Faktor spesifik, makroekonomi dan profitabilitas bank komersial di indonesia
A Aktivitas perbankan ialah menghimpun dana dari nasabah dan meyalurkan kredit kenasabah dalam bentuk pinjaman dengan memberikan bunga sebagai bentukprofitabilitas bank. Selain memberikan pinjaman, terdapat aktivitas lainnya yang bisamenjadi profitabilitas bank. Segala aktivitas bank dalam menghasilkan profitabilitasbisa dipengaruhi oleh faktor spesifik bank dan makroekonomi. Pada penelitian inimenggunakan regresi data panel dengan sampel 33 Perbankan Indonesia yang terdaftardi Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2019 – 2023. Profitabilitas bank dalam penelitian inidiukur dengan variabel return on assets. Sedangkan faktor spesifik bank diukur denganvariabel capital adequacy ratio, asset management, bank branches, deposit dan non-performing loan. Faktor makroekonomi diukur dengan variabel gross domesticproduct, inflation dan exchange rate. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwafaktor spesifik bank memiliki pengaruh terhadap profitabilitas bank, kecuali deposit.Sedangkan faktor makroekonomi tidak ada yang memiliki pengaruh terhadapprofitabilitas bank.
B Banking activities involve collecting funds from customers and channeling credit tothem in the form of loans, with interest serving as a form of bank profitability. Inaddition to providing loans, there are other activities that can contribute to the bank\\\'sprofitability. All banking activities in generating profitability can be influenced byspecific bank factors and macroeconomic factors. This study uses panel dataregression with a sample of 33 Indonesian banks listed on the Indonesia StockExchange for the period 2019 – 2023. Bank profitability in this study is measured bythe Return on Assets (ROA) variable. Meanwhile, specific bank factors are measuredby the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Asset Management, Bank Branches, Deposits,and Non-Performing Loan variables. Macroeconomic factors are measured by theGross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation, and Exchange Rate variables. The resultsof this study found that specific bank factors have an effect on bank profitability,except for Deposits. Meanwhile, macroeconomic factors do not have any influence onthe profitability of bank