Pengaruh environmental knowledge, brand image, product quality, price fairness terhadap purchase intention
Nomor Panggil : 022002001021
Penerbit : FEB - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2024
Pembimbing 1 : Asep Hermawan
Subyek : Marketing management
Kata Kunci : environmental knowledge, brand image, product quality, price fairness, purchase intention
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002001021_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 11 | |
2. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002001021_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 6 | |
3. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002001021_BAB-1-Pendahuluan.pdf | 11 | |
4. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002001021_BAB-2-Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf | 12 |
5. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002001021_BAB-3-Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf | 14 |
6. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002001021_BAB-4-Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf | 12 |
7. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002001021_BAB-5-Kesimpulan.pdf | 6 | |
8. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002001021_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 7 | |
9. | 2024_TA_SMJ_022002001021_Lampiran.pdf | 16 |
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Environmental Knowledge, Brand Image, Product Quality, Price Fairness terhadap Purchase Intention. Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara online kepada konsumen yang pernah memiliki pengalaman menaiki atau mengendarai mobil hybrid minimal 1 kali dalam kurun waktu 1 bulan. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 216 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu purposive sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi berganda (Multiplel Relgrelssioln) dengan menggunakan software SPSS.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Environmental Knowledge berpengaruh positif terhadap Purchase Intention, Brand Image berpengaruh positif terhadap Purchase Intention, Product Quality berpengaruh positif terhadap Purchase Intention, dan Price Fairness berpengaruh positif terhadap Purchase Intention.
T This study aims to analyze the effect of Environmental Knowledge, Brand Image, Product Quality, Price Fairness on Purchase Intention. Data were obtained by distributing questionnaires online to consumers who had experience riding or driving a hybrid car at least once within a period of 1 month. The number of samples used in this study were 216 respondents with a sampling technique that was purposive sampling. The data analysis method used in this study is the multiple regression (Multiple Regression) using SPSS software.The results showed that Environmental Knowledge has a positive effect on Purchase Intention, Brand Image has a positive effect on Purchase Intention, Product Quality has a positive effect on Purchase Intention, and Price Fairness has a positive effect on Purchase Intention.