Kajian kualitas air waduk sunter 1 Jakarta Utara ditinjau dari sifat fisik dan kimia
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2004
Pembimbing 1 : Diana H.
Pembimbing 2 : Setijati H.E.
Subyek : Water quality;Management of the environment
Kata Kunci : Sunter I lake North Jakarta, artificial lake, IKA-NSF methods
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2004_TA_TL_08200043_Halaman-judul.pdf | 11 | |
2. | 2004_TA_TL_08200043_Bab-1.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2004_TA_TL_08200043_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2004_TA_TL_08200043_Bab-3.pdf | 5 |
5. | 2004_TA_TL_08200043_Bab-4.pdf | 5 |
6. | 2004_TA_TL_08200043_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2004_TA_TL_08200043_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | ||
8. | 2004_TA_TL_08200043_Lampiran.pdf |
S Situ adalah genangan air di atas permukaan tanah yang terbentuk secara alami maupun buatan. Air situ berasal dari air tanah atau air pennukaan dan berfungsi sebagai pendukung siklus hidrologi yang potensial, serta merupakan salah satu bentuk kawasan lindung. Situ yang sengaja dibuat oleh manusia disebut waduk. Waduk Sunter I adalah waduk buatan yang diperuntukan untuk penanggulangan banjir dan olahraga perairan. Waduk Sunter I terletak di jalan Danau Sunter Selatan dengan luas 29 Ha. Sumber ain di vpaduk Sunter I berasal dari mata air alami dan air hujan, sedangkan ou letnya dialirkan ke Waduk Sunter II, Kali Item dan akhirnya dibuang k€ Pantai Ancol. Di Waduk Sunter I tidak ada pembuangan limbah yang berasal dar • industri maupun permukiman penduduk. Kegiatan di sekitar waduk yaitu olahraga air Uet ski dan perahu dayung), dan tempat rekreasi dengan fasilitas: kafe, hotel, pemancingan ikan dan penyewaan jet ski. Tujuan analisis di Waduk Sunter I y;aitu unruk mengetahui ~ualitas airnya dengan menggunakan metode Indeks Kualitas Air berdasarkan National Sanitation Water Qualify Index (IKA-NSF). Penelitian dilakukan selama 5 bulan yaini bulan Maret sampai Bulan Juli 2QOfl. Pengambilan sampel air Qi Waduk Sunter I sebanyak 2 kali yaitu 30 mei 2004 dan 1 Juni 2004. Pengulangan pengambilan sampel pada tiap titik sebanyak 2 kali. Lokasi pengambilan sampel ada 5 titik yaitu titik1 adalah outlet, titik 2 adalah tambak dan pemancingan, titik 3 adalah bagiantengah, titik 4 adalah pemukiman, dan titik 5 adalah rekreasi. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh di Waduk Sunter I: turbiditas berkisar 5-10 NTU, Temperatur 28°C-30 c, TDS 39-65 mg/I, DO 1-2,03 mg/I, BOD 190-339 mg/I, Nitrat 0,25-0,55mg I. Phospat 0,03-0,083 mg/I, pH 7,2-7,4, dan E.coli 180-630 IvIPN/100 ml. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh kemudian dibandingkan dengan Keputusan Gubemur DKI Jakarta C No. 582 Tahun 1995 Golongan C untuk perikanan, Peraturan Pemerintah No,82 Tahun 1995 Kelas III untuk perikanan, dan dihitung kualitas aimya dengan rnetode IKA-NSF. Hasil perhitungan IKA-NSF rata-rata di Waduk Sunter I 88,192 masuk dalam kategori sedang karenaberkisar antara 51- 70. Pada titik 1 bagian outlet nilainya 67, 17 (sedang), titik 2 bagian tambak nilainya 69,530 (sedang), titik 3 bagian tengah nilainya 72,28 (baik), titik 4 bagian tanpa aktivitas nilainya 70,55 (sedang), dan titik 5 bagian rekreasi nilainya 70,97 .sedang Secara umum kualitas air di Waduk Sunter I dalam kondisi sedang karena didukung oleh kualitas fisik dan kimia yang kurang baik.
S Situ is a stagnant water above the land surface which was formed naturally or sintethically where the situ water came from the soil if the water surface and functioned as the potential hydrology cycle, as well as one of the forestry area. Situ was intended by human called the dam.Sunter I lake is a artificial lake which was purposed for the flood prevention and water sports. Sunter I lake was placed on the South Sunter lake with approximately length of 27 Ha. The water source of Sunter I lake came fnom the natural source and rain water, while the outlet was distributed to the Sunter II lake, Item River and finanly thrown out to the Pantai Ancol. On Sunter I lake, there is no waste exhanstion which came from the industry or the peoples housing. The activity surrounding the lake is water sport, such as Jet Ski and rowing boat, recreation place witf a cafe, hotel, fot Sk'i rental service and flood controlling facility for its' surrounding place.The objective of the analysis of Sunter lake is to observe the water quality by using the IKA- NSF method. This research was implemented for 5 months, from March-July 2004. The water sample collecting on the Sunter I lake were implemented twice, on May 30th 2004 and June 7th 2004. The sample recollecting was implemented on each point, and it was implemented twice. The sample collecting location are 5 point : first point is the outlet, second point is the fishing place, third point is the middle spot, and fourth point is the hosing, fifth point is recreation.The analysis result which was obtained on the Sunter I lake are : turbidity approximately 5- IO NTU. Temperature 28°C-30°C, T)'.)S 39-65 mg/I;- DO 1-3,15 mg/l, BOD 190-339 mgl Nitrat 0,25-0,55 mgl, phospat 0,03-0,083 mg/l, pH 7,2 - 7,4 and E.Coli 180-630 MPN 100 ml. The analysis result which was obtained then will be compared to the the DKI Jakarta governor desicion, on group C numbers 582 year of 1995, The government regulation number 82 year of 1995 Class III, and calculating the water quality by using the IKA - NSF method.The calculation result of IKA - NSF showed the water quality of Sunter I lake included in the middling category because, it's rate is about 51-70. On the first point of the outlet part, the value of 67,1: (middle), on the second point, the dam part, the value of 69,53 (middle), on the third point, the middle spot, the value of 72,28 (good), on the fourth point, the housing part, the value of 70,550 (middle), on the fifth point, the recreation part, the value of 70,9';' (middle). Generally, the water quality of the Sunter I lake is the middling condition because it is support by the proper physical and chemical quality.