Biostratigrafi nanofosil gampingan di Daerah Blora, Cekungan Jawa Timur Bagian Utara
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2023
Pembimbing 1 : Dewi Syavitri
Pembimbing 2 : Rendy
Subyek : Geochemistry
Kata Kunci : calcareous nannofossils, Biostratigraphy, North East Java Basin.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 10 | |
2. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Surat-Pernyataan-Revisi-Terakhir.pdf | 1 | |
3. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Surat-Hasil-Similaritas.pdf | 1 | |
4. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Halaman-Pernyataan-Persetujuan-Publikasi-Tugas-Akhir-untuk-Kepentingan-Akademis.pdf | 1 | |
5. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 1 | |
6. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Pernyataan-Orisinalitas.pdf | 1 | |
7. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Formulir-Persetujuan-Publikasi-Karya-Ilmiah.pdf | 1 | |
8. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Bab-1.pdf | 3 | |
9. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Bab-2.pdf | 17 |
10. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Bab-3.pdf | 5 |
11. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Bab-4.pdf | 16 |
12. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Bab-5.pdf | 1 | |
13. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
14. | 2023_SK_STG_072001800031_Lampiran.pdf | 4 |
M Maksud dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kandungan nanofosilgampingan pada sumur LN di cekungan Jawa Timur Utara. Sedangkan untuktujuan penelitian ini mengetahui biostatigrafi dari sample yang diteliti di daerahpenelitian. Sejumlah 73 contoh batuan berupa serbuk bor yang berasal darikedalaman sumur 25-1465m dianalisis secara kuantitatif untuk mengetahuilitologi dan kandungan nanofosil gampingan dengan metode smear slide. Daripengamatan litologi diketahui 2 satuan batuan yaitu satuan Batulempung sisipanSerpih dan satuan Serpih sisipan Batupasir yang sebanding dengan FormasiTawun dan Formasi Ngrayong. Dari hasil pengamatan berhasil diindetifikasisejumlah 15058 specimen yang terdiri atas 11 genus dan 26 spesies dan sejumlah6 datum yaitu Helicosphaera ampliperta, Sphenolitus heteromorfus,Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Discoaster hamatus dan Catinaster coalitus.Berdasarkan datum tersebut, berhasil disusun zonasi berdasarkan Martini (1971),yang terdapat pada sumur LN, adalah Zona NN4, Zona NN5, Zona NN6, ZonaNN7, Zona NN9 dan Zona NN10 atau Miosen awal sampai Miosen akhir.Selanjutnya berdasarkan cross plot datum tersebut datum diketahui lajusedimentasi terdiri atas 16,7cm/kyr pada kedalaman 440-445m, 17cm/kyr padakedalaman 520-522m, 58cm/kyr pada kedalaman 540-542m, 21cm/kyr padakedalaman 820-822m, 12cm/kyr pada kedalaman 860-862m. dari hasil penelitiandiketahui adanya ketidakselarasan pada kedalaman 540m, dimana dijumpai 2biodatum yaitu Discoaster hamatus dan Catinaster coalitus hadir bersamaan
T The purpose of this study was to determine the content of limestonenanofossils in LN wells in the North East Java basin. As for the purpose of thisstudy to know the biostatigraphy of the samples studied in the study area. A totalof 73 rock samples in the form of drill cuttings originating from a well depth of25-1465m were analyzed quantitatively to determine the lithology and content ofcalcareous nanofossils using the smear slide method. From lithologicalobservations, it is known that there are 2 rock units, namely Shale-insertedClaystone units and Sandstone-inserted Shale units which are comparable to theTawun Formation and the Ngrayong Formation. From the observations, 15058specimens were identified consisting of 11 genera and 26 species and 6 datums,namely Helicosphaera ampliperta, Sphenolitus heteromorphus, Cyclicargolithusfloridanus, Discoaster hamatus and Catinaster coalitus. Based on this datum,zoning was successfully arranged based on Martini (1971), which found in LNwells, namely Zone NN4, Zone NN5, Zone NN6, Zone NN7, Zone NN9 and ZoneNN10 or early Miocene to late Miocene. Furthermore, based on the datum crossplot, it is known that the sedimentation rate consists of 16.7cm/kyr at a depth of440-445m, 17cm/kyr at a depth of 520-522m, 58cm/kyr at a depth of 540-542m,21cm/kyr at a depth of 820-822m, 12cm/kyr at a depth of 860-862m. from theresults of the study it was known that there was an unconformity at a depth of540m, where 2 biodatums were found, namely Discoaster hamatus and Catinastercoalitus present together