Identifikasi karakteristik reservoir dan kemampuan produksi dengan pressure transient dan deliverability test pada sumur gas vt-1 lapangan vita
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2023
Pembimbing 1 : Hari Karyadi Oetomo
Pembimbing 2 : Ridha Husla
Subyek : Reservoir
Kata Kunci : Average Reservoir Pressure, Gas Well Deliverability, Horner Plot, Modified Isochronal Test, Pressure
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 17 | |
2. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Surat-Pernyataan-Revisi-Terakhir.pdf | 1 | |
3. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Surat-Hasil-Similaritas.pdf | 6 | |
4. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Halaman-Pernyataan-Persetujuan-Publikasi-Tugas-Akhir-untuk-Kepentingan-Akademis.pdf | 1 | |
5. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 2 | |
6. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Pernyataan-Orisinalitas.pdf | 2 | |
7. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Formulir-Persetujuan-Publikasi-Karya-Ilmiah.pdf | 1 | |
8. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Bab-1.pdf | 2 | |
9. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Bab-2.pdf | 33 |
10. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Bab-3.pdf | 5 |
11. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Bab-4.pdf | 19 |
12. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Bab-5.pdf | 2 |
13. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 3 | |
14. | 2023_SK_STP_071001900044_Lampiran.pdf | 3 |
S Sumur VT-1 merupakan salah satu sumur pada lapangan VITA, dengan jenis formasi Minahaki dan jenis batuannya berupa karbonat. Sumur VT-1 telah dibor sejak tahun 2010 dan telah dilakukan tahap produksi hingga saat ini. Pengujan sumur yang dilakukan pada sumur VT-1 adalah Pressure Build Up dengan metode Type Curve Pressure Derivative dan metode Horner Plot dengan pendekatan pseudopressure yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui keadaan sumur VT-1 dengan meninjau parameter-parameter reservoir. Selain itu, juga dilaksanakan pekerjaan deliverability test dengan metode Modified Isochronal Test yang bertujuan mengetahui kemampuan sumur VT-1 untuk memproduksikan gas ke permukaan. Analisis hasil uji sumur VT-1 dilakukan dengan bantuan software uji sumur dan sebagai pembanding akan dianalisis pula dengan meggunakan spreadsheet. Berdasarkan analisis Pressure Build Up dengan metode Type Curve Pressure Derivative, diperoleh hasil bahwa sumur VT-1 memiliki well model yaitu Vertical-Limited Entry, dengan wellbore model yaitu Changing Storage dan memiliki model reservoir Two Porosity PSS dengan model boundary yaitu One Fault, serta nilai initial reservoir pressure (Pi) sebesar 2.597,6 psi. Selain itu, dari analisis Pressure Build Up dengan metode Type Curve Pressure Derivative, diketahui skin bernilai positif yaitu 3,22 dan nilai permeabilitas sebesar 136 mD. Sedangkan, dari analisis dengan metode Horner Plot, diperoleh production time (tp) sebesar 36.380,6 hour, Flow Efficiency (FE) sebesar 0,785092331, dan Radius of Investigation (Ri) selama pengujian pada sumur VT-1 berlangsung sebesar 4.432,209 ft. Kemudian dilakukan pula analisis tekanan rata-rata reservoir (Pavg) dengan beberapa metode dan diperoleh hasil yaitu tekanan rata-rata reservoir pada sumur VT-1 dengan metode Matthews-Brons-Hazebroek (MBH) sebesar 2.587,833 psi, metode Ramey-Cobb sebesar 2.587,929 psi, metode Modified Muskat sebesar 2.585,6 psi, dan dengan metode Arps-Smith sebesar 2.589,891 psi. Selanjutnya dari hasil analisis deliverability test menggunakan metode Modified Isochronal Test diperoleh nilai Absolute Open Flow Potential (AOFP) pada sumur VT-1 sebesar 151.670,8 MSCFD.
T The VT-1 well is one of the well in the VITA field, with the type of Minahaki formation and the type of rock in the form of carbonate. The VT-1 well has been drilled since 2010 and has been in production period. The well testing carried out in the VT-1 well using Pressure Build Up with the Type Curve Pressure Derivative method and Horner Plot method with a pseudopressure method which aims to determine the condition of the VT-1 well by reviewing reservoir parameters. In addition, a deliverability test was also carried out using the Modified Isochronal Test method which aims to determine the ability of the VT-1 well to produce gas to the surface. Analysis of the VT-1 well test results is carried out with well test software and as a comparison will also be analyzed using a spreadsheet. Based on the analysis of Pressure Build Up with the Type Curve Pressure Derivative method, it was obtained that the VT-1 well has a well model is Vertical-Limited Entry, with a well bore model Changing Storage, and has a Two Porosity PSS reservoir model with a boundary model One Fault, with an initial reservoir pressure (Pi) value of 2,597.6 psi. In addition, from the analysis of Pressure Build Up with the Type Curve Pressure Derivative method, it is known that the skin has a positive value of 3.22 and a permeability value of 136 mD. Meanwhile, from the analysis using the Horner Plot method, production time (tp) was obtained about 36,380.6 hours, Flow Efficiency (FE) of 0.785092331, and Radius of Investigation (Ri) during testing at the VT-1 well amounted to 4,432.209 ft. Then also carried out an analysis of the average reservoir pressure (Pavg) by several methods and obtained the average reservoir pressure in the VT-1 well with the Matthews-Brons-Hazebroek (MBH) method of 2,587.833 psi, the Ramey-Cobb method of 2,587.929 psi, the Modified Muskat method of 2,585.6 psi, and with the Arps-Smith method of 2,589.891 psi. Furthermore, from the results of the deliverability test analysis using the Modified Isochronal Test method, the Absolute Open Flow Potential (AOFP) value in the VT-1 well was obtained about 151,670.8 MSCFD.