Kajian kebijakan tarif sewa saluran multipleksing pada penyelenggara televisi digital di Indonesia
R Regulasi tarif sangat penting dalam mengawal iklim kompetisi sebuah bisnis. Dalam iklim televisi digital, tarif sewa saluran siaran multipleksing akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kompetisi yang terjadi antara penyedia konten dan antar penyelenggara multipleksing sendiri. Dalam penulisan naskah thesis ini, dilakukan penelitian mengenai iklim kompetisi di area televisi digital, terutama pada penyediaan infrastructure multipleksing televisi digital. Kajian dilakukan baik secara regulasi, teknis dan bisnis. Analisa regulasi akan dilakukan dengan mengacu kepada regulasi eksisting penyelenggaraan televisi digital di Indonesia maupun di Negara lain, analisa teknis akan membahas perhitungan teknis penggelaran infrastruktur multipleksing di wilayah pelayanan, dan analisa bisnis akan membandingkan kemampuan daya beli penyelengara konten dengan tarif sewa saluran multipleksing dengan berbagai konfigurasi teknis. Dalam analisa tarif, fokusnya adalah kepada analisa kemungkinan penerapan kebijakan tarif batas atas dan batas bawah, dan juga kemungkinan penerapan kebijakan subsidi untuk penyelenggaraan infrastruktur multipleksing di daerah yang non-ekonomis.
T Tariff regulation is essential in a competitive climate escort business. In a climate of digital television broadcasting, the broadcast channel multiplexing leasing tariff will greatly affect the competition between broadcast content / programe service provider and between providers multiplexing own. In writing this thesis manuscript, the author will conduct reasearch on the competitive climate in the area of digital televisn broadcasting, especially in the provision of i infrasructure multiplexing of digital television broadcasting. The study is conducted whether regulatory, technical and bussiness.Regulatory analysis will be carried out with reference to theimplementation of existing regulation of digital television broadcasting in Indonesia and in other countries, technical analysis will discuss the technical calculations deployment of multiplexing in the area of infrastructre services, and business analysis will compare the purchasing power of the broadcasting content/programe service provider with channel leasing tariff multiplexing of various configurations technical.In the tariff analysis, the focus is on the analysis of the possibility of the implementation of tariff policies upper limit and lower limit, and also the possibility of the implementation of subsidy policy for the provision of infrastructure multiplexing in non economic areas.