Usulan perancangan sistem manufaktur dengan menggunakan pendekatan sistem manufaktur terintegrasi MRP II pada CV. Sari Tunas
capacity requirement , material requirement- planning (MRP) is used to know planned order release the . material, and capacity requirement planning (CRP) for the result is capacity available > capacity requirement for manufacturing material .And for the seco d class invol ve input-output control module for result is manual log design, and job sequencing module for job sequence priority . Department which involved in this system are production department, finance department, purchase - department, warehouse department, and marketing department.The system design itself consists of the making of the context diagram and itsdeco-mposition which resulting a 0 level DFD consisting of 7 subsystem and level 1 DFD consist several sub processes . Then interlink data .The main output of this •system is integration manufacturing system. Forsimulation this system lvlRP II Solution is designed . Software used in building the program is "Borland Delphi 6_0. and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 for its databases. The restrict for the simulated system MRP II Solution are the system just can be used for spring bed and divan's line and the result for each module in simulated program is used for sample. To support this system Microsoft Excel 2003 is added .With this MRP II system hopefully the problem in the company can be solvedand efficiency and also productivity of the company can be improved .For the end thegoal of the company (profit) can be reach ." /> capacity requirement , material requirement- planning (MRP) is used to know planned order release the . material, and capacity requirement planning (CRP) for the result is capacity available > capacity requirement for manufacturing material .And for the seco d class invol ve input-output control module for result is manual log design, and job sequencing module for job sequence priority . Department which involved in this system are production department, finance department, purchase - department, warehouse department, and marketing department.The system design itself consists of the making of the context diagram and itsdeco-mposition which resulting a 0 level DFD consisting of 7 subsystem and level 1 DFD consist several sub processes . Then interlink data .The main output of this •system is integration manufacturing system. Forsimulation this system lvlRP II Solution is designed . Software used in building the program is "Borland Delphi 6_0. and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 for its databases. The restrict for the simulated system MRP II Solution are the system just can be used for spring bed and divan's line and the result for each module in simulated program is used for sample. To support this system Microsoft Excel 2003 is added .With this MRP II system hopefully the problem in the company can be solvedand efficiency and also productivity of the company can be improved .For the end thegoal of the company (profit) can be reach ." /> capacity requirement , material requirement- planning (MRP) is used to know planned order release the . material, and capacity requirement planning (CRP) for the result is capacity available > capacity requirement for manufacturing material .And for the seco d class invol ve input-output control module for result is manual log design, and job sequencing module for job sequence priority . Department which involved in this system are production department, finance department, purchase - department, warehouse department, and marketing department.The system design itself consists of the making of the context diagram and itsdeco-mposition which resulting a 0 level DFD consisting of 7 subsystem and level 1 DFD consist several sub processes . Then interlink data .The main output of this •system is integration manufacturing system. Forsimulation this system lvlRP II Solution is designed . Software used in building the program is "Borland Delphi 6_0. and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 for its databases. The restrict for the simulated system MRP II Solution are the system just can be used for spring bed and divan's line and the result for each module in simulated program is used for sample. To support this system Microsoft Excel 2003 is added .With this MRP II system hopefully the problem in the company can be solvedand efficiency and also productivity of the company can be improved .For the end thegoal of the company (profit) can be reach ." /> capacity requirement , material requirement- planning (MRP) is used to know planned order release the . material, and capacity requirement planning (CRP) for the result is capacity available > capacity requirement for manufacturing material .And for the seco d class invol ve input-output control module for result is manual log design, and job sequencing module for job sequence priority . Department which involved in this system are production department, finance department, purchase - department, warehouse department, and marketing department.The system design itself consists of the making of the context diagram and itsdeco-mposition which resulting a 0 level DFD consisting of 7 subsystem and level 1 DFD consist several sub processes . Then interlink data .The main output of this •system is integration manufacturing system. Forsimulation this system lvlRP II Solution is designed . Software used in building the program is "Borland Delphi 6_0. and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 for its databases. The restrict for the simulated system MRP II Solution are the system just can be used for spring bed and divan's line and the result for each module in simulated program is used for sample. To support this system Microsoft Excel 2003 is added .With this MRP II system hopefully the problem in the company can be solvedand efficiency and also productivity of the company can be improved .For the end thegoal of the company (profit) can be reach ." />
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2005
Pembimbing 1 : Nora Azmi
Pembimbing 2 : Iveline Anne Marie
Subyek : Production planning;Manufacturing resource planning
Kata Kunci : manufacturing, system, design production
Status Posting : Published
Status : Tidak Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2005_TA_TI_06301354_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 38 | |
2. | 2005_TA_TI_06301354_Bab-1.pdf | 6 | |
3. | 2005_TA_TI_06301354_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2005_TA_TI_06301354_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2005_TA_TI_06301354_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2005_TA_TI_06301354_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2005_TA_TI_06301354_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2005_TA_TI_06301354_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 |
C CV. Sari Tunas merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang industri manufaktur khususnya dalam memproduksi Spring Bed dan memiliki beberapa departemen yaitu departemen umum dan personalia, departemen produksi, departemen pemasaran, dan departemen •keuangan dan akunting. Seiring dengan berkembangnya tingkat permintaan spring bed, maka perusahaan ini perlu memiliki sistem perencanaan produksi dan pengendalian material, sehingga perusahaan dapat meningkatkan kinerja, efisiensi, dan produk:tivitas. Dengan adanya perencanaan produksi dan pengendalian material yang terintegrasi diharapkan masalah perusahaan meliputi besarnya frekuensi backorder, kelebihan persediaan material, dan miss conumication antar departemen yang selama ini dihadapi perusahaan dapat diatasi.Untuk mengatasi masalah diatas, maka diperlukan suatu sistem manufaktur yang terintegrasi. Sistem yang diusulkan adalah sistem manufaktur terintegrasi Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II). Dimana didalam sistem MRP II terdapat interelasi antar departemen yang terkait didalam melakukan perencanaan produksi dan pengendalian material.Pada sistem MRP II terdapat beberapa modul perhitungan dan departemen yangterlibat. Pada Modul perhitungan terbagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu tahap planning dan tahap eksekusi pada lantai produksi (shopfloor). Hasil pada tahap perencanaan adalah sebagai berikut : pada modul manajemen permintaan (Forecasting) metode peramalan yang terbaik adalah Exponential Smoothing with Trend Adjustment dengan kombinasinilai a dan ' pada tahap perencanaan kebutuhan sumberdaya (Aggregat Production•Planning) digunakan metode Mixed Strategy dan diperoleh biaya total produkSi sepanjang horizon planning, pada perhitungan Disaggregat dihasilkan. Jadwal •Induk Produksi (Master Production Schedule llvfPS) untuk dua lini yaitu lini sandaran danspring bed, pada perhitungan Rough Cut Capacity Pla_nning (RCCP) diketahui bahwa jadwal induk produksi yang telah dihasilkan sebelumnya dapat dikerjakan (valid) pada lantai produksi (kapasitas yang dibutuhkan < kapasitas yang tersedia) , Material Requirement Planning (MRP) menghasilkan jadwal penerimaan dan pemesanan material dengan metode lot sizing POQ, dan pada perhitungan Capacity Requirement Planning (CRP) diketahui bahwa kapasitas produksi mencukupi untuk memproduksi material yang dibutuhkan . Pada tahap eksekusi pada lantai produksi terdapat dua modul yaitu Input-Ouput Control dan Job Sequencing. Pada Input-Output Control diperoleh usulan manual Log , perhitungan performansi untuk work center, sedangkan pada Job sequencing digunakan aturan prioritas FCFS dan diperoleh urutan pekerjaan dan jadwal pembelian dan pemesanan material .Sedangkan departemen yang terlibat meliputi departemen produksi, departemen keuangan, departemen keuangan, departemen penyimpanan, dan departemen pemasaran.Perancangan sistem ini sendiri terdiri dari pembuatan diagram konteks dan dekomposisi diagram konteks yang menghasilkan DFD level 0 dengan 7 subsistem dan DFD level 1 yang terdiri dari beberapa subproses serta pembuatan intergrasi antar data.Output utama yang dihasilkan dalam sistem ini adalah sistem manufaktur yangterintegrasi . Untuk mensimulasikan sistem tni dirancang program MRP II Solution.SojMare yang digunakan dalam pembuatan program simulasi MRP II Solution adalah Borland Delphi 6 dan Microsoft SQL Server 2000 untuk databasenya. Karena merupakan program simulasi , maka program simulasi ini hanya menampilkan contoh  contoh hasil perhitungan untuk lini spring bed dan divan . Sebagai pendukung program akan dilampirkan program perencanaan produksi Microsoft Excel 2003.Dengan perancangan sistem manufaktu r iv!RP II diharapkan masalah yangdihadapi perusahaan sampai saat ini dapat diatasi dan dapat meningkat kan efisiens dan produktivitas perusahaan yang pada akhirnya berujung pada peningkatan profit perusahaan .
T Together with the improvement demand of spring bed , consequently the company must have production planning and material control system, so that the company can improve the effectively, efficiency and productivity .With the integration of production planning and material control; hopefully the company's problem include large frequency of backorder , more material investment in warehouse , miss communication accompany department in this company can be solved .CV. Sari Tunas is the manufacturing company which produce spring bed andthey have several department, include general and human resource department,production department, marketing department, finance and accounting department.In order to solve the problem mentioned above, integration production planning and inventory control is needed . Integration manufacturing system Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP II) system is proposed to solve this problem. In this system includes interlink department function for production planning and material control.There are several calculate module and department involved in N1RP II system. In the calculate system there are two classes. The first class is planning and the second class is execution for shop floor, and usually called production activity control. The result for the planning class involve demand management module (demand forecasting) is exponential smoothing with trend adjustment ([3 and a is combined) , for Aggregat production planning is used mixed strategy model and the result is total production cost during horizon planning , next in dis-aggregat calculation for the result is master production schedule (MPS) for two line (spring bed & divan , and "sandaran") , in rough cut capacity planning the result is the capacity available > capacity requirement , material requirement- planning (MRP) is used to know planned order release the . material, and capacity requirement planning (CRP) for the result is capacity available > capacity requirement for manufacturing material .And for the seco d class invol ve input-output control module for result is manual log design, and job sequencing module for job sequence priority . Department which involved in this system are production department, finance department, purchase - department, warehouse department, and marketing department.The system design itself consists of the making of the context diagram and itsdeco-mposition which resulting a 0 level DFD consisting of 7 subsystem and level 1 DFD consist several sub processes . Then interlink data .The main output of this •system is integration manufacturing system. Forsimulation this system lvlRP II Solution is designed . Software used in building the program is "Borland Delphi 6_0. and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 for its databases. The restrict for the simulated system MRP II Solution are the system just can be used for spring bed and divan's line and the result for each module in simulated program is used for sample. To support this system Microsoft Excel 2003 is added .With this MRP II system hopefully the problem in the company can be solvedand efficiency and also productivity of the company can be improved .For the end thegoal of the company (profit) can be reach .