Usulan perbaikan posisi kerja dan lingkungan kerja dengan pendekatan ergonomi di PT Pacific Prima Utama Bagian Latex
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2005
Pembimbing 1 : Dorina Hetharia
Subyek : Human engineering;Work design
Kata Kunci : work position, work environment, ergonomics, PT Pacific Prima Utama Latex Section
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2005_TA_TI_06301078_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 33 | |
2. | 2005_TA_TI_06301078_Bab-1.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2005_TA_TI_06301078_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2005_TA_TI_06301078_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2005_TA_TI_06301078_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2005_TA_TI_06301078_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2005_TA_TI_06301078_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2005_TA_TI_06301078_Bab-7.pdf |
9. | 2005_TA_TI_06301078_Bab-8.pdf |
10. | 2005_TA_TI_06301078_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
11. | 2005_TA_TI_06301078_Lampiran.pdf |
PT Pacific prima Utarna merupakan penisahaan furniture yang m nghasilkan produk sofa. Kegiatan produksi yang dilakukan di PT Pacific Prima Utama masih be rsifat manual. Kecepatan dan kuantitas produksi ditentukan oleh produkti\' itas ke1ja pekerjanya .Oleh karena itu, PT Pacific Prima Utarna ingin meningkatkan produkf ,•itas kerja dan kenyamanan kerja pekerjanya.Berdasarkan pengamatan dan \Va\\ •ancara yang dilakukan, bagian latex memiliki masalah dengan lingkungan dan posisi kcrja yang kurang baik.Untuk mengidentifikasi lingkungan kerja bagian latex yang kurang baikdilakukan pengukuran temperature ruangan , penghitungan jumlah exhaustfan. ''ama tembok, bau-bauan yang terdapat di tempat kerja, pengukuran tingk at pencahayaan ruangan, dan pengukuran kebisingan. Pengukuran persen produktif kondisi awal dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode sampling pekerjaan.Untuk mengidentifikasi posisi kerja yang kurang nyaman dilakukan pengukuran dan pengamatan terhadap peralatan yang digunakan oleh pekerj a bagian latex. pengumpulan data hasil kuesioner nordic body map, pengarnatan posisi kerja pekerja bagian latex, dan pengisian checklist upper extremity cummulative trauma summary checklist. Perhitungan momen posisi kerja av,;aJ dengan bantuan software mannequin Pro 7 dan pen golahan RULA smvey dengan bantuan software Ergoweb ,.;JET.Unt uk mengurangi ketidaknyaman posisi kerja diberikan us ulan alat oantumengelem rangka body sofa dan meja kerja yang dapat diatur ketinggiannya. M0men posisi kerja dihitung dengan bantuan software ManneQuin Pro 7. Berda arkan perhitungan momen, posisi kerja yang diusulkan memberikan penurunan total 1111 •men. Selain itu , kesimpulcm yang diberikan RULA Suf\•ey m enunjukan a
P PT Pacific Prima Utama is a furniture company that produce sofa. Prod uce part which being done by PT Pacific Prima Utama still manually . Speed and production quantity arcertained by labour acti\'ity production. Therefore, PT Pasific Prima lltama want to increase work productivity and comfortable work of the labour. According to observation and interview, latex division ha\•e problem with work em•ironmen t and work position which is not good.To identify work environment that latex production is not so good. roomtemperature being done, counting exhaustfan amount, wall colour, bad smell in the work place, room light measurement , and measurement of noise. The first condition producti\'e percent measurement done by using work sampling method.To identify work position which is not comfortable, measure and obserrntion to tools that latex division worker usually use , data collection in nordic body map questionnaire result, work position obser\'ation in latex division, and fill checklist upper extremity cummulati\'e trauma summary checklist being done. The first work mom en t position account ith Mannequin Pro 7 help and manufacture RULA surn y with software Ergoweb ®JET help .To reduce uncomfortable work position . giYcn tools acceptable propo<;aJog glue sofa body construction and adjustable table . Moment of work position can be account with ManneQuin Pro 7 help. According to momen calculation, prop•Jsed worked position give total moment decreasement. In another way, the conclucion gi\'en by RU L.'\ sun•ey shows that there is action level decreasement as big as one level to glue sofa body construction , glue sofa body construction lean. and fit the foam to the sofa bod y lean . Meanwhile, in the fit foam work to sofa body sit, there is not action level changing.To fit work environment that latex division is not so good, experiment workenvironment factors which predicted affect work productivity has been done. The factors are busy factor, smell factor, and temperature and air ciculation factor. E:-:pcrimcnt consecutively done according to experiment randomization rotation result \Vhich is being manufactured by software Minitab V .13.2. Respons variable measurement Ii ke worker productive percent in latex division. ANOV A experiment use to know factors which will be experimented give effect to work productivity or no. After that, Duncan experiment being done to know if there is an differen t average between act level from factor give different work productivity. According to ANOVA and duncan hypothesi s which has been done work with use ear stopper, use mask, and van adding is compare the most optimal condition to increase work productivity .The result of productivity percentage comparison indicated that there are increased of productivity percentage as big as 8.472% on the first observation , 6.042% on the second observation , 8.681 % on the third observation, 8.611% on the fourth observation, and 7.876% on the fifth obser;ation.