM. The study finds that corruption is significantly correlated to GDP per capita. There are different strength of correlation between Regional Economic Integration. Strongest correlation exist in Regional Economic Integration which its member consist of developing countries.
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Maman Suherman
Industrial Sector ; West Java
The influence of industrial sector to life quality index in the west java province is the object of this paper. Regional economic activities can be observed by making the use of value added concept. Economists develop it into gross domestic product (GDP) system in national level or gross regional product (PDBR = product Domestic Regional Bruto) in provincial level. According to data on industrial sector contribution to regional economic activities. The west java province was included as an industrial regional in 1994. This research was developed by making the use of life quality index (IMH=indeks mutu hidup) as a welfare indicator recommended by overseas development council (ODC). T-Kruskal Wallis Test and Rank Spearman Correlation was used in the analytical process to measure influence of industrial sector to life quality index. As a result there was no significant influence industrial sector to life quality index.
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Farida Jasfar
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Financial Accounting Information
Financial accounting information is one of the important information used by investors to make an investment decisions and measuring a company performance. One of this information is annual accounting earnings information. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of accounting earnings information to stock prices and trading volume. Beside that this study analyzed market reaction to publication of annual financial accounting in Jakarta Stock Exchange. The sample comprised 21 most active stock in 1999 based on JSX statistic 1999. Earnings data, closing price, and trading volume used in test are from the period 1995 and 1999. The statistical method used for analyzed the influence of accounting earnings on stock price and trading volume is linear regression, T-test and Pearson coefficient correlation determination on the 5% level significance, the market reaction statistical method used is critical two tail test. The data collected for this study was computer analyzed, using the Microsoft Excel and the SPSS program. The statistical result indicated that earnings significantly affect trading volume but not affect on stock price. From the market reaction test proved that for financial statements of December, 31 1997 the reaction did not significant while for the financial statement of December 31, 1998 significantly affect on 2, 5, and, 10 days after financial statements publication date. n n
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Farida Jasfar
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