Penggunaan metode Guo-Ghalambor untuk optimasi pemboran aerasi sumur "BP" lapangan panas bumi GBK

Oleh : Rifki Ilahi

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 902/TP/2018

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2018

Pembimbing 1 : Sugiatmo Kasmungin

Pembimbing 2 : Bambang Kutono

Subyek : Geothermal geology;Drilling evaluation

Kata Kunci : aerated drilling, drilling evaluation, geothermal.

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2018_TA_TM_071001400197_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2018_TA_TM_071001400197_Bab-1.pdf 3
3. 2018_TA_TM_071001400197_Bab-2.pdf
4. 2018_TA_TM_071001400197_Bab-3.pdf
5. 2018_TA_TM_071001400197_Bab-4.pdf
6. 2018_TA_TM_071001400197_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2018_TA_TM_071001400197_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf
8. 2018_TA_TM_071001400197_Lampiran.pdf

P Pada penelitian ini, operasi pemboran menggunakan teknik pemboran aerasiyang bertujuan untuk mengurangi densitas fluida pemboran dan mengurangitekanan kolom sumur sehingga dapat mengatasi zona loss circulation yangdisebabkan oleh zona rekah pada formasi. Prinsip pemboran aerasi adalahmenginjeksikan udara ke dalam cairan fluida pemboran untuk mengurangi tekanankolom pada lubang bor sehingga lebih rendah dari tekanan formasi sehinggaterjadinya underbalanced drilling. Profil sumur dan data casing pada sumur “BP”adalah lubang 26” menggunakan casing 20” sampai kedalaman 405 meter, lubang17” menggunakan casing 13 3⁄8 sampai kedalaman 1264 meter, lubang 12 ¼”dengan casing 10 3⁄4 sampai kedalaman 1466 meter, dan lubang 9 7⁄8 “ dengancasing 8 5⁄8” sampai kedalaman 2016 meter. Metode yang dipakai pada penelitianini adalah Guo-Ghalambor di mana metode tersebut untuk mengatasi masalah losscirculation dengan optimasi laju alir lumpur dan injeksi gas berdasarkan jendelaoperasi serta menentukan output hidrolika pemboran. Metode Guo-Ghalambormemperhitungkan moody friction dua fasa antara fasa cair fluida pemboran dan fasagas untuk injeksi pada fluida pemboran. Terdapat dua kasus di sumur “BP” yaitukasus pertama trayek 12 ¼” dan kasus kedua trayek 9 7⁄8 " . Trayek 12 ¼” terdapatmasalah loss circulation di kedalaman 1581 meter dengan injeksi gas 1400 SCFMdan laju alir lumpur 820 GPM. sedangkan pada trayek 9 7⁄8 " terdapat masalah losscirculation di kedalaman 1800 meter. Hasil kajian yang didapat adalah outputhidrolika pemboran berdasarkan hasil parameter-parameter pemboran aerasi yangtelah ditinjau dan dioptimasi yaitu ECD, ESD, Annular Static Pressure, dan Annular Dynamic Pressure. Output hidrolika trayek 12 ¼” lebih kecil dari tekananformasi begitu juga pada trayek 9 7⁄8 ". Skenario yang dipilih adalah injeksi gas1600 SCFM dan laju alir lumpur untuk kasus pertama di trayek 12 ¼ dan injeksigas 1600 SCFM dan laju alir lumpur 740 GPM untuk kasus kedua di trayek 9 7⁄8 "berdasarkan good working area pada jendela gas liquid ratio window sehinggamenyebabkan pemboran berlangsung secara underbalanced drilling. Optimasipemboran menggunakan jendela operasi gas liquid ratio window. Batasan-batasanyang digunakan pada gas liquid ratio window yaitu garis antara collapse line danbalance line serta terdapat zonawlosswcirculation,wcollapse, dan poor cuttingtransport. Pemboran aerasi dengan metode Guo-Ghalambor efektif untukmenangani permasalahan di sumur geothermal khusunya menangani losscirculation karena membuat tekanan di dalam sumur lebih kecil daripada tekananformasi.

D Drilling is an activity to obtain oil and gas also geothermal source. Drillingcan be done not only onshore but also offshore. Nowadays, drilling is important inthe oil and gas industry to find reserves in the reservoir. The formation ofgeothermal drilling usually is igneous rock. In general, many geothermal fieldsencountered fractures cause loss circulation zone in drilling. In drilling, overcomeloss circulation zones make drilling more effective and efficient. aerated drillingmethods are known to reduce common problems in geothermal drilling such as losscirculation and stuck pipe. The principle drilling of aeration is to inject air into thefluid of the drilling fluid to reduce the bottom hole pressure on the borehole lowerthan formation pressure that make an underbalanced drilling. The conventionalmethod of Aerated drilling is gas law method which is still not very accurate toanalyze aeration drilling to prevent stuck pipe and loss circulation. So there arestill many drilling problems such as stuck pipe and loss circulaton despite usingaerated drilling techniques. The well profile and casing data on”BP” well is hole26” use 20” casing to the depth of 405 meters, hole 17” use 13 3⁄8 casing to thedepth of 1264 meters, hole 12 ¼“ use 10 3⁄4 casing to depth of 1466 meters, andhole 9 7⁄8 use 8 5⁄8 casing to depth of 2016 meters. The method used in thisresearch is guo-ghalambor method which is corrects aeration drilling and bottomhole pressure in th wells accurately. The guo-ghalambor method corrects the twophase in drilling system called moody friction between the liquid phase of thedrilling fluid and the gas fase for injection in the drilling fluid. This researchanalyze in route 12 ¼ and 9 7⁄8. In route 12 ¼ there is loss circulation problem in1581 meters to overcome the problem it optimizes the gas injection of 1600 SCFM and 780 GPM mud rate. In route 9 7⁄8 there is loss circulation problem in 1800meters to overcome the problem it optimizes the gas injection of 1600 SCFM gasand 740 GPM mud rate. Injection and analysis results drilling hydraulics output.The output of 12 ¼ route are ECD, ESD, Annular Static Pressure, and AnnularDynamic Pressure. The hydraulics output results less than formation pressure aswell as on route 9 7⁄8 it makes underbalanced drilling in the well. Optimization ofaeration drilling is based on the limitations based on operationg window of gasliquid ratio window method. The limits contained in the operating windows in Guo-Ghalambor found in the recommendation operating range. the limits used in thegas liquid ratio window are the line between the collapse line and the balance lineand there are loss circulation, collapse, and poor cutting transport. Aerated drillinguse guo ghalamabor method is effecvtive to overcome loss circulation problem.

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