Strategi mempertahankan pelanggan PT Fatrapolindo Nusa Industri sebagai bagian dari usaha peningkatan daya saing
Subyek : Industry - Strategic planning;Customer relationship - Management
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2004
Pembimbing 1 : Dadan Umar Daihani
Kata Kunci : customer statisfaction, customer services, industrial management
Status Posting : Published
Status : Tidak Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2004_TS_MTI_163011003_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 15 | |
2. | 2004_TS_MTI_163011003_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 3 | |
3. | 2004_TS_MTI_163011003_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 7 | |
4. | 2004_TS_MTI_163011003_Bab-2_Kerangka-Penelitian.pdf |
5. | 2004_TS_MTI_163011003_Bab-3_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
6. | 2004_TS_MTI_163011003_Bab-4_Pengumpulan-Data-dan-Analisis.pdf |
7. | 2004_TS_MTI_163011003_Bab-5_Rumusan-Usulan-Strategi.pdf |
8. | 2004_TS_MTI_163011003_Bab-6_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf |
9. | 2004_TS_MTI_163011003_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 1 | |
10. | 2004_TS_MTI_163011003_Lampiran.pdf |
P P.T. Fatrapolin do Nusa Inclustri aclalah penis alma) yang rn en asilkan produk plastik yang clin am aka). "F alene B OPP Elm" (Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene) yang diproduksi dengan telmolog,i CarIggih dan merupak an film terbaik di In done si a.Produl( in i diguriakan learen a sitat-si fiat khu slimy a sep erti be.rbau,netral,hyg anis, (Ill. Scat ini perusahaan sedans, mangliadapi m asatahsaiiii untuk mengetahui strategi yang aka! cliterapkan u ntuk mempertahaankan pelanggan utam a di P.T. Fatrapolindo Nu sa Inclu stri, Program kepu as an peianggaan (Customer srati qfi.-sc.t.i on) tam pokily a hams seg era diterapkan. Ko ns um en ti dal( lagi merasa puas dengan hanya menclapalkati produk yang mereka beli,teiapi 1 ebih jauh lagi mereka ingin mendapatkan sesuatu yang 1 ebih menguntungkan atau inemberileari nilai tamb ah bagi dirinya, il survey key_.-qi Del angg an (0 iesipme satiacic ij012 jildeX)fil e nun jukkan bahwa te,rdapat empat dimensi p el ayanim yang diang.lzap pen ting mtara : kep tian emenulii korni trn e n,pern terhadap p el ang gan,b 01I ati di tas,clan ap ian Aneka rata-rata C SI untu k dim e ns kepastian meirielmhu kom nal en in en capai74 ,5'33% yang berati angka CSI sucliali mem enuhu standar CST. anufaktur (10% -85%),D. amun lebih rendah di ban clingkan dun g a ri 3 faktor lain,Angka rata-rata CSI untuk clirn ensi pemahaman terhadap pelanggan mencapai 89,44 9'f0,angka_na_ta-rata untuk dim ensi bonafiditas rn en capai 90,032% dan angka CSI rata-rata untuk climensi kerapi an men c apai 91,41 SVG.K.etiga angka CSI terakhir m el eb ihi standar C SI rn anufaktur.H al ini berg ti rn e rup ak pre. st aci bagi P.T. Fataw olindo Musa In du stri clan perlu dipectahankari I-Iasil analisis in clustii dengan menggunakan analisis Five Forces Porter in enunjukk an balm a .clay a t&ik in clustn plastic BOPP filin clikatakan sedans karen a industry Illi fliemiliki daya tawar pe.m bell tinggi,daya tawar p ernasoktirlggi,anean an produk sub stitusi rend:-31-1,ancam an periclEd.ang barn tidak ada,dan intensitas persaingam dalain industri linggi. Dan hail analisis Competitiveprofi.le Matrix (CPI,e1) didapatkan k.ekuatan P.T.= Fatrapolindo IsTusa La du stri adal ah : kualitas 1.-)ro cluk..Seciangkan 1: el emah P. T . F aLt ap dindo -Nu sa In du sty' ad al all am a kurang kemp eti df, terutam a bagi pelang gan yaig tergolong customer goods. Huil analisis e.ksternal me iuii jukkan bahwa Key Si./c ce ss Factor (1,--_-S) inch stri plastic BOPP film adalab : delivery on timeaku al itas produk del jasa Dail rumusen usulan strategi cli11asilkan strategi utam untuk me.neapai sasarai perusahaan ber das akin ariedi si s internal clan etas tem al ,y aitu: strategi m emp ertah enken pelanggan, Strategi emp ertah ankan pelanggan hijukan untuk m en inglunk. an 1oyalitaspelangganclan pernbelian b erulang (repeat order) in aka strategi 1 ebili clitekankan pada perbailean internal yang dapat dil dengan berbag,ai cam yakrii : (1) Fin an dal Bond tnisal m enibeilkan pengh;argaan kepada pelanggan yang in dangan volume besar den &el:men si sering(harga lebih reridah);memberikan harga yang stabil (ti dak f.luktuaht)bagi pel anggan (2) Cugtornization Bond missal : baF,i as. custom en service clapat m emberitahu status order pelanggan via ph one ;pemilihan ekspedisi (outsourcing trail sportasi) dengan si stim peililelan yang tunut rn el ibaik an perm gg an ;m ;An ben kan ben t iamb ala (p el ay an an pe 1 an gg an/ cu stOrri er service) untukllleningkatkan value bagi pelan ch-Y ; membangun database ten tang ke.butuhan spesifik m asing -rn a sin g p el anggaari sehineg a service dap at s e su dffigan kein ginan pelanggan. (3) Social Bond missal :m endukung solemn url P,T. Fairapoli n do _Musa Industri dengan 1 I.1 erab(2.-ntuk tim penjualan agar terciptahubungan e rat deng an pelanggan ;membangun hubung an personal antaia FT Fatrapolindo I•Iusa Industri clan perusahaan p elanggan id an meningkalkan p el ay an an bagi pelanggan s eti a (loyal customer) se c ara customizeclbegi pelanggan be sar m au pun pelanggan kec (4) Snli etnr al Bond missal nienye cliakan lay anan parnantauan (tracking) bags pelangg an tentang status order pelanggan m elalui internal clan in eningleatk.;11 iriftastruktur dan aplikasi term ol ogi inform asi (IT) yang terintegrrasi dengan system yang dimiliki pelanggan. untuk dapat: mencapai Sa Saran yang telah clitetapkan,strategi yang clijabarkan dal am prc3grain implernentasi strategi barns eel alu dikontrol dan dievaluasi CUEt periodik untukumpan bald: sebingga shategi yang clihasilken dapat efektif mane Gp sasaran..
P P.T. Fatrapoli do Nusa Inclustri is the penis of alma) which produces clinical plastic products (aka). "Falene B OPP Elm" (Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene) which is produced with telmologist, i Caregih and is the best film in Indonesia. neutral, hygienic, (Ill. Scat is a sedan company, dealing with challenges to find out the strategy that will be applied to retain key customers at PT Fatrapolindo Nusa Inclu stri, Customer satisfaction program (Customer srati qfi.-sc. tion) tam pokily a must be implemented immediately. The general public is satisfied with only sticking to the products they buy, but furthermore they want to get something more profitable or add value to themselves, il survey key_.-qi Del aggan (0 iesipme satiacic ij012 voldeX) file shows that there are four dimensions of p el chickens that are considered important ,b 01I heart in the bag, clan ap ian Assorted rat The average CSI for the dimension of public health certainty reaches 74.5'33%, which means that the CSI number fully meets the CST standard. manufacturing (10%-85%),D. but lower when compared to 3 other factors, the average CSI figure for clear understanding of customers reaches 89.44 9'f0, the average number for the bona fide dimension reaches 90.032% and the average CSI figure for tidiness, it reaches 91.41 SVG.K. The last three CSI numbers are higher than the C SI standard for manufacturing. These vary in pre-group. st true for P.T. Fataw olindo Musa Industry and clans need to be preserved. The results of the inclusive analysis using Porter's Five Forces analysis show that there is a high level of bargaining power in the BOPP plastic cluster, because the industry has high bargaining power, bargaining power of higher suppliers, low level of substitute product variance:-31-1, non-existent new periclEd threats, and high intensity of competition in industry. And the results of the CompetitiveProfile Matrix (CPI,e1) analysis found that the strength of P.T.= Fatrapolindo IsTusa La du stri is : quality 1.-)ro cluk..Seciangkan 1: el emah P.T. F aLt ap dindo -Nu sa In du sty' there is a lack of competence in df, especially for customers who are classified as customer goods. The results of the external e-analysis show that the Key Si./c ce ss Factor (1,--_-S) inch strip of plastic BOPP film is: delivery on time, product quality and service quality. Reaching the company's targets based on internal and tactical analysis, namely: the strategy of retaining customers, the strategy of retaining customers to encourage them to contact. The loyalty of repeat purchase customers (repeat order) in this aka strategy 1 emphasizes on internal repairs that can be traded in various ways: (1) Financial Bonds give rewards to customers who buy volumes large den & el:men si often (lower prices); provide stable prices (not f. luktuaht) for customers (2) Cugtornization Bond eg: baF, i as. custom en service can notify the customer's order status via ph one; choose an expedition (outsourcing trail sporting) with the sales team that demands that customers improve their customer service 1 member / customer service) to increase the value for the ch-Y plan; build a database on the specific needs of foreigners - foreign countries budgeted so that services can meet customer needs. (3) Social Bond eg: supports solemn url P,T. Fairapoli ndo _Musa Industri with 1 I.1 erab(2.-for the sales team to create close relationships with customers; build personal relationships between FT Fatrapolindo I•Iusa Industri and customer companies and improve service for loyal customers (loyal customers) by customizing for large customers as well as small customers (4) Snli etnr al Bond, for example, provide monitoring services (tracking) for customers regarding the status of customer orders through internal and external monitoring. ;11 infrastructure and application of information technology (IT) that is integrated with the system owned by the customer to be able to: achieve the goals that have been set, the strategies that are described in the implementation of new strategies are always controlled and evaluated CUEt periodically for bald bait: so that the strategy that is produced can be effective when it comes to the target Gp..