Analisis kualitas layanan pada wireless application protocol
D Dua parameter yang diamati, grade of service dan access time. Penelitian ini mengumpulkan 840 sampel dalam pengamatan 2 minggu untuk memperkirakan nilai kelas layanan dan waktu akses layanan WAPpopulasi. Nilai rata-rata grade of service kemudian dibandingkan dengan tabel --gef Erlang-B untuk mengetahui optimalisasi utilisasi kapasitas 'wig! saluran. Distribusi F kemudian digunakan untuk mengetahui fluktuasi dariwaktu akses selama pengamatan: Berdasarkan data yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini, terungkap temuan berikut: pertama nilai rata-rata kelas pelayanan di wilayah yang diamati lebih besar dari 2% dan berfluktuasi selama pengamatan. Kedua, rata-rata waktu akses layanan WAP kurang dari 20 detik dan tidak berfluktuasi selama pengamatan.
T Two parameters were observed, grade of service and access time. This study collected 840 samples in 2-weeks observation to estimate the value of grade of service and access time of WAP servicepopulation. The average value of grade of service then compared with --gef Erlang-B tables to find out the optimization of capacity utilization of the 'wig! channel. The F distribution was then used to find out the fluctuation of theaccess time during the observations: Based upon data analyzed in this study, the following findings were revealed: firstly the average value of grade of service in the observed area was greater than 2% and was fluctuated during observations. Secondly average access time of WAP service was less than 20 seconds and not fluctuated during observations.