Anteseden brand loyalty pada restoran healthy food
Nomor Panggil : 022002005003
Penerbit : FEB - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2024
Pembimbing 1 : Sri Vandayuli Riorini
Subyek : Brand loyalty;Marketing -- Management
Kata Kunci : brand loyalty; brand reputation; brand trust; price fairness.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002005003_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 11 | |
2. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002005003_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 6 | |
3. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002005003_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 9 | |
4. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002005003_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf | 10 |
5. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002005003_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf | 14 |
6. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002005003_Bab-4_Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf | 11 |
7. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002005003_Bab-5_Simpulan-dan-Saran.pdf | 5 | |
8. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002005003_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 6 | |
9. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002005003_Lampiran.pdf | 20 |
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh dari brand reputation terhadap brand trust, brand reputation terhadap price fairness, brand trust terhadap price fairness, brand trust terhadap brand loyalty, price fairness terhadap brand loyalty. Penelitian ini menganalisis variabel tersebut pada konsumen restoran healthy food di Jakarta. Jumlah sample yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ialah sebanyak 120 responden dari kuesioner yang disebarkan melalui media sosial. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dan data yang telah diperoleh akan dianalisis dengan metode Structural Equation Model (SEM). Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah: (1) Terdapat pengaruh positif brand reputation terhadap brand trust, (2) Tidak terdapat pengaruh positif brand reputation terhadap price fairness, (3) Terdapat pengaruh positif brand trust terhadap price fairness, (4) Terdapat pengaruh positif brand trust terhadap brand loyalty, (5) Terdapat pengaruh positif price fairness terhadap brand loyalty. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan baru mengenai manajemen pemasaran terkait brand reputation, brand trust, price fairness, dan brand loyalty, serta juga diharapkan sebagai sarana penembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang secara teoritis dipelajari di bangku perkuliahan. Penelitian ini diharapkan pula dapat menjadi sarana bermanfaat untuk mengimplementasikan pengetahuan penulis tentang peningkatan brand reputation, brand trust, price fairness, brand loyalty pada restoran healthy food.
T This study aims to test and analyze the effect of brand reputation on brand trust, brand reputation on price fairness, brand trust on price fairness, brand trust on brand loyalty, price fairness on brand loyalty. This study was to analyze these variables on consumers of healthy food restaurants in Jakarta. The number of samples used in this study were 120 respondents from questionnaires distributed via social media. The sampling technique in this study is purposive sampling and the data that has been obtained will be analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method. The results of the research conducted are: (1) There is a positive influence of brand reputation on brand trust, (2) There is no positive influence of brand reputation on price fairness, (3) There is a positive influence of brand trust on price fairness, (4) There is a positive influence of brand trust on brand loyalty, (5) There is a positive influence of price fairness on brand loyalty. This research is expected to provide new insights and knowledge about marketing management related to brand reputation, brand trust, price fairness, and brand loyalty, and is also expected as a means of developing knowledge theoretically learned in lectures. This research is also expected to be a useful means to implement the author's knowledge about increasing brand reputation, brand trust, price fairness, and brand loyalty in healthy food restaurants.