Studi alterasi dan mineralisasi daerah Mumbulsari, Kecamatan Tumpurejo, Kabupaten Jember Jawa Timur
Nomor Panggil : 916/TG/2018
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2018
Pembimbing 1 : Budi Wijawa
Pembimbing 2 : Bronto Sutopo
Subyek : Geology;Mineralogy
Kata Kunci : alteration, mineralization, epithermal high-sulphidation, lithocap and Mumbulsari, Jember
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2018_TA_GL_072001300033_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 19 | |
2. | 2018_TA_GL_072001300033_BAB-1.pdf | 6 | |
3. | 2018_TA_GL_072001300033_BAB-2.pdf | 15 |
4. | 2018_TA_GL_072001300033_BAB-3.pdf | 14 |
5. | 2018_TA_GL_072001300033_BAB-4.pdf | 15 |
6. | 2018_TA_GL_072001300033_BAB-5.pdf | 18 |
7. | 2018_TA_GL_072001300033_BAB-6.pdf | 1 |
8. | 2018_TA_GL_072001300033_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf | 4 | |
9. | 2018_TA_GL_072001300033__LAMPIRAN.pdf |
S Secara administratif daerah penelitian terletak di Desa Mumbulsari,Kecamatan Tempurejo, Kabupaten Jember, Provinsi jawa timur dan Lokasi penelitian secara geografis terletak pada koordinat 113° 47’ 41,104†BT - 113° 46’19,399†BT dan 08° 18’ 2,059†LS - 08° 20’ 27,958†LS . Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah pengambilan data surface, analisa petrografi, analisa mineragrafi dan analisa ASD Teraspect yang didapat dari perusahaan. daerah penelitian terbagi menjadi dua satuan geomorfologi yaitu satuan geomorfologi perbukitan sisa gunungapi harjomulyo dan satuan geomorfologi dataran bergelombang kaki gunung apicurahtakir. sedangkan untuk stratigrafi terbagi menjadi 2 satuan batuan diurutkandari tua ke muda yaitu satuan batuan breksi vulkanik dan satuan intrusi andesit sertastruktur geologi pada daerah penelitian berupa sesar mendatar mengiri Curahtakir,berdasarkan himpunan mineral yang dijumpai pada daerah penelitian, terdapat tigazona alterasi yaitu zona alterasi zona Klorit – epidot - karbonat - kuarsa (propilitik),zona alterasi zona illit – smektit – kuarsa (argilik) dan zona alterasi zona piropilit –kaolinit – dikit – diaspor (argilik lanjut). Pada daerah penelitian memilik zonamineralisasi berupa lithocap penciri endapan epithermal high-sulfidation denganmineral sulfida berupa pyrite,magnetit dan vuggy quartz.
A Administratively, the study area is located in the village of Mumbulsari,District Tempurejo, Jember, Java province east and Location of research is geographically located at coordinates 113 ° 47 '41.104 "E - 113 ° 46' 19.399" E and08 ° 18 '2.059 "LS - 08 ° 20 '27.958 "LS. The method of research is data collection surface, petrographic analysis, analysis of ASD Teraspect mineragraphy and analysis obtained from the company, the research area is divided into two units, namelygeomorphology geomorphology unit residual volcanic hills harjomulyo and geomorphology unit undulating terrain curahtakir foot volcano. while for the stratigraphy is divided into three lithologies are sorted from old to young is volcanicbreccia rock unit and units intrusion of andesite and the geological structure in the area of research in the form of a curahtakir sinistral strike slip, based on the set ofminerals that are found in areas of research, there are three alteration zones are zonesof alteration zones Chlorite - epidote - carbonate - quartz (propylitic) alteration zone zone illite – smectite – quartz (argillic) and zones of alteration zones piropilit -kaolinite - dickite - diaspor (advanced argilic). In the research area of the mineralizedzone having an identifier in the form lithocap high-sulfidation epithermal deposition with sulfide minerals such as pyrite, magnetite and vuggy quartz.