Pengaruh relational benefit terhadap word of mouth melalui customer service quality
Penerbit : FEB - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2012
Pembimbing 1 : Ina Oktaviana Matusin
Subyek : Service Industries - Quality Control
Kata Kunci : relational benefit, confidence benefit, special treatment benefit, social benefit, functional qualit
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2012_TA_MJ_022060041_7.pdf |
2. | 2012_TA_MJ_022060041_6.pdf |
3. | 2012_TA_MJ_022060041_5.pdf |
4. | 2012_TA_MJ_022060041_4.pdf |
5. | 2012_TA_MJ_022060041_3.pdf |
6. | 2012_TA_MJ_022060041_2.pdf |
7. | 2012_TA_MJ_022060041_1.pdf |
T Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan anteseden dan hasil dari functional quality, technical quality, dan relationship quality. Hipotesis penelitian menguji pengaruh relational benefit terhadap word of mouth melalui functional quality, technical quality, dan relationship quality. Data dikumpulkan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 110 nasabah Bank BNI yang memiliki kartu kredit minimal 1 tahun. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan purposive sampling. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini melalui teknik model persamaan struktural melalui pembentukan analisis faktor digunakan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengaruh positif dan signifikan confidence benefit terhadap functional quality, pengaruh positif dan signifikan special treatment benefit terhadap functional quality, pengaruh positif dan signifikan social benefit terhadap functional quality, pengaruh positif dan signifikan confidence benefit terhadap technical quality, pengaruh positif dan signifikan special treatment benefit terhadap technical quality, pengaruh positif dan signifikan social benefit terhadap technical quality, pengaruh positif dan signifikan confidence benefit terhadap relationship quality, pengaruh positif dan signifikan special treatment benefit terhadap relationship quality, pengaruh positif dan signifikan social benefit terhadap relationship quality, pengaruh positif dan signifikan functional quality terhadap word of mouth, pengaruh positif dan signifikan technical quality terhadap word of mouth, dan pengaruh positif dan signifikan relationship quality terhadap word of mouth.
T The objectives of this research was examined the antecedent and outcome from functional quality, technical quality, dan relationship quality. The research of hypotheses was tested the effect of relational benefit toward on word of mouth mediated by functional quality, technical quality, dan relationship quality. A sampling techniques with purposive sampling techniques of 110 Bank BNI customer’s which using credit card minimum in 1 year. Data analysis in this research was Structural Equation Modelling with Analyses of Moment Structures (AMOS) with Confirmatory Factor Analyses to test the influence independent variables on dependent variable. The result of this research conclude that the effect of positively and significantly confidence benefit on functional quality, the effect of positively and significantly special treatment benefit on functional quality, the effect of positively and significantly social benefit on functional quality, the effect of positively and significantly confidence benefit on technical quality, the effect of positively and significantly special treatment benefit on technical quality, the effect of positively and significantly social benefit on technical quality, the effect of positively and significantly confidence benefit on relationship quality, the effect of positively and significantly special treatment benefit on relationship quality, the effect of positively and significantly social benefit on relationship quality, the effect of positively and significantly functional quality on word of mouth, the effect of positively and significantly technical quality on word of mouth, and the effect of positively and significantly relationship quality on word of mouth.