Analisis data log pada kasus reservoir low resistivity lapangan Z untuk penentuan zona produktif
Nomor Panggil : 1193/TP/2019
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2019
Pembimbing 1 : Ratnayu Sitaresmi
Pembimbing 2 : Sigit Rahmawan
Subyek : Reservoir
Kata Kunci : low resistivity, XRD, oil show, clay minerals, laminated shale.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500086_Halaman-judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500086_Bab-1.pdf | 2 | |
3. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500086_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500086_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500086_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500086_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500086_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
8. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500086_Lampiran.pdf |
S Salah satu permasalahan yang sering terjadi ketika menganalisis data logadalah ditemukannya anomali pada hasil pembacaan data log. Pada Lapangan Zterdapat 6 sumur yang diteliti, yaitu sumur BS-8, BS-12, BS-97, BS-100, BS-115dan BS-150. Pada sumur-sumur tersebut di formasi Telisa terindikasi merupakanzona hidrokarbon yang memiliki resistivitas rendah (berkisar antara 1 sampaidengan 7 Ωm). Hal ini terindikasi oleh adanya good oil show untuk keenam sumurtersebut berdasarkan data mud log. Akan tetapi berdasarkan data log, zona inimemiliki resistivitas yang rendah. Anomali tersebut menyebabkan zonahidrokarbon ini sering terlewatkan pada masa awal eksplorasi.Selain menentukan zona hidrokarbon low resistivity, pada tugas akhir inijuga dilakukan perhitungan petrofisik meliputi volume shale, porositas dansaturasi air serta menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab zonahidrokarbon memiliki resistivitas yang rendah.Pada penentuan zona hidrokarbon low resistivity untuk sumur BS-8, zonahidrokarbon low resistivity berada pada kedalaman 2703-2785 ft TVDSS. Untuksumur BS-12, zona hidrokarbon low resistivity berada pada kedalaman2679,38-2737,38 ft TVDSS. Untuk sumur BS-97, zona hidrokarbon low resistivityberada pada kedalaman 2673,07-2729,07 ft TVDSS. Untuk sumur BS-100, zonahidrokarbon low resistivity berada pada kedalaman 2658,84-2718,84 ft TVDSS.Untuk sumur BS-115, zona hidrokarbon low resistivity berada pada kedalaman2670,89-2730,89 ft TVDSS. Untuk sumur BS-150, zona hidrokarbon lowresistivity berada pada kedalaman 2739,2-2795,7 ft TVDSS.Perhitungan volume shale dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Stieberyang divalidasi terhadap 6 titik data XRD dan didapatkan nilai volume shalerata-rata untuk sumur BS-8, BS-12, BS-97, BS-100, BS-115 dan BS-150 yaitu18,1%, 19,2%, 20,3%, 21,7%, 22,7%, dan 21,3%. Selanjutnya dari hasilperhitungan porositas efektif rata-rata dengan menggunakan metodeneutron-density yang telah divalidasi terhadap 40 titik data core untuk sumurBS-8, BS-12, BS-97, BS-100, BS-115 dan BS-150, didapatkan nilai porositasefektif rata-rata berturut-turut yaitu 22,9%, 30,2%, 22,5%, 23 ,5%, 24,1% dan24,9%. Untuk perhitungan saturasi air pada penelitian ini dilakukan denganmenggunakan tiga metode yaitu metode Indonesia, Simandoux dan Archie.Berdasarkan hasil validasi perhitungan saturasi air terhadap 40 titik data coredidapatkan bahwa metode Indonesia merupakan metode yang paling sesuai, dengan nilai saturasi air rata-rata untuk sumur BS-8, BS-12, BS-97, BS-100,BS-115 dan BS-150 yaitu 59%, 56,1%, 60,2%, 59,4%, 61,1% dan 62,3%.Setelah dilakukannya analisis terhadap data core pada zona prospek yangterindikasi low resistivity, kehadiran mineral lempung menjadi faktor utamapenyebab rendahnya nilai resistivitas. Berdasarkan data XRD, komposisi minerallempung pada sumur-sumur penelitian berkisar antara 11% sampai dengan 47%meliputi mineral Smectite, mineral Illite, mineral Kaolinite dan mineral Chlorite.Adanya kandungan mineral lempung pada batuan pasir dapat mengikat air secarasignifikan (clay bound water) sehingga menurunkan pembacaan nilai resistivitas.Selain itu, berdasarkan analisis distribusi shale pada formasi Telisa merupakanjenis laminated shale. Pada zona hidrokarbon yang terdapat laminated shale, alatlogging memiliki batasan pembacaan ketebalan lapisan yaitu kekurangan resolusivertikal untuk membedakan lapisan tipis selang-seling sand dan shale. Sehinggazona reservoir yang memiliki laminated shale akan memiliki nilai resistivitasyang rendah.
O One of the problems that often occurs when analyzing log data is thediscovery of anomalies in the reading of log data. At Field Z there are 6 wellsstudied, namely well BS-8, BS-12, BS-97, BS-100, BS-115 and BS-150. The wellsin the Telisa formation are indicated as a hydrocarbon zone that has a lowresistivity (ranging from 1 to 7 Ωm). This is indicated by a good oil show for thesix wells based on mud log data. However, based on log data, this zone has a lowresistivity. This anomaly causes this hydrocarbon zone to be often missed duringthe initial exploration period.In addition to determining the low resistivity hydrocarbon zone, in this finalassignment a petrophysical calculation is also performed covering the shalevolume, porosity and water saturation and analyzing the factors that cause thehydrocarbon zone to have a low resistivity. In determining the low resistivityhydrocarbon zone for BS-8 well, the low resistivity hydrocarbon zone is at a depthof 2703-2785 ft TVDSS. For BS-12 well, the low resistivity hydrocarbon zone is ata depth of 2679,38-2737,38 ft TVDSS. For BS-97 well, the low resistivityhydrocarbon zone is at a depth of 2673,07-2729,07 ft TVDSS. For BS-100 well,the low resistivity hydrocarbon zone is at a depth of 2658,84-2718,84 ft TVDSS.For BS-115 well, the low resistivity hydrocarbon zone is at a depth of2670,89-2730,89 ft TVDSS. For the BS-150 well, the low resistivity hydrocarbonzone is at a depth of 2739,2-2795,7 ft TVDSS.Shale volume calculation is done using the Stieber method which isvalidated against 6 XRD data points and the average shale volume values forwells BS-8, BS-12, BS-97, BS-100, BS-115 and BS-150 are 18,1%, 19,2%, 20,3%,21,7%, 22,7%, and 21,3%. Furthermore, from the calculation of the averageeffective porosity using the neutron-density method which has been validatedagainst 40 core data points for wells BS-8, BS-12, BS-97, BS-100, BS-115 andBS-150, obtained the average effective porosity values are 22,9%, 30,2%, 22,5%,23,5%, 24,1% and 24,9%. For the calculation of water saturation in this studycarried out using three methods, namely the method of Indonesia, Simandoux andArchie. Based on the results of the validation of water saturation calculations on40 core data points, it was found that the Indonesian method was the mostsuitable method, with water saturation values for wells BS-8, BS-12, BS-97,BS-100, BS-115 and BS-150 namely 59%, 56,1%, 60,2%, 59,4%, 61,1% and62,3%. After analyzing the core data in the prospect zone indicated low resistivity,the presence of clay minerals is a major factor causing the low resistivity value.Based on XRD data, the composition of clay minerals in research wells rangedfrom 11% to 47% including Smectite minerals, Illite minerals, Kaolinite mineralsand Chlorite minerals. The presence of clay mineral content in sandstone canbind water significantly (clay bound water) thereby reducing the reading ofresistivity values. In addition, based on the analysis of the distribution of shale inthe Telisa formation is a type of laminated shale. In hydrocarbon zones withlaminated shale, the logging tool has a limitation of reading the thickness of thelayer, namely the lack of vertical resolution to distinguish between thin layers ofsand and shale. So that the reservoir zone that has laminated shale will have alow resistivity value.