Pengaruh organizational culture dan employee engagement terhadap employee performance melalui job satisfaction karyawan pada PT Generasi Teknologi Buana
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh organizational culture danemployee engagement terhadap employee performance melalui job satisfaction.Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data primer yang bersumberlangsung dari objek pada penelitian ini, yaitu salah satu perusahaan startup diJakarta PT Generasi Teknologi Buana. Sampel pada penelitian ini dipilihmenggunakan metode non probability sampling sehingga memperoleh 195responden yang menjadi sampel dari populasi sebanyak 200. Analisis data yangdigunakan dengan menggunakan program SPSS untuk menguji tingkat validitasdan reliabilitas dari tiap-tiap item pernyataan yang digunakan, serta menggunakanprogram SEM AMOS untuk menguji tiap-tipa hipotesis dalam penelitian ini.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa employee engagement berpengaruh positifterhadap job satisfaction. Employee engagement juga berpengaruh positifterhadap employee performance. Namun, tidak terdapat pengaruh positif antaraorganizational culture terhadap job satisfaction, job satisfaction terhadapemployee performance, dan organizational culture terhadap employeeperformance. Selanjutnya, untuk pengaruh tidak langsung juga tidakmenunjukkan pengaruh positif antar variabel, organizational culture terhadapemployee performance dan employee engagement terhadap employeeperformance, kedua pengaruh variabel dimediasi dengan job satisfaction.
T This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture and employeeengagement to employee performance with job satisfaction as a mediator variable.The data used in this study is primary data sourced directly from the objects inthis study, one of startup company in Jakarta, PT Generasi Teknologi Buana. Thesample in this study was selected using the non probability sampling method sothat 195 respondents were obtained as samples from a total population of 200.Analysis of the data used the SPSS program to test each statement item's validityand reliability and use the SEM AMOS program to test each hypothesis in thisstudy. The results revealed that there was a positive effects between employeeengagement and job satisfaction. The results also revealed a positive effectsbetween employee engagement and employee performance. However, there wasno directly positive impact between organizational culture and job satisfaction,job satisfaction and employee performance, organizational culture and employeeperformance, also there was no positive impact in indirect variable betweenorganizational culture and employee performance, employee engagement andemployee performance, both with job satisfaction as mediator variable.