Penatalaksanaan replantasi pada avulsi gigi anterior tetap (Studi pustaka)
A Avulsi merupakan salah satu trauma dentoalveolar yang berat karena gigi mengalami gaya yang menyebabkan gigi terdorong keluar dari soket dan akan merusak ligamen periodontal sekitar gigi. Gigi yang sering mengalami avulsi adalah gigi insisif sentral rahang atas.Replantasi merupakan teknik memasukkan kembali gigi kedalam soket yang sebelumnya terlepas secara total. Penatalaksanaan replantasi harus diawali dengan anamnesa, pemeriksaan klinis , dan pemeriksaan radiografis waktu ekstraalveoral dan media penyimpanan selama gigi mengalami avulsi mkerupakan faktor yg penting yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan perawatan gigi avulsi merupakan apeks tertutup dapat dilakukan perawatan saluran akar 7-14 hari setelah replantasi.
A Avulsion is a severe dentoalveolar injury due to tooth being completely pulled out of its socket and results in the damage of periodontal ligament around the tooth. The tooth, which is frequently affected by avulsion, is maxillary central incisor. Replantation is a technique to place the tooth, which has been completely pulled out, back into its socket. By following certain steps to avoid infection, replantation is a suitable procedure for avulsed teeth. Replantation procedure must be preceded with anamnesis, clinical examination, and radiographic examination. Period of extraalveolar and storage media during avulsion are important factors that influence the prognosis of replantation. Endodontic treatment of avulsed teeth with closed apex can be performed in 7-14 days after replantation, whereas endodontic treatment of teeth with opened apex can be delayed in anticipation of pulp revascularization.