70%. Representation in the form of station and human model through 3D Blender software is used to assist the assessment of risk level of musculoskeletal injury treated by NERPA method, where 6 of 10 operators are at the highest score that is 7. The result of calculation of lifting index (LI) obtained result of equal to 3, 73 (origin) and 3.32 (destination). The Snook table shows that the operator's work movements exceed the recommended max acceptable force limit. From the results of these calculations indicate that it is necessary to make changes to work stations Cabinet PU department to avoid the risk of muscle injury (musculoskeletal disorder) and back. Proposed improvements include the addition of rolling tables, switching operators, redesign jig trajectories, and muscle stretching exercises. Implementation performed shows the increase of the average value of body parts category is not pain of 8.56%, while for the value of lifting index (LI) is at value <1." /> 70%. Representation in the form of station and human model through 3D Blender software is used to assist the assessment of risk level of musculoskeletal injury treated by NERPA method, where 6 of 10 operators are at the highest score that is 7. The result of calculation of lifting index (LI) obtained result of equal to 3, 73 (origin) and 3.32 (destination). The Snook table shows that the operator's work movements exceed the recommended max acceptable force limit. From the results of these calculations indicate that it is necessary to make changes to work stations Cabinet PU department to avoid the risk of muscle injury (musculoskeletal disorder) and back. Proposed improvements include the addition of rolling tables, switching operators, redesign jig trajectories, and muscle stretching exercises. Implementation performed shows the increase of the average value of body parts category is not pain of 8.56%, while for the value of lifting index (LI) is at value <1." /> 70%. Representation in the form of station and human model through 3D Blender software is used to assist the assessment of risk level of musculoskeletal injury treated by NERPA method, where 6 of 10 operators are at the highest score that is 7. The result of calculation of lifting index (LI) obtained result of equal to 3, 73 (origin) and 3.32 (destination). The Snook table shows that the operator's work movements exceed the recommended max acceptable force limit. From the results of these calculations indicate that it is necessary to make changes to work stations Cabinet PU department to avoid the risk of muscle injury (musculoskeletal disorder) and back. Proposed improvements include the addition of rolling tables, switching operators, redesign jig trajectories, and muscle stretching exercises. Implementation performed shows the increase of the average value of body parts category is not pain of 8.56%, while for the value of lifting index (LI) is at value <1." /> 70%. Representation in the form of station and human model through 3D Blender software is used to assist the assessment of risk level of musculoskeletal injury treated by NERPA method, where 6 of 10 operators are at the highest score that is 7. The result of calculation of lifting index (LI) obtained result of equal to 3, 73 (origin) and 3.32 (destination). The Snook table shows that the operator's work movements exceed the recommended max acceptable force limit. From the results of these calculations indicate that it is necessary to make changes to work stations Cabinet PU department to avoid the risk of muscle injury (musculoskeletal disorder) and back. Proposed improvements include the addition of rolling tables, switching operators, redesign jig trajectories, and muscle stretching exercises. Implementation performed shows the increase of the average value of body parts category is not pain of 8.56%, while for the value of lifting index (LI) is at value <1." />


Intervensi ergonomi untuk mengurangi risiko cidera akibat postur dan gerakan kerja operator di PT.Topjaya Antariksa Elektroniks

Oleh : Nurul Annisa

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2015

Pembimbing 1 : Nora Azmi

Pembimbing 2 : Dorina Hetharia

Subyek : Human engineering;Material handling;Manufacturing company;Production - process

Kata Kunci : musculoskeletal disorder risk (MSDS), novel postural assessment (NERPA)

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2015_TA_TI_06311093_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2015_TA_TI_06311093_Bab-1.pdf 5
3. 2015_TA_TI_06311093_Bab-2.pdf
4. 2015_TA_TI_06311093_Bab-3.pdf
5. 2015_TA_TI_06311093_Bab-4.pdf
6. 2015_TA_TI_06311093_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2015_TA_TI_06311093_Bab-6.pdf
8. 2015_TA_TI_06311093_Bab-7.pdf
9. 2015_TA_TI_06311093_Lampiran.pdf
10. 2015_TA_TI_06311093_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf

P PT.Topjaya Antariksa Elektroniks merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufacturing, dimana hampir keseluruhan proses produksi yang berlangsung di departemen PU Cabinet dilakukan secara manual dan repetitive dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Untuk itu dilakukan identifikasi terhadap risiko cidera yang dapat terjadi serta memberikan alternatif usulan perbaikan. Dari hasil identifikasi dengan menggunakan Standart Nordic Questionaire (SNQ), Hazard Checklist, NIOSH Material Manual Handling Checklist (MMH), dan Kodak‟s Checklist diketahui bahwa 100% dari 10 operator mengalami keluhan fisik pada bagian punggung. Adapun faktor penyebabnya berupa postur dan gerakan kerja yang tidak ergonomis (lifting, carrying, pushing) dengan durasi perpindahan yang terbatas serta bobot beban yang besar. Dengan menggunakan Quick Exposure checklist diketahui bahwa 4 dari 10 operator mengalami tingkat risiko cidera dengan presentase > 70%. Representasi dalam bentuk station dan human model melalui software Blender 3D digunakan untuk membantu penilaian tingkat risiko cidera musculoskeletal yang diolah dengan metode NERPA,dimana 6 dari 10 operator berada pada skor tertinggi yaitu 7. Hasil perhitungan lifting index (LI) didapatkan hasil sebesar sebesar 3,73 (origin) dan 3,32 (destination). Tabel Snook menunjukkan bahwa gerakan kerja yang dilakukan operator melewati batas max acceptable force yang disarankan. Dari hasil perhitungan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa perlu diadakan perubahan terhadap stasiun kerja departemen PU Cabinet untuk menghindari risiko cidera otot (musculoskeletal disorder) dan punggung. Usulan perbaikan yang diberikan berupa penambahan meja rolling, switching operator, desain ulang lintasan jig, dan senam peregangan otot. Implementasi yang dilakukan menunjukkan kenaikan nilai rata-rata kategori bagian tubuh tidak sakit sebesar 8,56%, sedangkan untuk nilai lifting index (LI) berada pada nilai <1.

P PT.Topjaya Antariksa Elektroniks is a company engaged in manufacturing, where almost the entire production process that took place in the PU Cabinet department done manually and repetitive in the long term. For that purpose identification of the risk of injury that can occur as well as provide an alternative proposed improvement. From the identification results using Standards Nordic Questionaire (SNQ), Hazard Checklist, NIOSH Material Manual Handling Checklist (MMH), and Kodak "s Checklist note that 100% of 10 operators experience physical complaints on the back. The cause factor of posture and motion of work that is not ergonomic (lifting, carrying, pushing) with limited duration of movement and weight of big load. By using Quick Exposure checklist it is known that 4 out of 10 operators experience an injury risk rate with a percentage> 70%. Representation in the form of station and human model through 3D Blender software is used to assist the assessment of risk level of musculoskeletal injury treated by NERPA method, where 6 of 10 operators are at the highest score that is 7. The result of calculation of lifting index (LI) obtained result of equal to 3, 73 (origin) and 3.32 (destination). The Snook table shows that the operator's work movements exceed the recommended max acceptable force limit. From the results of these calculations indicate that it is necessary to make changes to work stations Cabinet PU department to avoid the risk of muscle injury (musculoskeletal disorder) and back. Proposed improvements include the addition of rolling tables, switching operators, redesign jig trajectories, and muscle stretching exercises. Implementation performed shows the increase of the average value of body parts category is not pain of 8.56%, while for the value of lifting index (LI) is at value <1.

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