Pengaruh minuman bersoda terhadap kekasaran permukaan resin komposit nanohibrid preheated dan non preheated (Laporan Penelitian)
L Latar belakang: Resin komposit nanohibrid memiliki permukaan yanghalus karena mengandung partikel filler berukuran kecil. Permukaanrestorasi yang kasar dapat dipengaruhi oleh pH minuman bersoda yangrendah. Permukaan yang kasar dapat menyebabkan adhesi bakteri,akumulasi plak dan memicu terjadinya sekunder karies. Metode preheatedadalah pemanasan pada resin komposit sebelum diaplikasikan. Metode inidapat meningkatkan sifat – sifat dari resin komposit. Tujuan: Untukmengetahui perbedaan kekasaran permukaan resin komposit nanohibridpreheated dan non preheated sebelum dan setelah direndam pada minumanbersoda. Metode penelitian: Sampel resin komposit nanohibrid FiltekTMZ250 XT berbentuk silinder dengan diameter 10 mm dan tinggi 2 mm.Dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, preheated dan non preheated. Kelompoksampel preheated dilakukan pemanasan terlebih dahulu dengan MiceriumS.p.A Heater. Seluruh sampel di rendam pada minuman bersoda masing –masing 10 mL selama 2 jam perhari dan diulangi selama 15 hari.Pengukuran kekasaran permukaan dilakukan sebelum perendaman, setelah12 hari perendaman dan setelah 15 hari perendaman dengan SurfaceRoughness Tester Taylor Hobson S100 Series. Hasil: Terdapat perubahankekasaran permukaan pada setiap pengukuran. Semakin lama sampeldirendam pada minuman bersoda, maka kekasaran permukaan semakinmeningkat. Berdasarkan uji statistik terdapat perbedaan bermaknakekasaran permukaan pada kedua kelompok sampel setelah 15 hariperendaman. Kesimpulan: Minuman bersoda mempengaruhi kekasaranpermukaan resin komposit nanohibrid secara signifikan setelah perendamanselama 15 hari.
B Background: Nanohybrid resin composite has a smooth surface because itcontains small filler particles. Surface roughness can be affected by the lowpH of carbonated beverages. Surface roughness can cause bacterialadhesion, plaque accumulation, and leads to secondary caries. Preheatedmethod was heated the resin composite before it is applied and polymerized.This method can increase the properties of resin composite. Purpose: Theaim of this study was to determine the differences between nanohybrid resincomposite surface roughness preheated and non preheated before and afteran immersion in carbonated beverages. Method: Nanohybrid resincomposite FiltekTM Z250 XT in cylindrical with the diameter of 10 mm andheight of 2 mm. Divided into two groups, preheated and non preheated.Samples in Preheated group were preheated by Micerium S.p.A Heater. Allsamples were immersed in carbonated beverages each 10 mL for 2 hours aday and repeated for 15 days. Surface roughness was tested before theimmersion, after 12 days of immersion, and after 15 days of immersionusing surface roughness tester Taylor Hobson S100 Series. Result: Therewas a difference in surface roughness on every measurement. The longersamples immersed in soft drink, the surface roughness increases. Based onstatistical analyzer, there was a significant difference of surface roughnessbefore and after 15 days of immersion. Conclusion: Carbonated bevearagessignificantly affected surface roughness of nanohybrid resin composite after15 days of immersion.