Kajian alterasi hidrotermal dan sistem panasbumi pada sumur-sumur di lapangan panasbumi Wayang Windu Kecamatan Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat

Oleh : Ghina Lulu Fadiyah

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2016

Pembimbing 1 : Untung Sumotarto

Subyek : Stratigrafi well;Hydrothermal alteration

Kata Kunci : geothermal field, wayang windu, geographically

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2016_TA_GL_07212092_Halaman-judul.pdf -1
2. 2016_TA_GL_07212092_Bab-1.PDF 7
3. 2016_TA_GL_07212092_Bab-2.PDF
4. 2016_TA_GL_07212092_Bab-3.pdf
5. 2016_TA_GL_07212092_Bab-4.pdf
6. 2016_TA_GL_07212092_Bab-5.PDF
7. 2016_TA_GL_07212092_Bab-6.PDF
8. 2016_TA_GL_07212092_Daftar-pustaka.PDF
9. 2016_TA_GL_07212092_Lampiran.PDF

D Daerah penelitian terletak di Lapangan Panasbumi Wayang Windu pada posisi geografis 107o35’00”-107o40’00” BT dan 7o10’00”-7o14’30” LS, secara administratif termasuk dalam wilayah Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. Penelitian dikhususkan pada hasil pengeboran di sumur MBB-6, WWR-SH, WWQ-5, WWT-1 & 1ST, dan WWW-1. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari zona alterasi bawah permukaan, mengetahui sistem panasbumi, meliputi zona penudung, zona transisi, dan zona reservoir melalui distribusi mineral alterasi hidrotermal. Berdasarkan hasil analisis petrografi yang dilakukan pada 14 sampel keratan batuan dan 8 sampel inti bor di sumur MBB-6 dan WWR-SH, dan data sekunder analisis petrografi dan XRD dari 105 sampel pada sumur WWQ-5, WWT-1 & 1ST, dan WWW-1. Litologi di daerah penelitian dapat dibedakan menjadi tiga satuan tidak resmi, yaitu (dari tua ke muda): Satuan Andesit, Tuf Andesitik dan Satuan Tuf Lapili; Satuan Tuf Kristal, Tuf Dasitik dan Satuan Tuf Litik; dan Satuan Basalt Andesitik dan Tuf Litik. Zona alterasi hidrotermal yang terbentuk di daerah penelitian berupa: Zona Mineral Lempung-Kuarsa Sekunder dan Zona Mineral Lempung(Smektit)-Kristobalit (Zona Argilik); Zona Mineral Lempung, Kuarsa Sekunder, Klorit, Kalsit (Zona Subpropilitik); Zona Mineral Lempung(Ilit), Kuarsa Sekunder, Klorit, Kalsit, Anhidrit, Epidot, Adularia (Zona Propilitik). Berdasarkan kehadiran mineral alterasi hidrotermal, maka dapat diketahui bahwa temperatur reservoir adalah 250-300oC, hadir mendominasi di sumur WWQ-5 dan MBB-6, zona ini hadir di kedalaman yang lebih dalam pada sumur WWT-1 & WWT-1ST dan WWW-1, dan tidak hadir sama sekali di sumur WWR-SH. Reservoir sumur WWW-1 dan WWQ-5 memiliki karakteristik permeabilitas yang baik, ditunjukkan oleh hadirnya adularia. Tetapi permeabilitas akan berkurang karena kehadiran urat kalsit dan kuarsa sekunder pada reservoir.

R Research area is located in the Geothermal Field of Wayang Windu. Geographically, Research area is in 107o35’00”-107o40’00” E dan 7o10’00”-7o14’30” S, and administratively in Pangalengan, Bandung, West Java. The research is devoted to the drilling results from MBB-6, WWR-SH, WWQ-5, WWT-1 & 1ST, and WWW-1 wells. The purpose of this research is to learn the alteration zones beneath the surface, knowing the geothermal system, including the cap rock zone, the transition zone, and the zone of reservoir through the distribution of hydrothermal alteration minerals. The method carried out in research is through observation petrography on 14 samples core and 1 sample cutting from MBB-6, and 7 samples core from WWR-SH. As secondary data, there are 105 samples from WWQ-5, WWT-1 & 1ST, and WWW-1 wells. The wells consists of three unofficial lithology units from old to young, they are: Andesite Unit, Andesitic Tuff Unit, and Lapilli Tuff Unit; Crystal Tuff Unit, Dasitic Tuff, and Lithic Tuff; and Andesitic Basalt Unit and Lithic Tuff Unit.There are three hydrothermal alteration zones which are formed in the research area, they are: Clay Minerals-Secondary Quartz Zone and Clay Minerals(Smectite)-Cristobalite Zone (Argillic Zone); Clay Minerals, Secondary Quartz, Chlorite, Calcite Zone (Subpropylitic Zone); Clay Minerals(Illite), Secondary Quartz, Chlorite, Calcite, Anhidrite, Epidote, Adularia (Propylitic Zone). Based on alteration hydrothermal minerals, temperature of reservoir was between 250-300oC, comes dominated in WWQ-5 and MBB-6 wells, the zone is thinner in WWT-1 & WWT-1ST and WWW-1 wells, and not present at all in WWR-SH well. Reservoir WWW-1 and WWQ-5 wells has good permeability characteristics, shown by the presence of adularia. However, the permeability will be reduced because of the presence of calcite veining and secondary quartz in reservoir.

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