Analisis sistem pengendapan formasi halang berdasakan litofasies dan ichnofasies daerah Paningkaban, Jawa Tengah


Oleh : Putu Deva Ananta Adistanaya

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2023

Pembimbing 1 : Moehammad Ali Jambak

Pembimbing 2 : Firman Herdiansyah

Kata Kunci : Lithofacies, Ichnofacies, Depositional System

Status Posting : In Pres

Status : Lengkap

P Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Formasi Halang daerah Paningkaban, Jawa Tengah dengan metode stratigrafi terukur (measuring section) pada 2 lintasan sungai yaitu Lintasan Kali Panaruban dan Lintasan Kali Ci Mande. Daerah penelitian memiliki litofasies antara lain: B1.1 Batupasir Masif, B2.1 Batupasir Parallel Lamination, B2.2 Batuspasir Cross Lamination, C2.1 Batupasir perselingan batulempung, D1.1 Batulanau, E1.1 Batulempung dan F2.1 Endapan koheren. Fasies pada daerah penelitian antara lain distributary channel, leeve channel, lobe dan axis lobe yang terendapkan pada lingkungan submarine fan (Walker, 1978). Pada daerah penelitian ditemukan 4 variasi fosil jejak diantaranya Thallasinoides, Skolithos, Chondrites dan Rhizocorallium, yang dapat digolongkan kedalam Skolithos Ichnofasies dan Cruziana Ichnofasies yang memiliki system pengendapan lower shoreface (Dirk K, 2012). Kemunculan asosiasi skolithos dan cruziana ichnofasies pada lingkungan submarine fan disebabkan sedimen tempat fosil jejak terawetkan belum terlitifikasi secara sempurna dan terbawa oleh arus turbidit hingga ke bagian submarine fan

T This research was conducted in the Halang Formation in the Paningkaban area, Central Java with a measuring section method on 2 river passages, namely the Panaruban River Pass and the Ci Mande River Pass. The research area has lithofacies including: B1.1 Masif Sandstones B2.1 Parallel Lamination Sandstones, B2.2 Cross Lamination Sandstones, C2.1 Claystone Alternating Sandstones, D1.1 Siltstones, E1.1 Claystones and F2.1 Coherent sediments. The facies in the research area include the distributary channel, leeve channel, lobe and axis lobe deposited in the submarine fan environment (Walker, 1978). In the study area, 4 variations of trace fossils were found including Thallasinoides, Skolithos, Chondrites and Rhizocorallium, which can be classified into Skolithos Ichnofasies and Cruziana Ichnofasies which have a lower shoreface depositional system (Dirk K, 2012). The emergence of scolithos and cruziana ichnofacies associations in the submarine fan environment is due to the sediments where the trace fossils are not perfectly lithified and carried by turbidity currents to the submarine fan section.

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