Analisis pressure build up test dan deliverability test menggunakan software pada sumur OCT-10 lapangan O
Nomor Panggil : 1204/TP/2019
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2019
Pembimbing 1 : M. Taufiq Fathadin
Pembimbing 2 : Ziad Tauriq
Subyek : Petroleum engineering;Computer software
Kata Kunci : pressure build up test, deliverability test, skin, permeability, absolute open flow potential
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500149_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 16 | |
2. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500149_Bab-1.pdf | 3 | |
3. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500149_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500149_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500149_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500149_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500149_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 1 |
P Penurunan produksi pada Sumur OCT-10 Lapangan O dapat disebabkanbeberapa hal yang antara lain karena penurunan produksi atau kerusakan formasi.Pengujian sumur dilakukan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi apakah Sumur OCT-10Lapangan O terdapat kerusakan formasi atau perbaikan pada formasi. Pada SumurOCT-10 Lapangan O dilakukan Pressure Build Up Test dilakukan menggunakanalat EMR (Electric memory record) untuk memperoleh data karakteristikreservoir seperti, faktor kerusakan formasi, permeabilitas formasi, tekananrata-rata reservoir, radius pengurasan, batas suatu reservoir, dan keteherogenan disuatu lapisan. Pressure Build Up Test merupakan suatu teknik uji well test dengancara memproduksi sumur dengan laju produksi konstan selama rentang waktutertentu dan kemudian sumur ditutup. Penutupan sumur tersebut menyebabkannaiknya tekanan yang dicatat sebagai fungsi waktu. Gangguan tekanan inimenjalar dari sumur hingga batas dari reservoir. Pada analisis pengujian sumurgas dengan formasi Sandstone Sumur OCT-10 lapangan O menggunakan softwareSaphir didapatkan nilai Skin faktor 5.77, nilai penurunan tekanan akibat skin (ΔPskin) 56.6348 psia, Nilai tekanan reservoir (Pr) 1894.18 Psia, Nilai permeabilitythickness (kh) 1180 md.ft, dan Nilai permeabilitas (k) 120 md dengan modelreservoir homogeneous dan model boundary parallel. Uji deliverabilitas denganmenggunakan metode modified isochronal test dilakukan dengan penutupansumur tidak perlu mencapai kondisi stabil. Uji deliverabilitas Pada Sumur OCT-10Lapangan O dilakukan untuk mendapatkan nilai Absolute Open Flow Potential(AOFP) yaitu nilai kapasitas produksi maksimum suatu sumur. Nilai AOFP dariSumur OCT-10 Lapangan O adalah sebesar 11747.1 mscf/D.
T The decline in production on the OCT-10 Field O well can be attributed toa number of things, among others, due to decreased production or damage toformations. Well testing is carried out to be able to identify whether the OCT-10Field Well is in formation damage or repair in the formation. On the OCT-10Field Well O Pressure Build Up Test is performed using an EMR (Electricmemory record) tool to obtain data on reservoir characteristics such as formationdamage factors, formation permeability, reservoir average pressure, drain radius,reservoir boundary, and keteherogenan in a layer. Pressure Build Up Test is awell test test technique by producing wells with a constant production rate over aperiod of time and then the well is closed. The closure of the well causes a rise inpressure which is recorded as a function of time. This pressure disturbanceradiates from the well to the limit of the reservoir. In the analysis of gas welltesting with the Sandstone OCT-10 Wells O field using Saphir software Skinvalues were obtained by a factor of 5.77, the value of pressure drop due to skin(ΔP skin) 56.6348 psia, Reservoir pressure value (Pr) 1894.18 Psia, Permeabilitythickness (kh ) 1180 md.ft, and permeability value (k) 120 md with homogeneousreservoir models and parallel boundary models. The deliverability test using themodified isochronal test method performed with well closure does not need toreach a stable condition. Deliverability Test on OCT-10 Field O is done to obtainthe Absolute Open Flow Potential (AOFP) value, which is the value of themaximum production capacity of a well. The AOFP value of the OCT-10 FieldWells is 11747.1 mscf/D.