Pengaruh penambahan duranex terhadap sifat fisik lumpur KCL PHPA Polimer di dalam berbagai temperatur
Nomor Panggil : 2125/TP/2013
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2013
Pembimbing 1 : Abdul Hamid
Subyek : Oil Well Drilling
Kata Kunci : duranex addition, the physical properties of the mud, KCL PHPA polymer mud, temperature
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2013_TA_TM_07108059_2.pdf |
2. | 2013_TA_TM_07108059_3.pdf |
3. | 2013_TA_TM_07108059_4.pdf |
4. | 2013_TA_TM_07108059_5.pdf |
5. | 2013_TA_TM_07108059_6.pdf |
6. | 2013_TA_TM_07108059_7.pdf |
7. | 2013_TA_TM_07108059_8.pdf |
8. | 2013_TA_TM_07108059_1.pdf |
D Dalam suatu operasi pemboran baik pada sumur migas atau sumur panas bumi sering dijumpai adanya temperatur yang sangat tinggi. Temperatur yang tinggi akan mengakibatkan perubahan sifar fisik maupun kimia pada lumpur. Ditambah lagi apabila filtrat lumpur mulai menembus formasi produktif yang dapat menyebabkan formation damage. Untuk itu diperlukan lumpur pemboran yang bisa digunakan untuk menghadapi masalah-masalah tersebut. Salah satunya adalah lumpur berbahan dasar air tawar sistem KCl PHPA Polimer. Dalam penelitian ini, dibatasi ruang lingkup yang diamati mengenai lumpur bahan dasar air tawar sistem KCl PHPA polimer, yaitu nilai densitas lumpur, funnel viscosity,plastic viscosity, yield point, apparent viscosity, gel strength, LPLT filtrate loss (water loss), mud cake, pH, dan kadar garam terhadap penambahan konsentrasi Duranex hingga 7,0 ppb dan diamati juga perubahan sifat fisik lumpur terhadap temperatur, dimana temperatur yang diteliti untuk lumpur ini diantaranya 80°F, 110°F, 140°F, 170°F, 200°F, dan 230°F. Perbedaan temperatur ini berhubungan dengan kedalaman sumur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di laboratorium pada seluruh sampel lumpur yang diuji di berbagai temperatur tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa lumpur LA-V (7,0 ppb Duranex) menunjukkan nilai yang optimum untuk sifat fisik lumpur KCl polimer, akan tetapi untuk ketebalan mud cake lumpur LA-V dibutuhkan lubricant sebagai pelicin sehingga tidak menyebabkan terjadinya pipa terjepit (stuck pipe) dalam operasi pemboran
I In oil and gas well or geothermal well drilling operations are often attempted high formation temperature. The high temperature will result in changes of physical and chemical of mud properties. Furthermore, when mud filtrate began penetrating productive formations which can cause formation damage. It is necessary to maintain the drilling mud that can be used to cope with these problems. One of them is fresh water-based mud KCl PHPA Polymer system. In this study, the observed limited by the scope of basic ingredients of the fresh water-based mud KCl PHPA polymer system, i.e. the value of the density of the mud, funnel viscosity, plastic viscosity, yield point, apparent viscosity, gel strength, LPLT filtrate loss (water loss), mud cake , pH, and salinity of the mud by adding on Duranex concentration up to 7.0 ppb and also observed changes in the physical properties of the mud temperature, where the temperature is studied for this mud are 80°F, 110°F, 140°F, 170°F, 200°F and 230°F. Temperature difference is related to the depth of the well. Based on the results of laboratory studies on whole mud samples which were tested in the temperature range, it was concluded that the LA-V mud (7.0 ppb Duranex) shows that the optimum values for the physical properties KCl polymer mud, but for the thickness of the mud cake of LA-V mud will need lubricant, so it is not going to cause the stuck pipe in the drilling operation.